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  1. J

    really the only thing after the source engine is...

    Yeah but how do robots interpret the asimov rules? How would you? How can one know for sure that ones actions may or may not harm someone, sometimes a action to prevent harm, triggers a chain reaction which results in the way you tried to avoid. "What a mind job." :cool:
  2. J

    really the only thing after the source engine is...

    Yeah, nano tech is powerful stuff... And it well be the end of all human kind. =)
  3. J

    What source DOESNT have.

    Could be done, just apply force from the feet to the joints...
  4. J

    What source DOESNT have.

    Cleric Ban those asses!!
  5. J

    What source DOESNT have.

    You know when i come to think of it, clothes wouldnt be that difficult to emulate either, take the springs idea, but make i web like this: *--*--*--*--* *--*--*--*--* *--*--*--*--* *--*--*--*--* *--*--*--*--* *--*--*--*--* And then take the joints and interpolate a plane over these...
  6. J

    What source DOESNT have.

    Wesisapie, but remember, reallity is no fun, you cant jump down 30 meters and continue shooting rockets at mates. =)
  7. J

    What source DOESNT have.

    I remember someone asking (on this or other forum) about what is there beyond source. I think its my duty to clarify. Im a pre grad in computer science, and have read some mechanics. So just take my word for it, (or dont, but read anyway). :cool: 5 years ago, ( think HL1 ) games, didnt have...
  8. J

    Great Map Idea to Challenge Physics

    Wesisapie, if you read how it was made you ll see that the tires were filled with bolts and other heavy stuff, thus changing its center of gravity. Its possible.
  9. J

    Great Map Idea to Challenge Physics

    The honda accord ad, search "honda accord the cog" (movies name is "the cog") truly awsome footage. Filmed. Also im trying to find "the way of things" its a similar movie anyone go it?
  10. J

    New media was a joke

    :cool: Hay ppl, calm down. Its not even 2 PM pacific time. The whole crew is prolly having lunch (scratch that, considering they are software developers, its moke like brunch) and laughing their asses off because of some very very anxios/wierd ppl here. Sure im impatient too, but you know...
  11. J

    Gameplay thougts...

    The thing that differs HL gameplay from all other shooters is the fact that the game makes one feel smal, unimportant. In doom you ARE the center of the universe so to say, however in HL, ýou are less important, in GTA3 for example, they totally succed in making you a part of a big whole where...
  12. J

    Gameplay thougts...

    Well, it was a robot for radioctive enviroments, albeit a VERY cool one. Yeah, you might be rigth, maybe theyll grant us the joy of controling the destuctive power of a mechanical beast... *smiles the grinch smile...*
  13. J

    Half-Life 2 postponed? :(

    piece of crap, nuff said.
  14. J


    That mystical ball is not that mystical att all, quite boring in fact. Cause they ask you to pick a random 2 digit number, so you have the numbers betbeen 10 and 99 to those from. Then substract the sum of the digits from the number. 25 would result in 25-(2+5)=18. BUT as would any other...
  15. J

    Gameplay thougts...

    You know guys I was thinking, while waiting impatiently for the video, about vehicles. In some interview, mail, review, Gabe said: "It possible to define physical joints etc." My imagination went havok, :cool: what about mech suits, as in alien, matrix reloaded, where you jump in as a driver...