Choose your weapon thread

I do know that. We were going to make some serious money selling software to gunshops (this is when I became aware of how many gunshops were near me) because of the buying frenzy, but there were some issues and we ended up not doing it. I had even made a new gun-themed website for us.
Sorry buddy, the MP7 does not use 9mm ammo. bla bla bla

Do a bit of research next time
Damn you! you're right u__u
Yeah in that case I'd probably try and get my hands on a MP5 or a PSG1.
(I'm not doing my background research here, but if I recall correctly its dutch standard issue stuff for the navy, and I live close to a navy base in amsterdam, woot.)
Yeah, our gunstores are always sold out of 5.56. I've been buying my ammo on the internet. It's much cheaper that way too.
You people entertain me. A dozen full-auto weapons, two-dozen semiauto high-caliber pistols.

Not one of you has a weapon suitable for shooting and killing small game without attracting attention for 2 miles.


Taurus 991 Tracker .22 Magnum, it will load any rimmed .22 round and shoots 9 shots. Great for headshotting zombies quietly or killing that squirrel for the stew-pot.

As for a primary weapon? Well if I'm stealing it from Academy or Bass Pro, why bother with a budget?


FN Herstal Standard Autoloading Rifle 7.62x51mm (.308 Win) rifle. I don't need full-auto unless I need to unload some weight from my pack, that's all it's good for. This is, of course, an ideal weapon. What I would more likely carry are these since I already own them:

This is an actual picture of an actual rifle I own, I must say that it makes a poor battle rifle (being a 4+1 Bolt gun), but the trigger is the best in the business (literally, it's uncontested except for multi-thousand-dollar semi-custom rifles) and the scope is pretty good. EDIT: Forgot to mention, it's a .308 Win. Savage Arms.


Since I save weight from the bolt, and I have no close-and-dirty weapon, I'd also have a Springfield Armory 1911


Colt .22 Semiautomatic Pistol, not exactly the most reliable but it's fairly light and I can trust it to kill shit (relatively) quietly.

Since my dad is a monster, he'd carry the M1A (11-pound rifle!) and the P220 and the shotgun and .357 would be carried by some other family member.
I felt this deserved a separate post, lest it be buried under my other one.

5.56 is a great way to pump three rounds into a guy, and then have him turn around and shoot back. It will kill him sure, but he won't know he's dead until you are, too.

7.62x39 is a highly common round in Soviet rounds, and although little of it manufactured here, there are shitloads of stockpiles of it. This is the round used by an SKS or AK-47.

7.62x51 (.308 Win) is a popular hunting cartridge, with higher performance than either previous round, its only limitation being weight. The mass is easily balanced by the fact that one round, one target is usually enough.

The MP5 uses 9x19 Parabellum (standard 9mm pretty much). 9mm has shitty stopping power from a handgun, but in an SMG it will **** you up. The only problem is SMGs are easily the least versatile weapon, ever. They're loud, flashy, and have short range. The only advantage is they are compact and give moderate firepower. A good full-size rifle will win any day both in penetration and range.

The MP7 uses some weird-ass round that is hard as **** to find. Might as well not carry a gun since you can't shoot anyone with no bullets.

Bob Marley has provided corrections on the other previously mistaken information, and although I would not take a Kel-Tec SU-16C, I think it is an excellent firearm and it is my second choice for a survival weapon. I thought about the RFB, but there's not much info on its reliability.
Why don't any of you gun experts comment on my G36?
Well, if price isn't an issue, it's a good gun. I don't pay much attention to German cars or guns, they're both overpriced in most cases.

It's a pretty light gun, as most go, but I'm not a fan of plastic parts, no matter how well-engineered they claim to be. I'd say it's a quality weapon, but due to parts availability I'd avoid it. You'd also be using a full-auto weapon, and a fully automatic weapon is a great way to spray'n'pray without actually killing a single target. It's not exactly super-light either, averaging 8 pounds between the lighter and heavier variants.

I'm not a fan of 5.56 as a rifle cartridge, sure it's good for game and versatility, but for a primary weapon I'd choose a .308 Winchester (7.62x51mm) cartridge in something like the Kel-Tec RFB or the one I listed.

