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  1. Penfold

    DOD:S and LCD Flat Panel Monitor Problems ?

    Native Resolutions *shudders* :x
  2. Penfold

    halflife / ashtontheme wallpaper help!!!!

    All I can make out from this post is that you want a HL2 wallpaper, and to use an instant messenger that allows you to talk to aim, yahoo and msn contacts simultaneously. It just so happens, that I think this is what you're looking for: Trillian - I don't use it myself, but would recommend it...
  3. Penfold

    Stop Downloading Custom Sounds?

    "Excellent" (excuse the pun :P). Will try this next time I play DOD:S.
  4. Penfold

    the crosshair. kinda big?

    In the DOD:S menu, there are a few styles of crosshair to pick from (yes, you can have a single pixel), a scrolling bar to change the size and scrolling r,g and b values for a completely custom colour.
  5. Penfold

    debit card?!?

    That's basically what I use at work (I play during my lunch break). It plays quite 'acceptably' (if that's a word), as long as I'm running at 800x600, everything at low or off. Sure, it doesn't look that great, but it's still a brilliant game *asks manager for a new pc* Also, I did what...
  6. Penfold

    Half-Life 2: Official Soundtrack listings

    If you would like to use the covers I made, feel free to use them. You can find them here
  7. Penfold

    confused about the backstory?

    For those of you who want to see the Wikipedia article, you can find it here
  8. Penfold

    I 100% agree with this guy

    What I don't understand is why people that don't like HL2 sign up to :dork: For instance, I hate the Sims series of games - But I don't therefore go and sign up to a Sims forum just to tell all the people who love the game why I don't like it. But then, there are some weird people...
  9. Penfold

    hl2 soundtrack -- where is it?

    If it's the music you're after, do exaclty as Ennui has already said. The music files are in the Source Sounds.gcf file, under music. If you want other sounds, for instance, gun sounds, they are also in the Source Sounds.gcf file - just in different folders.
  10. Penfold

    Anyone have the Half life 2 soundtrack???

    Ah yes, but the soundtrack doesn't actually contain all of the tracks - read this thread
  11. Penfold

    Half-Life 2: Official Soundtrack listings

    I am slowly going through the game again, writing the precise location of each of the tracks. It might take me a while though, because I don't get much time to play anymore. If/when I get it finished, I'll post the list on these forums. :thumbs:
  12. Penfold

    Sprays In DOD:S

    Your clan needs YOU
  13. Penfold

    Sprays In DOD:S

    You don't need to convert your sprays to vtf or anything else now. In Photoshop, all you need to do is save your spray as a tga. You can put this tga anywhere you want on your drive. Run DOD:S, in options import your tga file. DOD:S will then convert/import/do what it needs to to the tga. Your...
  14. Penfold


    Hi and welcome. I registered and viewed the forums for about 6 months before I actually started posting :rolling:
  15. Penfold

    Cd cover designs

    Yeah, I like them. Great sense of mood, especially in the first one. The only bits I din't particularly like are the 'yellowey' flaps on the side of the back cover. Other than that - very nice.
  16. Penfold

    HL:BS and HL2's big barney difference, doesn't it make you sad?

    I would agree with A True Candian that they do look extremely similar. Also, just to confuse this thread, Barney in HL1 & HL2 sound virtually the same imo.
  17. Penfold

    If I don't have HL2, then what do I have?

    Bang on ^ - Can't wait till Black Mesa: Source :bounce: Also, FEAR - have played the demo, seems very good Day of Defeat: Source - slightly similar to CS, but also very different :rolling: (a challenge at first) Doom 3 - have a look at (very funny...
  18. Penfold

    new steam

    I like the fact that you can collapse parts of the list that you don't want - for example, the games you do not own, games coming soon etc.
  19. Penfold

    My Half-Life Soundtrack(s) Covers

    Maybe I should have used Comic Sans for a more 'arty' feel :laugh: No, they didn't take me long - but I like this pure and simplistic style. Also, from the picture I have seen of the HL2 gold package, the soundtrack cover is just black with the orange HL2 logo on it, and nothing else, which...
  20. Penfold

    My Half-Life Soundtrack(s) Covers

    From what I remember, there wasn't any music in the Opposing Force gcf file, so I didn't need to do any covers for it. Will check this out again soon. Thanks for comments.