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  1. Geno

    Do you reget seeing some spoilers?

    oh, i thought you meant like.... other stuff. meh.
  2. Geno

    Do you reget seeing some spoilers?

    I'd like to see some spoilers, where where where?
  3. Geno

    Regarding scans - READ!

    I am from planet Jupiter, and sadly, while we DO have the technology to simply teleport things away from people and i could obtain your pitiful earth magazine, the teleportation fees would be astronomical. So please, this is my only chance for PCGAMER! send it to...
  4. Geno

    How long do you think it will be until....

    I think i'll be happy with the SP.... *shrugs*
  5. Geno

    Boring mods

    Yes, let's have some really out there japanese style stuff :p I'd like to see a Ghostbusters mod... maybe.
  6. Geno

    Combine Masks

    I'm sooooo being a COmbine this halloween, awesome.
  7. Geno

    Action Figures!

    Todd McFarlane, creator of Spawn, has a toy figurine business that deals with more brutal (or sports *shudder*) figurines. Hmm... no.
  8. Geno

    Help stop Vivendi's stalemate!

    Recieving = receiving perverbial = proverbial
  9. Geno

    Why are his gloves shiny?

    I have no opinion on this.
  10. Geno

    Do you think HL2 will affect others?

    i think people who like it will play it.... *lame answer'd*
  11. Geno

    Worldwide copycat

    But i DO run everywhere.... i mean what's the point in walking? *DEAD SERIOUS*
  12. Geno

    Will HL2 take character empathy to a new level?

    when you have the last rpg and he's pinned down by a strider it doesn't matter, because there's another strider coming anyway, and i know you don't have enough grenades in your RPG.
  13. Geno

    Gravity affecting crossbow bolts

    whoever said crossbows are for sissies was wrong, it took me like 20 minutes to cock the old crossbow i have, and there's still an arrow lodged in a tree at my old house.
  14. Geno

    Game Cube

    Yargh, Ikaruga, one bastard of a shooter. I don't understand how some people can just complete the game without dying Pattern memorization boyo, pattern memorization.
  15. Geno

    Is there wind in HL2?

    and hundreds of manatees die due to speedboats whacking them on the head.
  16. Geno

    Garg vs. Strider

    The hydra would pwn the tentacle before the tentacles could pwn the strider, and the strider pwns the garg, which pwns batman, who pwns superman, who pwns the hydra.
  17. Geno

    Game Cube

    Ikaruga, Viewtiful Joe, Timesplitters 2, REmake, Soul Calibur 2. and soon: Resident Evil 4, ALien Hominid, Donkey Kong Jungle Beat, and Metroid Prime 2
  18. Geno

    What is this?

    it appears to be some sort of news feed.
  19. Geno

    Water enviorments

    go play wave race
  20. Geno

    the early birds got screwed

    i hope my laptop can play this game! *dead serious, sadly*