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  1. polly-pocket

    wip: ao_mill [map for Agent Online mod]

    This guys a genius. He understands what I mean. Once I find these leask and do abit more to the map it will be ready to test and screenshot!
  2. polly-pocket

    Spiky Models!?

    LOL I DIDN'T read it properly. lol. I just glanced at a mesh of comand lines and thought l8er ... hehe Ill do it now! EDIT: Well will the inverted alpha appear that way ingame or is it just in hammer? And if it does effect ingame is tehre a easy solution in hammer just to invert them back?
  3. polly-pocket

    wip: ao_mill [map for Agent Online mod]

    What? lol No! Thats just a box which will eventually turn into a mill. Read my post. I just said the layout. I havn't even started on the inside. Touching up the outside first! Then I will do 4 floors, about 7 to 10 rooms on each floor. Its a English 19th century mill. A cotton...
  4. polly-pocket

    wip: Dm_combine_base_assualt

    And when you mean end of the grid you mean teh skybox. And yes theres nothing touching, no leaks ... nuthing!
  5. polly-pocket

    wip: ao_mill [map for Agent Online mod]

    Ok I'm sorry. Don't worry I will once I fit in lights and add mroe too it. You're right, I showed it too early. Wait afew days and Ill update screenshots. Thanks for telling me! I'm too stupid to work it out my self :(
  6. polly-pocket

    wip: Dm_combine_base_assualt

    Does this mean i can not fix it and will have to abandom my map? Or would it work if someone else compiled it for me?
  7. polly-pocket

    wip: Dm_combine_base_assualt

    yeh I tried ... nothing :(
  8. polly-pocket

    First model - Guitar

    Good but dont call it guitar. Its a bass. Either that or the guitar is missing 2 strings :s
  9. polly-pocket

    weapon model

    :sleep: ... lol -polly
  10. polly-pocket

    How to skin Gordon's hands into the other skin?

    Yeh ... I made the orange bits on his HV suit has a arm look green so when he holds a weapon with that part visible it is green along with my green gun mods (makes parts of the gun green liek shotgubn handle ect) But I kinda droppedit as it wasn't so popular with facepunch so I didn't release it.
  11. polly-pocket

    wip: Dm_combine_base_assualt

    Not very friendly, mature or helpful. Please can someone tell me why I get this compile error? (Its at the very end of compile) means no ingame pics and I have made loads of betetr stuff, has cameras, button triggers and weaposn and loads of other cool stuff I have done over past 3 hours!
  12. polly-pocket

    wip: ao_mill [map for Agent Online mod]

    Its a wip. I havn't even started on it properly. Just showing layout. Calm down. :eek:
  13. polly-pocket

    wip: Dm_combine_base_assualt

    I get compile error. It says window has encounted an error file is uknown or summit like that ... Ill send you the part were it goes wrong ... everything apart from the end is messed up! anyhelp please? Compile Error= Loading c:\documents and settings\temp\my documents\hl2...
  14. polly-pocket

    wip: Dm_combine_base_assualt

    INGAME PICTURES OF THIS MAP LATER TODAY!!!!!! please stay tuned to check them out. Just gonna put in lights (not full bright) the take ingame pics from inside DM not gmod!
  15. polly-pocket

    wip: Dm_combine_base_assualt

    Sorry, I will compile it soon and get some ingame screenshots!
  16. polly-pocket

    wip: Dm_combine_base_assualt

    Just wanted you to tell me what I should add or what you think of idea or anything. I was just excited and wanted to show it now :(
  17. polly-pocket

    Spiky Models!?

    I have identicle problem but it never used to do it! Only just started like 3 weeks ago. Its not imposible to work with although it does get confusing when you see a zombie part in the opposite room but you get used to it! My comp or graphics card or proccessor or anything like that isn't crap...
  18. polly-pocket

    wip: ao_mill [map for Agent Online mod]

    This map is for Agent Online mod. I have only just begun but I will try to do regular updates! Here are some screenshots [Remember I have just done the general layout]: Birds eye view: Chimney view 1...
  19. polly-pocket

    wip: Dm_combine_base_assualt

    Its at a too early stage half the lights are not in ... I just thought Id show you my progress so far. I will do ingame shots once I have got all the lights in. I didn't have time to do it today. I promise I will though in afew days ;)
  20. polly-pocket

    wip: Dm_combine_base_assualt

    Right basically your either combine who have cameras all around the map to watch the rebels and there positions. Combine also have a number of buttons to release traps but the traps can only be released once every 30 seconds or so. But the rebels have to take over this big combine base. I have...