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  1. T

    No last minute tweaking before release.

    I would not advise anyone to do much tweaking in the hope of improving HL2 performance so close to release time. I decided to tweak a few processes and such.The result....machine dead in the water.It has taken me 2 days to sort it out. Imagine switching on and finding your PC dead on the 16th...
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    HL2 arcade to include all new MP

    Tiato are said to be including 3 game modes in their HL2 arcade game. They are :- 1)Story mode 2)Co-op 3)Multi player which is "implied" as NOT being Counterstrike. mmmmmm......interesting.
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    Heapsize question

    I have altered my heapsize to try and improve performance after reading a previous thread. I now want to change it back to the original setting but I do not know what this should be. Any ideas? P4 2.4 9800 pro 764 ddr 2100
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    Any difference between dx9 and dx8.1 ?

    Just out of interest I changed from dx9 to 8.1. With everything on high my stress test was 91. Before, with everything on medium and shadows on low I was getting 76. My CSs is also playing a lot smoother.The thing is that I am struggling to find any difference between the graphics. Am I...
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    Thanks, i'm not totally crap then
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    I watch some people play and their crosshairs never expand as much as mine.I crouch,short bursts,same gun but mine always expand a lot more. Is there a tweak that I don't know about? (or I am I just crap)
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    Can you play 2 different games at once?

    I don't want to come home from work on Nov 16 and find my son is 4 hours into the game.Can you play under different names?
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    STEAM Backup - HL2 DVD Cover

    Great work. Any chance of doing the instruction book too :angel:
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    Huge increase in latency (Comcast Broadband)

    I've had the same problem.Normally 40, suddenly 300.Didn't seem to effect anything though, and went back down to normal the next time i logged in.This has happened to me on 2 seperate occasions.
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    Edge review HL2 :)

    If the 10 score is true (and it looks like it may well be) this is the best sign yet that HL2 is going to be somethink special.I trust this mag more than any other though I agree that 10 for Halo was a bit much.However, the other 10's it has given out have been pretty much spot on. HL2 will now...
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    There's a seriously something wrong here

    yeh, I have the same problem. I get 76 fps in the stress test with everything on medium or high. I run CS on medium with low shadows at 1078*768 and get low fps in certain areas.I was told that my cpu was a bottleneck. P4 2.4 512 ddr 2100 9800 pro
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    Best driver for 9800Pro

    I got an extra 2000 on aquamark3 going from 4.9 to lattest omegas.
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    More RAM or new RAM

    oh no, just found out my mother board does not support faster memory. looks like more ram until I can afford a proper mother board then. P4 .2.4 512 ddr 2100 9800 pro some half assed mother board that no one has ever heard of before.
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    More RAM or new RAM

    More RAM or new faster RAM I currently have 512 ddr 2100 and can afford to add another 256. My other option is to add 512 ddr of 3200 and sell the 2100 stuff. Whats my best option.
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    Updating CSS

    My advice, use the time wisely and get practising. It took me about a week to get my first kill. ;) Doing better now though, must be all the new players. :P
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    How many games will I have to trade in to EB games for Half-Life 2?

    I had to trade in about £150 worth to get Doom3 :( You will only be able to get the retail versions from EB.
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    How can I tell if my power supply is enough?

    I have just bought a 9800 pro and the power requirement is said to be 300w. when I opened up to install the card I found I only had 300w (oh no) I did a search on the internet and many people are running on 200w.Apparently it is the quality fo the power supply and not the wattage that is...
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    Unable to remove old drivers

    Yeh, to the letter. Funny thing is I found the files (nv4's)and tried to delete them manually but they just came back so maybe they can't be deleted.
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    Unable to remove old drivers

    I have just changed from a 4200ti to a 9800 pro and am having driver problems. I am unable to clean out all the old Nvidia drivers. I have run Driver Cleaner which says it has deleted several files but when I run it again they are still there. What am I doing wrong?
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    Playing HL2 in offline mode

    I have noticed that when playing valve games in off line mode that steam still takes up a lot of RAM. Is there any way around this as I think I will need as much RAM as possible to play HL2 smoothly.