Are you stuck? Post in HERE!

Yes, that's what I thought. Oh well, looks like I'll have to play something else for now. Shame I got so close to the end.
you could just play from a slightly older save, it should fix itself eventually if you go through the escorting sequence again - it's really not a very difficult sequence anyway, although it's annoying to go through it again, yeah
crashed train

I am stuck in the crashed train with Alex. I cannot find a way to save Alex and get out. HELP!!!!!! Thanks in advance. Candi
Grab at the stalker with your gravity gun. It comes loose eventually.
I've got one f*ck of a problem.
I got the game, thinking all was well and dandy. After the vortigons (Dunno how to spell it - to lazy to find out) rescu me from the Gman, I find myself unable to move. I am laying facing upwards, with forty seven health. I can look no more than thirty degrees to each side. To my right the Citadel towers above me showering detritus ove City 17. I can zoom, but my flashlight won't work nor can I sprint. I can't move at all. I seem to be inside a brush, for to my left there is an edge (of the brush) which clips as I look around. I also seem to be below the fog volume, for when I look to my right I can see where it stops. There is no indication of any non player characters. I have remained in this state for several minutes, and nothing happens. I'll try get a screenshot soon.
This happens every time I start the level. By the way, when I say "the vortigons rescue me from the Gman", I'm refering to the intro. Just to clarify that 'cause I'm not sure if this happens anywhere else in the game, not being able to play it. Is the intro sequence even supposed to end here? Is this where the player is supposed to start?


  • Ep1 Start.jpg
    Ep1 Start.jpg
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Okay, Im stuck at the train station. Ive fought my way up the cars and am now on the upper walkway. Im down to shotgun and pistol ammo and 59 health, but the strider is spewing out black smoke...looks like there is a severe lack of ammo crates in the area now...
Continue along the walkway, jump down, and keep moving until you find a ladder. Climb up and you'll find a lot of rockets.
Excellent, thanks. I thought the infinate rocket part was where you take out the APCs... :p
Found em! took 2 RPGs to get him.

WOW what an ending!!!
#3 Lowlife: invisible things

i am stuck at #3 lowlife where i get down from airduct and supposed to grab the pistol to shoot the locked door. There are two things, it is invisible wall or something that doesnt let me grab the gun. and just before the locked door i cannot proceed to any further. Guess this is a bug.. what should i do??
Use the gravity gun to pull the pistol towards you and through the fence.
two invisible fence?

thanks for quick reply
but i cannot get the pistol and the sticklight not walk to the locked door.
it is like that there is invisible fence just making it like a box.
this is a bug and there is no way i can do so, help!
Iam at the part in the third chapter Low Life where you get the shotgun for the first time. I have been experiencing some problems from the start. Now I cant play further.

the scene where Alyx shoots the zombies...I CANNOT see any truck in that space. Further ahead...when i drop into the room from the vent...I CANNOT see ANY fence. And there is NO ammo or Hand gun on the shelf. And a flare is hanging in the air. Whereas my friend sent me some screenshots and theres a box there.

I have GeForce 5200 [128mb] with the latest Forceware 91.31 drivers. 1 gb RAM. AMD athlon 3500+

i am stuck at #3 lowlife where i get down from airduct and supposed to grab the pistol to shoot the locked door. There are two things, it is invisible wall or something that doesnt let me grab the gun. and just before the locked door i cannot proceed to any further. Guess this is a bug.. what should i do??

Iam having the exact same problem. I did manage to get the shotgun though. But I cant see the hand gun. And then theres this invisable wall. theres no fence. Dont know whether it has something to do with the graphics card since I updated the drivers. Someone please suggest on this problem.

Sorry about the double post.
Sounds like a graphics problem...might I suggest another set of drivers. Maybe try the Omega drivers...
But...on the official site, the lastest Omega release is really old.based on the forceware 66.93. Ive never used omega drivers so dont think they will be any good. Ill try anyway...thanks

Okay i tried it. No luck. Is anyuone else with GeForce 5 series running this game perfectly? or without this fault to say the least?

Oh and by the way I found a solution to that problem. You guys were extremely helpful :p
your welcome, just fyi GeForce 5 is referred to as the FX series by most.
Hahahaha quick reply there. So thats all you know? :p hmmm iam not surprised.

