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hi all,
im stuck at the end of the first level and i feel so dumb. as soon as i get on the elevator going down , debris crashes into it. i looked up and try to blow things away with my gravity gun,but i fail all the time...sometimes i cant even see what has hit the elevatior. help ,anyone?
another thing, i'm walking around with a measly 40 this normal at this stage or am i missing any health packs?

Im pretty much in the same state as he is... I cant see anything to grab and the elevator crashes.
It should be gigantic pieces of debris that are the big walkways and stuff...

Easiest way is to let it get pretty close, then right click to bring it to you, then left click to shoot it away...
Well, I'm quite stuck.

I'm currently in Chapter 4 inside a hospital. I just fought a Combine gunship, which crashed into the wooden building I was in. At this point, I don't know what to do.

According to online walkthroughs, they say that the combine door will open and soldiers will come out. How do you trigger this? I've spent at least 30 minutes walking around the downed airship, through the area where I fought the Combine soldiers and zombies, and have tried everything possible to activate the combine door. Nothing seems to work.

I've tried reloading earlier save files, restarting the game, but nothing seems to work.

What is the trigger for the combine soldiers to enter? Is there dialog that Alyx is supposed to say? How do I trigger it?

Help would be greatly appreciated!
Um, off the top of my head, and without booting up the game, try walking around the walls while you're on the ground, you may be able to trigger the door to open. Also, try to "use" Alyx, I can't remember if she has any dialog. If all else fails, you may have to replay the level. Or no clip through the door...
While I was "roaming" the area for a while, I tried all of that (minus the replay and the noclip). The game froze when I attempted a noclip. Thankfully, replaying the level did allow for the trigger to occur.

One thing I noted the successful time through is that Alyx actually followed me to the battle with the gunship. The other times, she didn't. She just stood at the loading point into the hospital.