The issue with 5.56 is penetration is shit, it will literally stop when it hits a car door and the round will shatter when hitting tempered glass. .308 will turn cover from 5.56 into concealment.

All in all, it's a good military weapon, but as a survival tool it is mediocre.
Just because it has a full auto mode doesn't mean I'm going to use it.
Why don't any of you gun experts comment on my G36?

You can't even kill undertrained terrorists with it effectively. How are you going to survive a nuclear holocaust with it... where only the best survive!
The AK is a pretty good gun when it isn't a third-hand Soviet rifle made in 1975 that has more replacement parts than originals.
I felt this deserved a separate post, lest it be buried under my other one.

5.56 is a great way to pump three rounds into a guy, and then have him turn around and shoot back. It will kill him sure, but he won't know he's dead until you are, too.

7.62x39 is a highly common round in Soviet rounds, and although little of it manufactured here, there are shitloads of stockpiles of it. This is the round used by an SKS or AK-47.

7.62x51 (.308 Win) is a popular hunting cartridge, with higher performance than either previous round, its only limitation being weight. The mass is easily balanced by the fact that one round, one target is usually enough.

The MP5 uses 9x19 Parabellum (standard 9mm pretty much). 9mm has shitty stopping power from a handgun, but in an SMG it will **** you up. The only problem is SMGs are easily the least versatile weapon, ever. They're loud, flashy, and have short range. The only advantage is they are compact and give moderate firepower. A good full-size rifle will win any day both in penetration and range.

The MP7 uses some weird-ass round that is hard as **** to find. Might as well not carry a gun since you can't shoot anyone with no bullets.

Bob Marley has provided corrections on the other previously mistaken information, and although I would not take a Kel-Tec SU-16C, I think it is an excellent firearm and it is my second choice for a survival weapon. I thought about the RFB, but there's not much info on its reliability.

First of all, you, and your location - Texas - must be one of the awesome things in the world. :p

But what I don't get is how 9mm SMG would be better than an 5.56mm SMG. Or did I deduce that wrong? Of course, I have nowhere near the experience with firearms that you have (and therefore envy you), but I'd think that 5.56mm rounds, with their kinetic energy being more than 9mm rounds, they would work better. I mean, come on, have you seen those combat wound pictures where a guy gets shot by a 9mm in the face, and another gets shot by 5.56 in the face? The latter has no more face to speak of.

This thread wants to make me visit an overpriced firing range.
Well the funny thing is, when I headed out with some friends after I read this thread, one turned to me and said quite plainly we should learn to shoot.

So I think, like, yeah. We're doing it.
Probably a hunting rifle and basic pistol, seeing as I'd probably be camping out. This is only if I were in a group that could cover the rest of stuff that's not long-range.
First of all, you, and your location - Texas - must be one of the awesome things in the world. :p

But what I don't get is how 9mm SMG would be better than an 5.56mm SMG. Or did I deduce that wrong? Of course, I have nowhere near the experience with firearms that you have (and therefore envy you), but I'd think that 5.56mm rounds, with their kinetic energy being more than 9mm rounds, they would work better. I mean, come on, have you seen those combat wound pictures where a guy gets shot by a 9mm in the face, and another gets shot by 5.56 in the face? The latter has no more face to speak of.

This thread wants to make me visit an overpriced firing range.

I'm a fair shot if it comes to killing, but expect no targets with quarter-size groupings at 100 yards.

The issue with 5.56 vs. 9mm is that 5.56 is a tiny, tiny round. It's 45gr (2.9g) at the high end, and when it hits hard surfaces it literally fragments into tiny chunks. 9mm is up to a 140gr (9.7g) round, and has considerably more durability. In addition, a 9mm SMG round with a long barrel will do much to close the KE gap.

5.56 is too good at penetration, essentially. It will go in your chest, and if it comes out, will exit your ass. This is the opposite of a 7.62x51, which goes in the front of you the size of a dime, and exits with a grapefruit-sized hole. In essence, the 7.62 victim has no head to speak of.

