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  1. D

    Why is HL2 "a marvel in the making?"

    FarCry to me was pretty damn good, It had a lot of cool elements into it, such as Binoculores and the radar system worked really well, The AI was pretty damn good, The weapons were descent most of them looked the same. Graphix once agian were top notch, On par with Halfife2 in its own way...
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    Why is HL2 "a marvel in the making?"

    YO moderator u banned the wrong person, RevSav was the one who started the whole mess in the first place, I really think they moderators here are power hungry or something, might have something to do with them getting picked on in life and its now their turn to take charge and BAN OTHER PEOPLE
  3. D

    Why is HL2 "a marvel in the making?"

    True, i believe when Graphix are the first stage of getting a player immersed, when you first begin playing a game, u notice the Look and FEel of the game. This helps you slowly sink deeper into the game, Many games succeed at this point, FarCry And Doom3. What is different about halflife (at...
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    Why is HL2 "a marvel in the making?"

    i dont make fun of anyone because im blessed with not being disabled so everyone who makes fun of them should experience the struggle of being disabled just one day and i bet they will thank god they arnt when they wake up from that ordeal.
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    Why is HL2 "a marvel in the making?"

    KagePrototype, Amen dude, i totally agree. Good reponse to somone who probably doesnt care, but thanks anyways
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    Why is HL2 "a marvel in the making?"

    Whoa, relax Cyperious when you Respond to people like that you give them the upper hand, maybe he does enjoy that sick stuff but you shouldnt feed the troll as people say, let it go maybe one day he will get hit by a car and experience what your friend did, which i want to give him my regards...
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    Why is HL2 "a marvel in the making?"

    yeah terrible person indeed, i hope u go to hell, And stay there. We all went there and owned Hell in doom3 of course but you just need to stay there and think about becoming a better person :)
  8. D

    Why is HL2 "a marvel in the making?"

    I agree, Feeling is an excellent way to describe what halflife2 brings to the table and what most other games lack, If you dont feel any emotion than the player isnt emmersed as much as he should, this causes the person to get bored and lose interest *cough* Doom3 *cough* even tho the only...
  9. D

    Discuss anything that isnt about the hoax...

    Well greyhounds are much faster and smaller so its a trade off between huge stomping horses or fast on crack dogs who chase a small Wabbit :p
  10. D

    Discuss anything that isnt about the hoax...

    Yeah school seems too sooN, at least if halflife2 came out in the begining of the summer I would of felt some kind of accomplishment :)
  11. D

    Why is HL2 "a marvel in the making?"

    BEcuzzzzzzz of the success of the First Halflife, Its just natural if something does well the first time, you can assume the second one is better :)
  12. D

    Discuss anything that isnt about the hoax...

    Awesome horses are scary, but besides the point I think the only thing we can do is be patient, pray that no new bugs are discovered and just prepare for school really, everyone starts it soon and i know ill be pressed for time when Halflife2 actually does come out because my computer table will...
  13. D

    Discuss anything that isnt about the hoax...

    Also what did Chris Bokitch a Valve Employee mean by this: Also, patient is not a word I would use to describe people's manner of waiting. Understandable -- I'm pretty excited about it myself.
  14. D

    Discuss anything that isnt about the hoax...

    ok, So everything bad that coulda happened to Halflife2 almost did, i think the only thing worse is another code theft. What do u guys think Valve has left to do before the game is finished and ready to be purchesed?
  15. D

    Do you tHink this hoax could aCtually worK In our favoR?

    LMao, very nice. Dabs Figured me out, IM sorry im the guy that made all the specualation happen. And i just wanna say, HA HA and HAPPY APRIL FOOLS BIOTCHES!!!!!! IM RICH BIOTCH!
  16. D

    Do you tHink this hoax could aCtually worK In our favoR?

    Exactly but im just trying to put a positive spin on this impersonation which has a lot of us feeling like FOOLs :) and its not even April :(
  17. D

    Do you tHink this hoax could aCtually worK In our favoR?

    Ok, Everyone knows the game is nearing completion, basically its down to the nitty gritty of finding bugs and squashing them, the fastest way to finish this is to work longer hours, all im saying is maybe they will indeed just go overtime to get this damn game out of their hands before something...
  18. D

    Do you tHink this hoax could aCtually worK In our favoR?

    Not really, Gabe is just a man with a plan, He is funding this project and so are the people working on it, if he spent a reported 30 million or something then thats his money, (money he made with halflife1 and other projects) right now his main concern is make a product that is polished and has...
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    Do you tHink this hoax could aCtually worK In our favoR?

    Think about, Gabe could infact feel sorry and see how much this game really does mean to alot of people and just might decide to work over time in our favor to make the game in fact Gold within the next week, This is just my 2 cents...
  20. D

    Gabe Should have learned from his mistakes....

    absolutely agree with you... Even though official sites can get hacked too, it is much less likely, since I'm sure they will be running higher-budget security