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Party Escort Bot
Sep 14, 2003
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Yup, that time of year is finally here again. Some white lady is in the process of singing the anthem and kick off is right around the corner. To avoid any confusion for our international friends I'm talking about the good football, not that lame game all you silly non-americans play.

I got my fingers crossed I get to watch the Cowboys play in the super bowl in their home stadium this year. They've been getting better each season since they got Romo and now with Miles Austin I think they might just be able to pull it off or atleast get close as long as Romo doesn't hurt a pinky. Can't wait until Sunday night.
Lol... is it 1995? Not happening. Romo can't cut it no matter how much Miles Austin makes him look good.

Romo doesn't need Austin, he is a nice addition though. Each year since Romo we made good progress, finally won a playoff game last year. I don't want to run my mouth too much until I see them play Sunday.

The Saints are kicking some serious ass right now.
Cowboys? It's all about the Arizona Cardinals!



Wisenhunt bringing us to new heights as a team

The actual game of football is called it because it involves a ball, and the use of your feet primarily. So why did the yanks invent a game involving a ball of some form, and the person carrying the ball primarily, and still landed on football? Haha silly americans.
The actual game of football is called it because it involves a ball, and the use of your feet primarily. So why did the yanks invent a game involving a ball of some form, and the person carrying the ball primarily, and still landed on football? Haha silly americans.

becaue it evolved from rugby/soccer both often called football back then and never lost the name. then I guess soccer got renamed? LOL

edit: just looked it up on wikipedia about soccer.. looks like you brits are the ones that ended up renaming it soccer. haha short for "association"
To avoid any confusion for our international friends I'm talking about the good football, not that lame game all you silly non-americans play.
So silly they even play it with their feet!

Well at least the Ravens might.
Cardinals fan here too, also the first cardinals picture is amazing, they should use them on the helmets :E.

Totally! That's what I have been saying since I first saw that piece of art.

For those that don't know Arizona- it matches our flag.


Football sucks. I don't like it anyway. I kind of hate the fanatical following it has in this country. Why can't a cool sport have that kind of sway over the American populace... like ping pong!
Because sheep are sheep and only like what other sheep like.
lol, people talkin shit about something they've never bothered to try and understand. You don't have to be a redneck or a meathead to like the sport. As with anything, once you start learning the intricacies and nuances of the game, you find the interesting things.


And if that doesn't convince you, just look at my avatar. If that doesn't convince you to like football, then you're hopeless.
lol, people talkin shit about something they've never bothered to try and understand. You don't have to be a redneck or a meathead to like the sport. As with anything, once you start learning the intricacies and nuances of the game, you find the interesting things.


I understand the game. I sat through several thanksgivings with nothing to do but watch the game.

I don't like it, it's simple as that.

I thought you and me were blood brothers... but now the fact that we differ on one thing makes us mortal enemies.
I think most rugby players would beat American Football players in a fight

Lookin' like a young Randy Moss
I think most rugby players would beat American Football players in a fight

Lookin' like a young Randy Moss

LOL yeah right. :laugh: Football players are trained for speed and massively explosive power off the line of scrimage after snap. That helps in a fight. I fought better when I was training for football, most definately.
I'd say that Rugby Players and American Football players would put their differences aside and just party instead.

Because they're both always getting charged for sexual assault.

Smokin' hot. (also that douche is French, doesn't count)

(what I was really going for here was a humorous comment about how American footballers wear all that protective clothing and rugby players just ram into each other and grind taut, naked flesh on rippling sinew and muscle, sweat slicked, bulging and hot, then collapse onto the ground and writhe and grapple and
Smokin' hot. (also that douche is French, doesn't count)

(what I was really going for here was a humorous comment about how American footballers wear all that protective clothing and rugby players just ram into each other and grind taut, naked flesh on rippling sinew and muscle, sweat slicked, bulging and hot, then collapse onto the ground and writhe and grapple and

The hits and collisions in American football have far far more energy and 'brunt force' than in rugby. Compare an American football tackle to a rugby tackle. One is a smash and one is a drag down.

You'll get drag downs in American football too, but you rarely see the smashes in rugby.


NCAA is College, NFL is professional. The college hits are pretty bad too. High school and junior high and even pee-wee hits just as bad sometimes as well.
  • Posting "greatest football hits" compilatory videos
  • Generalising to all football "hits"

**** it man I don't ****ing care let's play some ****ING FOOTBAWWLL

Well at least the Ravens might.

Redskins? Might be a stretch to say the least. Ravens have a chance. Prolly more Colts though because Peyton pretty much just makes plays happen. His line never lets him get sacked so he just sits there until someone gets open. I've been hearing the packers were the NFC favorites... weird.

edit: Also, American football players beat Rugby players. The gear was developed because the game got too rough. It started with a leather flap across your head and grew in to what's necessary today. Some of the biggest, strongest, and fastest athletes in the world are in the NFL.
Redskins? Might be a stretch to say the least. Ravens have a chance. Prolly more Colts though because Peyton pretty much just makes plays happen. His line never lets him get sacked so he just sits there until someone gets open. I've been hearing the packers were the NFC favorites... weird.

edit: Also, American football players beat Rugby players. The gear was developed because the game got too rough. It started with a leather flap across your head and grew in to what's necessary today. Some of the biggest, strongest, and fastest athletes in the world are in the NFL.

Exactly! Mother****ers ****ing DIE sometimes playing football! FOOTBALL! :thumbs:
People have also died playing Rugby, though from what I've heard it's from scrum collapsing. Also, the reason you dont see these "smashes" in Rugby is because it's HIGHLY illegal. All the hits in those videos were to the upper chest/head area, which isnt allowed in Rugby.

But whatever, this is a football thread not a rugby thread.

Gotta say, one of the most amusing things for me was watching my brother (who loves to root for the best teams in every sport no matter who they are, Man U for soccer, Detroit for hockey, Boston for basketball) root for the Patriots when they lost to the Giants in the final :laugh:
american fotbal is technically rugby isnt? is more similiar to rugby than real football
LOL yeah right. :laugh: Football players are trained for speed and massively explosive power off the line of scrimage after snap. That helps in a fight. I fought better when I was training for football, most definately.

Yeah but if the fight went on for more than 30 seconds continuously the handegg players would need to stop and sit down, take a breather.