I live in the Dallas/Fort Worth area, so the nearby range has a ban on ball ammunition. It all has to be lead-nose for rifles, which means I can't buy cheap, shitty Russian ammo just to have fun with. :(

Believe me, they don't call it spray'n'pray for a reason. Hell, if I had a full auto option in a fight, I'd use it! The reason I chose that FN rifle is it not only forces me to think, because I can't spray, it also has high accuracy at the longer reaches. That means I don't have to get close to **** stuff up. 5.56 has a max effective range of 4-500 yards, and that's if you're damned lucky. I wouldn't trust 5.56 to kill anything reliably outside 250, which is well within the skill of even a mediocre shooter.

EDIT: There needs to be strikethrough text.
I don't really think there'd be much need for long range shooting in this situation. I mean, I'm not in the desert of plains.

Also, I really have no 'temptation' to use full auto. I've played airsoft and OpFlash/ArmA a lot with weapons capable of firing full auto, but I use semi 100% of the time. It's simply more effective. I'm not desensitized by arcade style shooters where enemies take dozens of hits to go down.
Primary Weapon -> Any high caliber assault rifle
Reason - Good for close quarter interaction as well as long distance precision shots.

Secondary -> Hair spray and a lighter
Reason -> If I let them get this close I have only myself to blame. Because of this, I find that a funny yet challenging approach is most suitable. An added benefit is that even though the subject would most likely survive for a longer period of time when compared to a pistol, he would be rendered almost entirely incapacitated with the ability to spread flames to additional targets. What I have here is a weapon with a potentially infinite amount of ammunition (assuming we aren't fighting in the stratosphere where oxygen get's a bit thin).
I don't really think there'd be much need for long range shooting in this situation. I mean, I'm not in the desert of plains.

Also, I really have no 'temptation' to use full auto. I've played airsoft and OpFlash/ArmA a lot with weapons capable of firing full auto, but I use semi 100% of the time. It's simply more effective. I'm desensitized by arcade style shooters where enemies take dozens of hits to go down.

Enjoy yoself. I guarantee you'll want it the moment you hear bullets go whizzing past. It is a pretty fantastic psychological weapon to be sure...

My other question is where you should get this G36.

Maestro's other question was mainly the reason why I didn't go all gun-porn. Gun shops around here are as rare as Warped making a funny post.
O, why are you trying to be /k/?

Title should be 'choose your gun thread.'

There are so many factors into this question that it entirely depends on where you are and how much training you have.

If you're a moron and stay in a city, then yeah, you'll probably want your full auto shit to spray down buildings because you'll be scared shitless by the other 20,000 people who want a claim to the local food supply. You won't need a knife, because everything comes in convenient food stashes, formerly known as grocery stores.

If you have any intelligence you'd go out in the country and raid small-town farms or communities (assuming you don't already live on one, in which case you shouldn't be posting here, Cleetus) for food. For those cases you'll need some kind of decent firepower to overcome whatever proletariat there are, who again, depending on the country we're talking, may or may not be armed. However all of this hinges on what kind of transportation you have, whether you have access to fuel, or whether you have balls of steel and can hike 50 miles a day.

If you're even luckier, and already live rurally with a decently sized wildlife, you're best off. You'll choose your primary weapon depending on the fauna (shotguns for birds and hill game, rifle for bigger beasts), and your secondary will be a knife. Let the hunting begin.

Everyone who mentioned any gun that uses ammo other than 9mm, 7.62x39 or 12 gauge will spend 50% of their time searching for ammo and the other 50% servicing their complicated guns. Also, lolglocks. I also can't believe someone even mentioned AS Val. The only place you'd find the supplies for that thing would be in Russia. So you're in Russia, and you don't choose an AK variant?

My personal preference would be any 12-gauge American pump action with a wooden stock. There's myriad variety of ammo in 12g, and (again, I'm imagining I'lll be in Canada/States) 12-gauge shot is everywhere. This is for huntin' mode.

For people killin'? Primary: .308 Winchester (preferably bolt) rifle. Secondary: binoculars. Strategy: run for the hills. I'd kite anybody stupid enough to try and follow me.

Since I'm not a survivalist but a city dork, I don't know how to dress animals. So I'd be just as ****ed as everyone else. Except I'd know why I'm ****ed.
I've been eagerly anticipating your post, Viper.

