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  1. digsy

    How long will you take to complete HL2??

    *Gruff voice* Ping pong, the manliest sport I know!
  2. digsy

    How long will you take to complete HL2??

    I can feel my breasts start to form!! Yes this is a stupid topic. I think they are created when people are so desperate for a game that they want to talk about absolutely anything to do with it. That's why most topics have been done. How's this one then: Gordon is really a woman and...
  3. digsy

    How long will you take to complete HL2??

    Actually men can also use the "gets on my tits" expression, and I am male, last time I checked I was anyway. Tis funny looking at people's reactions when they think you are female, makes me consider a sex change :p
  4. digsy

    Gordon Freeman Learning to Shoot

    !!!!! Hehe looks quite like him :D
  5. digsy

    PCZONE Preview, for those who missed it

    I don't think anything about that has been mentioned starfish. That's pretty cool of Valve though, they must really care about the community. After all the money they are going to land with projects like CS2 etc.. it's obviously very beneficial for them to keep in touch with the community.
  6. digsy

    new weapon

    I thought it looked like a tommy gun, but it's been 'proven' that it's some kind of magnum. I'd agree with this actually as you get a glimpse of it in the harbour video.
  7. digsy

    What Conclusions can be drawn....?

    Maybe the combine aren't on the lookout for you at first, and you end up in the apartments somehow. I reckon it's gonna start off like Codename Gordon, at the docks. From where you get on some kind of train through to city17. It would be good if you could choose not to go along with Eli...
  8. digsy

    How long will you take to complete HL2??

    Get on my tits, it means it annoys me. And yes Fusion, yes you can.
  9. digsy

    How long will you take to complete HL2??

    These threads bug me......... We don't know, the game isn't out. Stop asking stupid questions. Sorry but it gets on my tits.
  10. digsy

    I Reformatted And Cant Get My Sound Card To Work

    Are your speakers the type with an external volume control, like the end of a wire?
  11. digsy

    I Reformatted And Cant Get My Sound Card To Work > Half-Life 2 Forums > Half-Life 2 Discussion??????????? Sorry, I'd take a stab at your motherboard not being configured properly if your sound card and video are both on the blink.
  12. digsy

    PCZONE Preview, for those who missed it

    Very strange..
  13. digsy

    PCZONE Preview, for those who missed it

    Yeh i think you need to be a member of the site. This site is running pretty slow today aswell, or is it just me?
  14. digsy

    PCZONE Preview, for those who missed it

    Wewt i'm famous! Yeh the screens are pretty good. I thought I was going to be flamed to hell for this actually, but I forgot many people didn't have access to it. No probs Chris.
  15. digsy

    PCZONE Preview, for those who missed it

    I know most of us will have seen it by now, but PCZone has put their entire interview/preview of HL2 on their site, worth checking out if you haven't already.
  16. digsy

    Nice graphics, but.....

    The combine: efficient killing machines. They also have a soft spot for a bit of spring cleaning.
  17. digsy

    we don't have to play it anymore

    I wish I didn't read that. :(
  18. digsy

    HL1 port not all its cracked up to be?

    To be honest, I don't think anyone is going to be bothered if HL1 is included when the game comes out, not initially anyway. We've been waiting how long for HL2? And now people are starting to moan about HL1 not been updated as well as it could be? I know which one I'd rather see.
  19. digsy

    New interview with Lombardi at boomtown(danish)

    Yup, absolutely correct; recreating all the models and upgrading everything to source would be way too much work for Valve, considering sounds as well, converting everything to 5.1 surround? That's practically the workload of a full game. I don't think people are going to be playing HL1 when...
  20. digsy

    Possible to play Half-Life 2 source with CS:CZ?

    Condition Zero has only just been released so I would imagine if it does get a source makeover it won't be for a while. There's nothing stopping someone adding bots for CS:Source though