Are you stuck? Post in HERE!

Van, That didn't really help him. BTW Maxwell, just reset it to 5.1 every time you start. Sure it's a minor inconvenience, but it'll be worth it for the sound quality.

Thanx! Plugged the holes, and moved on, but i`m stuck again in the dark, find the elevatorswitch, but getting killed instantly, before i know what to do in there.... Any hints?:sniper:
Thanx! Plugged the holes, and moved on, but i`m stuck again in the dark, find the elevatorswitch, but getting killed instantly, before i know what to do in there.... Any hints?:sniper:

Turn on the power, and wait for the lift comes.

And you are the reason why the number of zombies is seriously reduced! :sniper:
Killed instantly? No way. You're going to have to fight your way through a massive horde of zombies! [1]

[1] Less than 20. How many people are you going to headcrab in an underground parking lot anyway?
Help required !

Hope ye can help me out here..

I'm stuck in the room where you pick up the shotgun and handgun, after coming through the vent.

The only way I can get through the chain-door with the pad-lock on it is to expend ALL my shotgun and pistol ammo. If I do this and go through the door and move on, I can't pick up any additional ammo for shotgun or handgun -

it show 'FULL' in red on the right of the screen (as if I had full ammo for both), even though I have zero ammo left :(

I tried reloading the previous save and working through again, but got the same result.

Any ideas?? :rolling:
Yeah that's what I thought.... but the mad thing is I tried shooting the padlock off with weapons, and the grav gun.... no effect.

I was blasting away at the window that Alyx is looking through and ran out of ammo, then the door opened !? I wasn't even aiming at the padlock !

I'm resigned to the fact that this is another damn bug.

Earlier, I just got onto the train, and it took off along the tracks, leaving Alyx standing on the platform :)

I thought 'oh it's whats supposed to happen' and sat for 10 mins waiting for the train to arrive somewhere !
stuck in black mesa east

hey guys. Im a little angry over this shit :p im stuck on a place I been trying to get threw a long time now. It's when you jumped with the "boat thing" threw the damm, and you come to a "powerhouse" or what the **** it is. And in there it is a room with doors om each side. And there are cameras and i cant get yout of there. It says error when i push the button =/ help!
a) That's Half-Life 2, not Half-Life 2 Episode 1.

b) You should wait for an event to trigger. It should've triggered automatically when you went into the room.
ok sprry didn't see that it is eposode i must wait for something to happen? just wait?
im stuck in low life after i went through the vent where i get the shotgun and pistol and there are like invisible walls blocking me from getting the pistol and opening the door to get to alex.
im stuck in low life after i went through the vent where i get the shotgun and pistol and there are like invisible walls blocking me from getting the pistol and opening the door to get to alex.

Got a screenshot?
well a ss wouldnt really help as i said before the walls are invisible so it would look like the regular board just with invisible were i cant move.Its right after the train crashes and you go in a pitch black hallway and in to a duct to turn the elctric on then after that you fight like 10-20 zombies but i cant fight the zombies as there are invisible walls i can just open the door and see them. played HL2 and didnt have no errors and i have seen posts about this but have gone un ansered so sice im stuck i added a different post and its not my grapic card cause as i said i played and beaten HL 2 with no errors. also i cannot take ss the prev owner somehow disabled them
i fixed it with no help from anyone only one comment in 2 days sad not even a mod would take the time to help i hade to go to i diffrent forum just to get a little help
hi all,
im stuck at the end of the first level and i feel so dumb. as soon as i get on the elevator going down , debris crashes into it. i looked up and try to blow things away with my gravity gun,but i fail all the time...sometimes i cant even see what has hit the elevatior. help ,anyone?
another thing, i'm walking around with a measly 40 this normal at this stage or am i missing any health packs?
1. Do NOT use energy ball.
2. Use primary attack of the gravity gun to push of the debris. The left mouse button in most of the case.
3. Make sure you hit the debris before it touches the elevator.
Yeah, using the catch and throw technique is much easier, considering there is only one large peice of debris coming down at a time.
another thing, i'm walking around with a measly 40 this normal at this stage or am i missing any health packs?

that was a glitch in the graphics. no health packs or chargers on the walls were visible.had to reinstall the game. everything works fine now.
What's the best tactic to survive the battle during the wait for the elevator in the carpark area??? I just can't survive that long standing in front of that crappy elevator!!!