Thanks for the info. ill keep that in mind.
If your stuck you could try turning commentary mode on because the devs explain certain puzzles and situations
i am stuck on the last chapter towards the end when the strider shows up...i think my copy of the game might be bugged because the strider will only fire at the wheel that you use to let alyx leave you. I read some guides that say that teh strider makes a whole or something like that....oh well. help?

I'm on the same situation, too. The Strider keeps shooting that crank and doesn't open the way to the right. Even after 10 minutes the Strider just keeps shooting and doesn't notice me. Any help?
Have you tried reloading from the autosave? Perhaps a script fouled up...
The same thing happened to me today, the strider completely ignores you and keeps shooting the wheel without breaking it. So go to your right when facing the wheel and pick up one of the crates then drop it in front of the wheel then walk back around so you are where you were before then use the gravity gun to cover the wheel with the crate in front of it. So the strider will not be able to shoot it and will use it's cannon instead. It worked for me atleast.
strider glich fix

Iwas stuck with the strider just shooting at the wheel. Here's what worked for me. I took a pallet and put in in front of the wheel. This makes the strider stop shooting. Then I went infront of the strider and grabbed a drum. It took a couple tries but if you throw the drum to the right it might land in a place where you can get it on your side of the fence. I tossed the drum to the left of the last containor and it rolled to the far left corner of the fence, From there i could pick it up over the fence. Then I put the pallet flat in front of the wheel put the drum on top of the pallet in front of the wheel. This caused the strider to use the cannon and uppere the containor door.
Audio Issue

I was playing HL2-ep1 on a friends pc, which is equipped with "6.1" creative speaker system. By default, his Windows speaker system is set to "5.1". Strangely, everytime ep1 started, it always run on "2.1" setting. I did change it to "5.1" in the option menu and "apply". But when I restarted the game, it always started in 2.1 again. I am tired to always do this everytime I play the game. This wasn't an issue when I play HL2 (prior to ep1).
Pls advise me on how to fix this (pls dont advise me to reinstall the game or even the Windows).
I can't get past the Antlions. They keep coming out, but never cease. Is there something I'm missing? I'm sure there's probably a simple soultion too, but I just don't know what that is. Thanks.
Use the gravity gun to push the cars over the holes they come out of...
Help, i am stuck in lowlife, with all the insects coming up of the ground, in thedark, i get killed, during turning the red wheel, at the exit sign, trying to get out.
Any who can tell me what to do?
Help, i am stuck in lowlife, with all the insects coming up of the ground, in thedark, i get killed, during turning the red wheel, at the exit sign, trying to get out.
Any who can tell me what to do?

Comon, block the hole with the car.
Admittedly they didn't exactly point it out to us. A little hint from Alyx would've been nice. "Maybe... you could plug the tunnels, or something?"
There's a hole in the ground with Antlions popping up. There is a car right next to it. You have the Gravity gun.
I was playing HL2-ep1 on a friends pc, which is equipped with "6.1" creative speaker system. By default, his Windows speaker system is set to "5.1". Strangely, everytime ep1 started, it always run on "2.1" setting. I did change it to "5.1" in the option menu and "apply". But when I restarted the game, it always started in 2.1 again. I am tired to always do this everytime I play the game. This wasn't an issue when I play HL2 (prior to ep1).
Pls advise me on how to fix this (pls dont advise me to reinstall the game or even the Windows).

Reinstall maybe? Also, if theres a tech support topic, this should probly go there :) (Ignore this next paragraph if you don't hate computer tech support companies)

also... in the words of all computer tech support companies "Are your speakers plugged in? O_O" "umm... no jackass... I can tell the sound quality is bad by the way it looks..." "Ohh... okay, then plug in your speakers, and maybe that will help..." "okay... they're in..." "Okay... is it better now?" "NO!" "Okay then... Is your sound card plugged in?" "My motherboard doesn't have a sound chip on it, so yes." "Okay then, thatnk you for calling, and remember to always use Dell Computer tech support! :D" "k... thanks... I'll go tell my friends -.-" that's my version of a call to dell for thech support... :D

ahh... I am so bored...

umm... yeah, anyways, for the other people, in the speed run by hobboi, it looked like he went through that trailer on the ground, then the strider fired at the other one, and knocked it down... I could be wrong, cause I don't have the game, but it's just a thought... a hypothesis. :D