Anyway, are you saying there's more 7.62 ammo than there is 5.56 in America? That just doesn't make sense to me. What about in an army depot?
It's god damn anarchy and rebellion! There's no more guards there.
O, why are you trying to be /k/?

Title should be 'choose your gun thread.'

There are so many factors into this question that it entirely depends on where you are and how much training you have.

If you're a moron and stay in a city, then yeah, you'll probably want your full auto shit to spray down buildings because you'll be scared shitless by the other 20,000 people who want a claim to the local food supply. You won't need a knife, because everything comes in convenient food stashes, formerly known as grocery stores.

If you have any intelligence you'd go out in the country and raid small-town farms or communities (assuming you don't already live on one, in which case you shouldn't be posting here, Cleetus) for food. For those cases you'll need some kind of decent firepower to overcome whatever proletariat there are, who again, depending on the country we're talking, may or may not be armed. However all of this hinges on what kind of transportation you have, whether you have access to fuel, or whether you have balls of steel and can hike 50 miles a day.

If you're even luckier, and already live rurally with a decently sized wildlife, you're best off. You'll choose your primary weapon depending on the fauna (shotguns for birds and hill game, rifle for bigger beasts), and your secondary will be a knife. Let the hunting begin.

Everyone who mentioned any gun that uses ammo other than 9mm, 7.62x39 or 12 gauge will spend 50% of their time searching for ammo and the other 50% servicing their complicated guns. Also, lolglocks. I also can't believe someone even mentioned AS Val. The only place you'd find the supplies for that thing would be in Russia. So you're in Russia, and you don't choose an AK variant?

My personal preference would be any 12-gauge American pump action with a wooden stock. There's myriad variety of ammo in 12g, and (again, I'm imagining I'lll be in Canada/States) 12-gauge shot is everywhere. This is for huntin' mode.

For people killin'? Primary: .308 Winchester (preferably bolt) rifle. Secondary: binoculars. Strategy: run for the hills. I'd kite anybody stupid enough to try and follow me.

Since I'm not a survivalist but a city dork, I don't know how to dress animals. So I'd be just as ****ed as everyone else. Except I'd know why I'm ****ed.

Try that, get back to me with the whole 'country raiding.' As for me? I'll be occupying a nearby scout ranch with a water treatment plant, food service facilities, and enough farm equipment and propane fuel to make things run quite smoothly. There's also LP gas and crude pumping nearby for generator fuel, the question is how to set the generators up. Living a nomad's life is the surest way to die early.

It's god damn anarchy and rebellion! There's no more guards there.

I'm getting tired of you laughing at me.

You weren't joking?

Man, the first place that will close the gates and turn into a porcupine with rifle barrels for spikes is a military base. Why do you think I'm going to occupy a nearly empty ranch with the bare essentials for starting a functioning, self-sustained organization? Because not many people will go there.
Army bases will definitely be a place that either the rag tag military leftovers will defend... and roving gangs of bandits will attempt to overrun in order to get vehicles, weapons, and MOST IMPORTANTLY TANKS!

That gives me a great idea for a story. Muahaha.
Anyway, are you saying there's more 7.62 ammo than there is 5.56 in America? That just doesn't make sense to me. What about in an army depot?

No. I said 7.62x39mm (AK ammo for: Russia, Soviet bloc, poor orient countries), as in 'this bullet will be everywhere.' Same with 9mm. 5.56 nato is a fickle thing and is not super popular with North American hunters, whereas, again speaking from general experience, .308 is much more common. Heck even 7.62 nato is probably more prominent in the US from its being used in every .30 cal MG and many pre-nato weapons being rebored to it (general purpose ammo keke).

Try that, get back to me with the whole 'country raiding.' As for me? I'll be occupying a nearby scout ranch with a water treatment plant, food service facilities, and enough farm equipment and propane fuel to make things run quite smoothly. There's also LP gas and crude pumping nearby for generator fuel, the question is how to set the generators up. Living a nomad's life is the surest way to die early.

it entirely depends on where you are


I'm basically saying that if there was total unrest and everyone turned against everyone, a hunter would have the best chance. Lots of resources? Someone is likely to find out. Hiding in the woods? No one wants to follow you. But again, depends on jverne's vague scenario. Realistically, those that banded together would have the best chance, but since this is a 'you are alone' thread, my money is obviously going on the crazed paranoid survivalist.
I felt this deserved a separate post, lest it be buried under my other one.

