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  1. JossiRossi

    Reddit politics section bans links to Gawker over right to privacy of a mod of /r/creepshots

    What does accountability have to do with discussing a man who thought he could get away with anything he wanted to because he was anonymous? Why do you think people do this shit in the first place? If you can't act like this in society, then it's going to catch up with you if you do it online...
  2. JossiRossi

    Reddit politics section bans links to Gawker over right to privacy of a mod of /r/creepshots

    You somehow believe that it is worse to hold people accountable for their actions, than it is to PERFORM those actions. You seem to dislike the idea of personal accountability online. You defended a man who posted pictures of children in a specifically sexual environment. Congrats. The fact...
  3. JossiRossi

    Reddit politics section bans links to Gawker over right to privacy of a mod of /r/creepshots

    There's a pretty massive gap between actions and thoughts. It's binary. One is just a thing running through your head. The other is having done something. An action can not border on only a thought.
  4. JossiRossi

    Reddit politics section bans links to Gawker over right to privacy of a mod of /r/creepshots

    Thoughtcrime doesn't usually involve actions. Which this does.
  5. JossiRossi

    Reddit politics section bans links to Gawker over right to privacy of a mod of /r/creepshots

    This deserves it's own post. When someday someone googles my name and finds this post. I have the good fortune that I will have not been caught saying it's ok to masturbate to photos taken of strangers without their knowledge, and in fact stood AGAINST it. Just be proud of the legacy you...
  6. JossiRossi

    Reddit politics section bans links to Gawker over right to privacy of a mod of /r/creepshots

    Yeah, I too don't get what the big deal was when we stopped stoning women. No one ever cared before, right? You're a dipshit at best, and a sympathizer of creeps at worst. Just because something hasn't caused a big ruckus in the past means nothing about the relevance of the issue today. Can...
  7. JossiRossi

    Reddit politics section bans links to Gawker over right to privacy of a mod of /r/creepshots

    Krynn, I can only assume that you have no one in your life that you care about. That's the only way that someone could rationalize this. No family. No friends. No co-workers. You could not possibly have even the faintest hint of concern for any single fellow human being around you to think that...
  8. JossiRossi

    ValveTime Video Review - Black Mesa

    I'm putting that one squarely on Nick.
  9. JossiRossi

    Black Mesa: Vaporware

    You can cheese the end by climbing down the ladder and hiding under an overhang. The enemies don't seem to ever attack the scientist opening the portal. The QA work on this was not so strong.
  10. JossiRossi

    Source Engine Code Leak (Version 2007)

    It's not like they rewrite the whole engine from scratch every time they update the engine. Isn't the whole Source versions thing more of a milestone marker than anythign else? If so plenty of this code could still be useful for people trying to cause trouble.
  11. JossiRossi

    Black Mesa: Vaporware

    Not everything has to be an ARG. And why are they releasing? I suspect they are noticing how their "release when we are done" policy has damaged their brand. A few years ago the leak we did would have garnered massive press response, and an outpouring of support and slavering fans. Instead...
  12. JossiRossi

    Steam Greenlight is live!

    So. Many. Bad. Games.
  13. JossiRossi

    This isn't good news

    There's not really anywhere else for the conflict to go really. They show the Combine home world in HL2 (or at least that red skyboxish texture at the end through the portal), so it's a place they have considered existing. I mean what else can be done on Earth? Combine are broken and retreating...
  14. JossiRossi

    Half-Life 2: Episode Three - possible pattern?...

    This would be the worst way to do game development that I have ever heard of.
  15. JossiRossi

    Nexuiz Key For (Original) Half-Life

    Want Borderlands GOTY edition? I kid was really nice and gifted it to me out of the blue as he was a fan of Dino D-Day, but i already had it. Would be willing a trade. It's not HL of course unfortunately.
  16. JossiRossi

    [VIDEO] Black Mesa Source 'On A Rail' Footage Leaked

    Does that still exist? Sounds interesting to read. I can't say I condone people of the community going out of there way to cause trouble, unless it started benign.
  17. JossiRossi

    [VIDEO] Black Mesa Source 'On A Rail' Footage Leaked

    Some people seem to almost think that us running the news was almost malicious. I have to say the "Tribe Mentality" over on their forums has been rather interesting to see. Despite me thinking we have a bunch of chuckle****s a majority of the time, here there's been a pretty healthy diversity of...
  18. JossiRossi

    [VIDEO] Black Mesa Source 'On A Rail' Footage Leaked

    Wow, I am massively disappointed that this will likely be the final voice over work. It's going to be a huge black mark on what should be a good mod. It sounds like they are trying to save face because it's too late to fix. If they hadn't been so secretive this could have been at least had a...
  19. JossiRossi

    [VIDEO] Black Mesa Source 'On A Rail' Footage Leaked

    An NDA? That seems peculiar. I've only had to deal with legitimate NDAs with companies doing for profit projects. Lots of people like to throw around NDAs in circumstances that often don't require them, but I'd be rather surprised if it were the case here. Really it is invoked when working with...