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I am stuck in the basement of the hospital. This is after you meet Barney and he tells you to take the rooftops. You eventually end up fighting through a hospital. At one point you fall through the floor into the basement. It has the water in it and I have no idea where to go. Any help is appreciated.
You can find a blue barrel somewhere, put it under the collapsed walkway, then, go and turn the power on.
This will unlock the door at the far end, but dont go into the water as it is electrified.
Navigate your way over the pipes and walkways to the door.

Jump across the lift shaft, careful of the barnicles, climb the ladder, go through the vent, and activate the powerbox after blowing up the tripmines.
CrazyJeepDriver said:
Jump across the lift shaft, careful of the barnicles, climb the ladder, go through the vent, and activate the powerbox after blowing up the tripmines.

I actually rode up on the barnicle (sp?) tounge nearest the vent. Once near the top, shotty the barnicle and you can strafe in the air to the ledge near the vent.
incorrigible said:

Hey, he is wrong or kidding you the real solution is a switch you must have missed on the 2nd bridge plarform outcove before walking across to the center. It will extend all the bridges. Good luck!
after you raise the ray thing

I raised the ray thing , killed some solders and went down the hallway .What do i do next
wlfranks said:
I raised the ray thing , killed some solders and went down the hallway .What do i do next

...I suggest you do it 2 more times, as there are 3 rays...
I posted earlier in this thread about the section where you have to fight HORDES of those **** ***** **** zombies in the dark while the elevator descents.

I'm foaming around the mouth and starting to pull out my hair, for ****'* sake.

In this area there are several problems:

1) Zombines are extremely strong and most of the time they pull out their grenades before i have the chance to kill them.
2) Since the flashlight run's out (that's suppose to be the HEV Mark V !?!?! :frown:) you have to wait in the dark sometimes. Valve programmed that in those situations a zombine immediately pops up resulting in the destruction of half of my health.
3) Because problem #2) i don't have the time to fortify a posision before the battle during the descent of the elevator starts.

I REALLY need some professional help, somebody please explain how to complete this area from the moment you enter.
Slickerik said:
1) Zombines are extremely strong and most of the time they pull out their grenades before i have the chance to kill them.
2) Since the flashlight run's out (that's suppose to be the HEV Mark V !?!?! :frown:) you have to wait in the dark sometimes. Valve programmed that in those situations a zombine immediately pops up resulting in the destruction of half of my health.
3) Because problem #2) i don't have the time to fortify a posision before the battle during the descent of the elevator starts.
1. Try shooting double blasts with your shotgun at the Zombines. If that doesn't work, simply fight the Zombines from as far away as possible and retreat if they conjure up a grenade. From what I can remember, the Zombines don't run very fast when they have a nade out.

2. Your flashlight should last enough time to get you through one dark spot. Always recharge your flashlight power before venturing into these dark spots. If an enemy suddenly shows up when you lost flashlight power, you might have the ability to use the flashlight for several seconds, just enough time for you to find the threat and deal with it.

3. Battlefield preparations for the elevator sequence should be done before you activate the power for the elevator. Be sure to recharge your flashlight just before you throw the power switch just in case.
Also, you can grab grenades from the zombines using the gravity gun, disarming them and giving yourself a weapon.
That zombine level scared the SHIT out of me, im never playing it AGAIN (because i played it PITCH FREAKING BLACK and at 1:00 in the morning :(.) (Then i couldn't sleep for an hour!)
Black Op said:
1. Try shooting double blasts with your shotgun at the Zombines. If that doesn't work, simply fight the Zombines from as far away as possible and retreat if they conjure up a grenade. From what I can remember, the Zombines don't run very fast when they have a nade out.

2. Your flashlight should last enough time to get you through one dark spot. Always recharge your flashlight power before venturing into these dark spots. If an enemy suddenly shows up when you lost flashlight power, you might have the ability to use the flashlight for several seconds, just enough time for you to find the threat and deal with it.

3. Battlefield preparations for the elevator sequence should be done before you activate the power for the elevator. Be sure to recharge your flashlight just before you throw the power switch just in case.
How is it that they don't have ****ing batteries in the future?
Who thought it'd be a good idea to make flashlights that just stop working after 90 seconds. wtf is that?