5.56 is a great way to pump three rounds into a guy, and then have him turn around and shoot back. It will kill him sure, but he won't know he's dead until you are, too.

7.62x51 (.308 Win) is a popular hunting cartridge, with higher performance than either previous round, its only limitation being weight. The mass is easily balanced by the fact that one round, one target is usually enough.

The MP5 uses 9x19 Parabellum (standard 9mm pretty much). 9mm has shitty stopping power from a handgun, but in an SMG it will **** you up.

I felt this deserved a separate post, just to point out your inconsistencies in logic.

You complain about the 5.56's lack of stopping power. Alright, I'll give you that, it won't tangerine someone like other rounds. You also complain that '9mm has shitty stopping power from a handgun.'

But earlier you posted two .22 pistols. .22.

Are you serious? Yeah, it may be the most prolific round ever, but for crying out loud it can bounce off of people's skulls. Stopping power? You wish. 9mm and 5.56 are blessings compared to .22. Unless we're talking full auto on 25 yard targets, you aren't going to want a .22 pistol over a 9mm if you're trying to kill someone.

You best be trollin'.
My wits.

Creepy ass gun-nuts up in here
Poisoned Brownies. They would lull people into a false sense of security because they'd think I was trying to be friends. Also everyone would eat them because they are so yummy. Especially in a post apocalyptic situation, because everyone would be depressed and would want brownies to cheer themselves up.

Well this is tough, since what you're looking for in a weapon would depend on what particular brand of apocalypse you're experiencing.

I've only given the zombie apocalypse scenario (read: the least likely scenario) any great deal of thought when it comes to equipment suitability, and for a situation like that, I would want the following:

As a sidearm: A semi-automatic pistol in 9x19mm. Because:

  • It has a large magazine capacity.
  • It has moderate recoil, which means better accuracy and quicker follow up shots.
  • It's still powerful enough to be reasonably effective against unarmored human targets.
  • Most modern semi-automatic pistols can support attachments, such as weapon lights and sound suppressors. A weapon light would be indispensable in low-light conditions, eliminating the need to wield a flashlight as well as the gun, while a sound suppressor means gunshots won't alert distant zombies, with the added bonus of reduced muzzle flash.
  • 9x19mm is one of the most common handgun calibers around the world, making it relatively easy to find in most places.

Ideal candidates: SIG-Sauer P226/P228/P229, Glock 17/19, FNP-9

As a primary weapon: Ideally, a carbine assault rifle or semi-automatic equivalent (since I'd only use it on semi anyway), probably in 5.56x45mm, preferably with a light attachment. Because:

  • A carbine is relatively small and maneuverable, making it ideal for use in tight quarters, such as inside buildings.
  • But it's still accurate enough to make those ever-important headshots at reasonable distances.
  • Ammunition is common in the Western world, and should be relatively easy to find. It's also pretty light, meaning you can carry plenty of it at a time.
  • Is also reasonably effective against armored human targets.

Ideal candidates: Colt M4 (or civilian equivalent), Heckler & Koch G36C (hard to get, but still)

Of course, what weapons are best for a zombie apocalypse also depends on what kind of zombies we're talking about. I was taking the Romero rules into account. By those rules, stopping power is pretty much irrelevant, since Romero-style zombies can only be killed by headshots, you don't need much stopping power. All that matters is penetrating the skull and destroying the brain, and even a bullet fired from a small-caliber pocket pistol can do that. All that's important is the ability to make lots of accurate shots quickly, so accuracy trumps stopping power.
Holy crap I can't believe the massive essays in this thread. Seeing as I wouldn't intend to be taking on an army I'd want something silenced with subsonic bullets and possibly a scope (if subsonic bullets can be that accurate) and also lightweight.

For a side-arm a Colt Python because I just like revolvers. That could be scoped too I guess.

Also molotov cocktails because not only are they good weapons, if you need petrol you can just take out the cloth :P