Help would be most appreciated

I've found that the best way to beat that level, and all Zombines in general, especially in the dark, is to point your flashlight and run towards them, preferably with a shotgun.

You do two things by doing this: first, you let Alyx aim at them properly, and second, once they're dead, you have leg room to turn around and run back to where you started, especially since nine times out of ten a Zombine will drop a live grenade upon dying.
Cant go back

Trying to go back to avoid the jumping bug on Our Benefactors, the first last save is Anticitizen one, that means a lot to do.

Edit, Also if I go back that far to get to where I am now, to have the same bug pop up again will be soul destroying.
Why are my save being deleted., theres eight saves in total, does the last save delete the first save.
I think so, the old ones get deleted. Anyway, if you don't have any decent saves on the last chapter, you can go to New Game, then scroll across and pick the last chapter. That means you'll need to play from the start of that chapter, but that's not too bad eh? Also, if you don't want that bug again - don't jump when in those little pod things. (and save regularly).
I think so, the old ones get deleted. Anyway, if you don't have any decent saves on the last chapter, you can go to New Game, then scroll across and pick the last chapter. That means you'll need to play from the start of that chapter, but that's not too bad eh? Also, if you don't want that bug again - don't jump when in those little pod things. (and save regularly).

Ok thanks, but I promise I didn't jump in the pod.

I'm here again and my jump still works

I promise ill not jump in the pod, theres no need.
Hi, I just dropped off all the citizens at the trainyard, but then Barney says that I either have to pick up some more citizens, or put them on the train. When I returned back the house (where you pick up citizens), there were no citizens there. Need some serious help. Here's a shot for refrence:


These are the two last citizens to drop off, but he keeps telling me to get them on the train. how the heck do I get them on the train?
Try reloading from that point. After all the citizens and Alyx show up in there, she closes the door, and everybody gets on the trains...
nothign is happening. she's just standing there with her arms out. both her and Barney are there!
Is the way to the trainstation clear? Maybe the game is aiting for you to move ahead...
Push her around a bit, use her (press E, you dirty fellow). Barney's waiting for Alyx to close the door so that the script can be set in motion.

As vikram says, try walking to the other door. Something needs to happen.
I did exactly what you said, but nothing happened. I tried pressing E (but nothing happened) so I pushed her to the middle, but she's just standing there with her arms out.

The door won't open, I press E to try and open it, but it just gives a way a click sound and Barney tells me to get them on the train.

and there's nothing behind that other door, unfortunately.

anything else ? Thanks for your replies so far but nothign has helped yet.
I think it's best to reload from a previous save game, preferably one where Barney and the last batch are still with you in the middle of the transport map.

You do have a recent save game, don't you? Otherwise the only thing you can do is restart the whole chapter. That doesn't sound so good, I'm afraid.
This is crap. I've tried a million things, none have worked. I'm quitting, thanks for your help anyway.
Is the game a legal copy? Cause I think thats a normal bug in Illegal copies. sorry if it was, i didnt bother reading back.
Stupidly stuck, I've played it before and did it NP last time NP.

I'm running around with Alyx in the dark, trying to find the lift, I'm lucky to be alive, it seems to be a big problem for others.
Im at the citadel at the elevator that collapses. According to the walkthrough i should hurl the falling debris with my grav but i only see sparks falling and the elevator collapses everytime. I try to grab the sparks and send em away but 9/10 times it doesnt work. I dont see anything i could grab.

Am i missing something here? I cant get past the part and im close to throwing the game outta the window.