If you're using your flashlight it's probably because of an emergency
Most emergencies last longer than 90 seconds
You're gonna be screwed with a flashlight that does that
It's just not a safe idea
Ikerous said:
How is it that they don't have ****ing batteries in the future?

It's only 20 years on from now, and you don't expect the Combine to produce em do you? They have explosive barrels to distribute, nevermind batteries...
Im stuck now in the train yard...The striders keep shooting me and now the door closed and will not open again...what do i do?
RX7God said:
Im stuck now in the train yard...The striders keep shooting me and now the door closed and will not open again...what do i do?
When the strider come just keep ducked behind the crank post. The strider will shoot it and break it. Stay there. The strider will shoot again, watch where he shoots, it will create an opening.
Ive already gone through all of the containers and am now ontop of the red containers but there is no-where else to go now. And, the striders keep coming...
striders? as far as i remember, there was only one strider.
i was stuck between those containers for a while also. but it's possible to walk up on the container, that is raised. from there, i think you'll find the route.
I killed off a couple of striders with rocket propelled grenades...

But, i have gone through a couple of containmers leading up to a conmtaiuner with a couple of poison headcrabs in it AND NOW i am in top of red containers.
Look carefully and you'll see a platform with a aldder(I think it has a ladder) and jump onto it from the top containers, F5
When you go out the container with the poison crabs look left. You can jump onto one of the containers and use it as a ramp to the next level.
What the hell....
Im at the beginning of episode 1...Following alex I jumped down the ledge,jumped another one,jumped across,go around the corner,ducked under some pipes and come up to a junk car blocking the way....

Using the gravity gun nothing happens, I am able to use the gun to pick up objects but that car...nothing..I also tried to blast the car with this gun...doesnt fire.

I even looked at the walkthrough, it says use the gravity gun....grrrrr
dj12 said:
What the hell....
Im at the beginning of episode 1...Following alex I jumped down the ledge,jumped another one,jumped across,go around the corner,ducked under some pipes and come up to a junk car blocking the way....

Using the gravity gun nothing happens, I am able to use the gun to pick up objects but that car...nothing..I also tried to blast the car with this gun...doesnt fire.

I even looked at the walkthrough, it says use the gravity gun....grrrrr

Get right up next to it and just left click the gravity'll blow the car into the crevass and clear the way!
hi all
i'm stucked on the roof of the hospital, the helicopter keep shooting my ass , the rocket launder seems do no harm to it and i find no way out of here, what can i do?
Keep firing at it. The Gunship will go down after at least three hits (if you're on Easy mode). However the thing does have a nasty tendency to shoot your rockets down. Just make sure you have access to that rocket crate and you'll do fine.
On Easy 3 hits, on Noramal, 5 and on Hard 7 IIRC.
Don't shoot the rockets directly at it or it will shoot them down. Aim away from it and then bring it up from behind (the rockets will follow the laser sight) or corkscrew the rocket (spin the mouse in a circle)
stuck in lowlife

Yes, help!!! Stuck in the garage(Lowlife)

Thank you!
Move cars over Antlion burrows. You'll have to travel up two floors in order to find all the cars you need.
Are you in the multistory garage part, or the part right before that with the one antlion hole and the closed door. Because you have to know how to get through the multistory garage if you were able to get past the single burrow.
Less of the...




please :D
Tip: jpegs are a much smaller filesize for large images.
Alyx should've jumped down when you killed the ant guard. :\
Replay the battle?
It took a couple of tries, but she finally came down...Thanks.
Played the game all the way through to the last level at the station. Saved each of the groups of civilians and transported them over safely to the station without losing any of them (none killed along the way). The last time Barney comes along with the final group and we get to the station safely, then.....nothing. Barney tells me to 'defend the citizens. Get them to the trains!' and Alyx stands there like a dozy bint with her arms at her side.

I think Alyx is supposed to open the door for me, but she just stands there. There's a room with a large iron doorto the left that is closed, three windows where I can see the train on the platform, and Alyx, Barney, a couple of people I rescued. There's nowhere else I can actually go, unless I go back into the station area and use a mounted gun to kill a couple of bods. I kill a couple, run back into the room and nowt happens.

Thanks for any help - it's driving me crazy.