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  1. G

    The day of HL 2 Release

    If were nto going to post no shit then were going to be in multiplayer! You guys better tell me your online nicks!
  2. G

    The day of HL 2 Release

    WHen the game will come what shall we post? The great years, efforts and hard work of Valve! We shall celebrate on the HL 2 RELEASE DAY! And what shall we post? Jumping for joy wont be enough! This is it! Its the day! OMFG! We gonna celebrate in the multiplayer! ANy ideas where/how you guys want...
  3. G

    I have a question about the 2k4 video enjoy
  4. G

    breaking news

    Fall begins September 1sit LOL
  5. G

    breaking news

    dudes wtf is wrong with you? They say its going to be out in Fall just like Gabe said and Doug. HL 2 in winter? BULLSHIT Doom 3 is coming august 3rd 2004 Half life 2 is in early fall. PERIOD
  6. G

    Doom 3 and Half Life

    lol my bad sorry I edited.
  7. G

    Doom 3 and Half Life

    DOOM 3 and HL 2 are both awesome games but DOOM 3 is going to lose the competition anywayz I will end up getting both of these great games. DooM 3 has nice graphics and its more of a Beat em up Horror Zombies shit. Half Life 2 has a deep story and a lot of amazing features. DooM 3 has great...
  8. G

    Tired of waiting for HL2? PROBLEM SOLVED!

    Tired of waiting for HL 2 to come out? WEll dotn wait no more, if you just follow these easy steps you may see HL 2 in retail real quick! 1. DO you have Xbox? PS2? GameCube? IF you do spend some times on these game consoles at least a week. 2. Got a good PC? Get yourself FarCry...
  9. G

    HL2 Bosses

    Haha! LOL! ROFLMAO!
  10. G

    Favorite part of E3 2004 Video?

    What was your favorite part of E3 2004 Half Life 2 Video? Mine was the one with the Car and Striders and the CS Source
  11. G

    HL2 Bosses

    I agree 100%!
  12. G

    Would you play 'HL2: Opposing Force"?

    I love HL Opos defently going to play!
  13. G

    HL2 Bosses

    I think there will be the Ant Lion King Boss these guys look powerful
  14. G

    HL2 Bosses

    Striders look like plain enemeis but could be considierd as Mini-Bosses since its hard to take em down I agree with you.
  15. G

    How will you get your copy of HL2?

    I am going to wake up 6 O clock in the morning go to EB games wait till they will open up, stay in the store until delivery man comes and will take the HL 2 Box throw them 50 dollars or 60 and run back home asap! And PLAY!!!
  16. G

    HL2 Bosses

    defenetly not that lol! would be cool thou..
  17. G

    HL2 Bosses

    What kind of Bosses will Half Life 2 have? I remember the old bosses like the Green Head Creature in Half Life 1 and the last one that Big Headed Alien thing. What will Half Life 2 offer? Hmm.. intresting.
  18. G

    Secret Half Life 2 Official Tricky Puzzle!

    what source code?
  19. G

    I honestley believe half life 2 is gonna be the greatest gaming experiance ever.

    HL 2 looks amazing dudes. Half Life 1 was my favorite FPS ever since 6-8 this game has something very secret in it. Yes a lot of effort been put in that game, this game will be awesome. Delay of the game or note there is only one thing I know. Every second, every minute, every hour, every day...
  20. G

    Secret Half Life 2 Official Tricky Puzzle!

    there is a second quiz on the page try to figure it out. I am just showingyou stuff, and It nthing big its a little cool easter egg geesh take it easy