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  1. N

    Spitcodfry's trip to valve

    australia. gimme some cause im sure some is due
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    Spitcodfry's trip to valve

    dont get me wrong, i was getting called a racist the other day for saying the japanese have wierd fetishes like rape that i dont agree with. i love the country as i do america. we all have shortcomings. i just want them to be recognized. im mean how else do you progress?
  3. N

    Spitcodfry's trip to valve

    sorry one more thing, we have a show here where there is a segement ala "americans say the dumbest things" looking at a globe do you think the general populace can name a country outside the states? (of course they wouldnt show the right answers but man, i dont think thered be that many)
  4. N

    Spitcodfry's trip to valve

    "Some people are even over-weight and can't help it, it's something to deal with their genes." they might be gentically predisposed to gain weight more than the average person but anyone MOST CERTAINLY CAN help themselves. you dont just magically gain fat from thin air. you have to ingest...
  5. N

    The Administrator ...

    i dont think they changed it, just that the guy who wrote the script assumed it. The g-man does not run the show. remember he had to talk to his employers just to keep shepard alive.
  6. N

    Where is everyone from ?

    sydney, australia
  7. N

    Best single player FPS experience (revised)?

    Half Life, no doubt about it. that's why i so eagerly await half life 2
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    MP7-PDW...the dinky gun?

    with pistols anything beyond 20-25 metres is potluck. i read some articles the nypd and military have done with bullet paths through flesh. they also used pigs and gelatinous bodies. wierd how different some paths are from seemingly similiar bullets. some tumble through others take out a...
  9. N

    Half Life 2: ?

    Half-Life 2: Combined Half-Life 2: Delayed Half-Life 2: When its done Half-Life 2: G-Man does Budapest Half-Life 2: Commie Combine from Outer Space