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  1. UKchaos

    Gordon 'talks' in gamespy movie?

    You dont make grunts, the damage sounds come from the HEV suit.
  2. UKchaos

    Gordon 'talks' in gamespy movie?

    I found your charactor's silence in GTA3 made him appear like he was being pushed around and taking orders without question. Im glad vice city's charactor talked, he actually had a personality.
  3. UKchaos

    The HEV

    I reckon he wears the helmet all the time and valve used artistic licence to show his face in those renders. Come on, dont tell me he swam through the various pools of toxic sludge in the first game without protecting his face!
  4. UKchaos

    How many of you would actually wear a hl2 shirt?

    Providing the design wasnt too horrific, i'd wear one. The ones i saw hanging up in Valve offices during that school trip look good though. Trying to be 'hip' by wearing what a bunch of fashion designers tell you is 'cool' is kinda sad (but we are all guilty of it to some extent).
  5. UKchaos

    omg who in the hell saw gordon?! :| omg :\

    I just found this: There goes my visor theory, maybe Gordon has augmented eyes like JC in Deus Ex :D
  6. UKchaos

    omg who in the hell saw gordon?! :| omg :\

    I always thought that Gordon ran around with the HEV suit helmet an Visor on, which obscures his face. How else would he see the HUD?
  7. UKchaos

    More on the BMRF incident

    The author has probably thought about it more than Valve have :P
  8. UKchaos

    Boomtown Interviews Doug Lombardi

    So it appears the source theivers have actually been caught. Wonder what sentence they get...
  9. UKchaos

    How did HL1 end?

    He wears a trenchcoat over the top at the begginning :)
  10. UKchaos

    What interesting things caught your eye in the e3 clips?

    PCZ mentioned using that crane to lift the buggy up. How cool would it be to lift up a combine vehicle and have its occupants stranded in mid air :D
  11. UKchaos

    What interesting things caught your eye in the e3 clips?

    I loved the way the manipulator is used to drag discarded weapons and ammo towards you for easy collection. The best example is at 15:33 of the gamespy movie. Has a Jedi Knight 'force pull' feel to it - very cool.
  12. UKchaos

    Easy, Medium or Hard?

    Hard. I want the best A.I and the biggest challenge. This is the sort of game thats fun to replay so i wont matter how oftern i die.
  13. UKchaos

    Live Interview Of Team Fortress 2!

    It does sound like they are killing time :P
  14. UKchaos

    I've seen too much

    Your basically seeing what the previews have described in detail.
  15. UKchaos

    Holstering or lowering?

    Yeah, its obvious your gun is lowered to prevent you gunning key charactors. Im not sure how they can prevent you lobbing grenades or dropping heavy objects on them however :P
  16. UKchaos

    Live Interview Of Team Fortress 2!

    its GMT midnight, so work it out
  17. UKchaos

    I've FIGURE OUT the whole CS Multiplayer confusion

    "HL2's MP will be Counter Strike Source" Thats a missunderstanding, there both seperate products. Obviously cs2 was shown instead of HL2's MP because it has a huge following.
  18. UKchaos

    HL2 Multiplayer = Shocking

    <double post, damn forums are being hammered>
  19. UKchaos

    HL2 Multiplayer = Shocking

    Obviously they wont let the franchise die though. Rest assured there will be a CS2.. eventually. Look at Everquest. They (the eq dev team) are taking their time working on EQ2, but still have 2 expansion packs planned for the original game to keep the current player base happy.
  20. UKchaos

    HL2 Multiplayer = Shocking

    CS will have a source engine version but this is a seperate product from hl2. Lets put this rumor to bed plz. CS is far more popular than HLDM, so is only natural that its this thats showcased.