Pictures of Yourself the "Jintor demands it happen" version


Shut up, you god damned Klingon.
I have actually been compared to Tom Sizemore before, never Brendan Fraser though. :laugh:
Don't drink that mass produced rice beer all at once! No need to open it for a few hours anyway, just hold it and look cool.



Just gotta shave the pubic stache, and we should be in business for summer!


Sinkoman, didn't you use to have long hair or something? That shit was everywhere.

This looks better - it looks cool.
Sinkoman, didn't you use to have long hair or something? That shit was everywhere.

This looks better - it looks cool.


Yeah. I usually cut it to something like this, and then it'll grow back to being messy as ****, because I don't cut my hair very often.

Long hurr


I don't always drink beer, but when I do, I prefer Dos Equis.
I always drink beer, and when I do, I don't care what kind it is. But since I'm usually paying for it these days, I buy very inexpensive, mass produced American beer in cans. Budweiser costs 2 or 3 times what the beer I drink costs, so that would be like premium beer for me, I guess.
I'm pretty sure Chase would've been a better Anakin than that Christian Hayden-whatever guy.

"Use the Force, padawan."
"It's in my butt."

Seriously, I'd have paid to see that.
Rockin' the post-stasis Chell look, complete with frozen animal grimace caused by atrophied facial muscles, I see.