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  1. T

    Heavy 1984 and Brazil influences...

    Warning, Complete Spoiler for 1984!! Pfft...I don't think the story of 1984 is that good.. - Winston gets sick of his life under Big Brother, starts being disobediant, tries to join the underground, falls in love with Julia, starts seeing her in the prole house, they get caught by the...
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    The HEV suit and realism: HL1 vs HL2

    Yeah I guess I was mistaken...thanks for the feedback everyone!
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    Striders are apparently serious.

    Shit yeah! I'm thinking something like the Future War sequences in the Terminator and T2 - Gordon driving the buggy through a devestated part of C17, weaving madly to avoid Strider and Manatee (whatever those flying things are called) fire, with Barney or one of the resistance fighters on the...
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    Combine Citadel

    I reckon that the Citadel might to be the HL2 equivalent of Xen... completely alien and perhaps disorienting compared to the rest of the game..a lot of wierdness leading up to the final showdown...- maybe you'll be running through halls of combine soldier-cloning labs, or infant strider creches...
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    The HEV suit and realism: HL1 vs HL2

    I seem to recall that one of Valve's biggest claims to realism for HL1 was that Gordon wasn't dependant on health and energy packs to magically restore his health (although these did exist), as the primary way of staying alive was using the wall-mounted recharging stations.... but there will be...
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    Meh! Aak! How had this not been discussed already?!

    ...and if it has, my apologies.. Has anyone thought that the manipulator should be usable as a grappling device, the same as the barnacle in Op Forces? I can't see any difference - the barnacle would grab organic objects (the manipulator seems to grab and carry anything), and the barnacle would...
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    Heavy 1984 and Brazil influences...

    What makes you think we haven't? Why do you find the comparision with minority report funny? Because you choose to reference a more serious influence?
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    Heavy 1984 and Brazil influences...

    In 35mb video, the Combine in the apartment block reminds me of Minority Report...
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    HL2 Date !!! :D

    Well, I'm as doubtful to this date as I am to any, but I hope it's right because that's four day before my birthday!
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    World War 3

    Well, if the World has been invaded by aliens, that would constitute a War so yeah...duh
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    Beggining of HL2 theory, Spoilers (maybe)

    Well, if the G-Man does brief you at the start of the game, it would contradict what Gabe Newell has been saying all along that at the beginning you will have no idea what is going on at all...
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    Interesting Observations - Just beat OP4 again

    What "new crap"? What are you talking about?
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    Incident Timeline

    This is great, coincidentally I was working on a very similar thing myself last week! My only issue is that the 30-mile crater seems a bit extreme...I would suggest less than 5 miles, not that I am an expert on subterranean nukes....
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    Is it possible? to use cars as

    there was also the sequence where you shoot into a car's engine, it exploded and flew across the street and squished zombies
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    What. The. Funk? I've only been here a couple of weeks, so maybe this is due to my newbishness...
  16. T

    Call me stupid...

    I don't blame you for wanting to read something into what's there, it's fun, but I don't see it myself. Peace-out edit: yeah...plenty of plants and creatures can survive in and out of water...there is even a name for them but I forget..not amphibians, I mean specifically with tidal waters...
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    Call me stupid...

    Well, who says it is an entire ocean? All we can see in the game is about 1-2 miles away. Could be a big bay, an estuary. Actually this is pretty likely given that it is around a dock. Look at it this way, there is nothing shown in the video that you can't see in real life, even in the UK. As...
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    Call me stupid...

    Runteh, not to be rude, but what are you on about? I live in the UK and can look out of my window here in Swansea at the right time of day and the sea is out about 1/3 of a mile. Around the Bristol channel its far more - the vertical tidal range there is up to 15 metres (2nd biggest in the...
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    The G-Man's Employers ....

    Crikey tell us what you really think Xtasyo!
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    Trying to control myself

    Very good question... I really wish I'd never seen so much as I have. I think the perfect balance would have just been the very first video that came out (Quicktime I think) and the first set of screenshots...they really blew me away..but of course the problem is the delay...very hard to stop...