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  1. T

    Are you stuck? Post in HERE!

    This happens every time I start the level. By the way, when I say "the vortigons rescue me from the Gman", I'm refering to the intro. Just to clarify that 'cause I'm not sure if this happens anywhere else in the game, not being able to play it. Is the intro sequence even supposed to end here? Is...
  2. T

    Half life ... THE MOVIE!!!

    It could be a decent movie if you've never played the game before, but I wouldn't go see it. The fundamental difference betwixt games and movies is that games are interactive challenges. I want to interact with characters, solve all the puzzles, surmount all the obstacles to the end goal and...
  3. T

    Is Lamarr Actually Tamed?

    The bottom of a headcrab has a gaping bloody hole. What posseses Kleiner to wilfully say "here my pet, hop up", indicating his own head. He must be mad!
  4. T

    Are you stuck? Post in HERE!

    I've got one f*ck of a problem. I got the game, thinking all was well and dandy. After the vortigons (Dunno how to spell it - to lazy to find out) rescu me from the Gman, I find myself unable to move. I am laying facing upwards, with forty seven health. I can look no more than thirty degrees...
  5. T

    Poll: Should Combine Orb Vaporize Player?

    The purpose of a game is to be fun, realism is secondary. Because Elites are rare, I think they should be one shot kill. Games are supposed to be a challenge, there's nothing more fun than seeing how long you can go without picking up health.
  6. T

    Increasing the Challenge in Half-Life 2

    What about playing Highway 17 and Sandtraps on foot? It takes ages, but its fun trying to outrun the antlions. Even more fun is trying to get across massive gaps where normally you can use a ramp. I've only ever done this once, and I forget if it was on normal or hard difficulty.