Search results

  1. Penfold

    Doom movie

    I agree - I don't actually like either of those two actors myself.
  2. Penfold

    Favourite movie director?

    Either Steven Spielberg or Peter Jackson - can't wait till King Kong. :bounce:
  3. Penfold

    Doom movie

    It's either him or Vin Diesel :sniper: I haven't actually seen any films with The Rock in before, so it'll be interesting for me to see what he is like as an actor. Saying that, I'll probably only watch it if it gets good reviews.
  4. Penfold

    My Half-Life Soundtrack(s) Covers

    Hi all These are a few album covers I designed, mainly for my music collection as album art ages ago (extracted from the .gcf files). Let me know what you think. If anyone wants any of these covers as pdf's, eps's etc, just pm me. :cheers:
  5. Penfold

    Half-Life 2: Official Soundtrack listings

    I am just re-organizing all my HL2 tracks now, and have noticed this. The tracks posted by A True Canadian are tracks that are on the CD, but not included as MP3's (annoying, to say the least :( ) Yet, the list posted by Davo shows that there are extra MP3's that are not on the CD...
  6. Penfold

    (un)official buglist for DOD:Source

    Yeah, I've only played a few times so far, but this has also happened to me. When you start playing your crosshairs are HUGE, so then I have to change the crosshair size in the menu.
  7. Penfold

    Firefox Desktop by Me

    Sorry if I got a bit carried away there sir. I won't do it again :dork:
  8. Penfold


    Ah ok, just ignore me :cheese:
  9. Penfold


    I think that 8472 comes from Star Trek (Voyager?). btw, I am not a trekky - I have just been forced to watch a lot of it. I think that there was a deadly species called 'Species 8472'. The Federation hade to make a deal with the Borg to survive from Species 8472. Please tell me if I am wrong...
  10. Penfold

    Firefox Desktop by Me

    Too right, if people want widescreen images, you'll just have to crop the 1600x1200 ones yourself - hope you've got Photoshop :laugh: Yeah, I think I'll do this myself (except do it the proper way), then post links here because the text is rubbish at the lower resolutions. Okay, just...
  11. Penfold

    Stuck In Anticitizen One: Pics included!

    It certainly looks like that bit - I think you enter this area from fairly high up, you just need to drop down a couple of levels then go through a door as I remember. Maybe you dropped down too far? Try doing what Edcrab said - 'I think you have to drop down onto the broken stairs and...
  12. Penfold

    Firefox Desktop by Me

    That is true - I do this as well, but this can create some problems like text being too small (see my post above). Also, people don't have to download large files if they're using low resolutions. Here is my second wallpaper for Firefox (I have included more resolutions and no small text :))...
  13. Penfold

    Firefox Desktop by Me

    Here is the same desktop in 1152x864, 1024x768 and 800x600: If anyone needs any other sizes, just ask here :) btw, the '' text doesn't look too great on the lower resolution versions - I might rectify this then re-submit links.
  14. Penfold

    Firefox Desktop by Me

    I used Photoshop to make the desktop - original Firefox logo was an Illustrator file. I will be submitting links to 800x600 and 1024x768 versions soon for all you people with lower resolutions :thumbs:
  15. Penfold

    Maxthon vs. Firefox

    A bit off-topic: If any of you like Firefox enough to have a desktop of it, here's a thread with a desktop made by me: :thumbs:
  16. Penfold

    Firefox Desktop by Me

    Braintree - near Witham, Colchester and Chelmsford. Glad you like the wallpaper :D
  17. Penfold

    Firefox Desktop by Me

    Hi all, this is a Firefox desktop I did today. It's available in two sizes at the mo : 1600x1200 & 1280x960, but I can re-size if you would like (1600x1200 is max). For those of you that are interested, I have also submitted this at, here...
  18. Penfold

    New Steam Icons

    I meant to put this in my first post of the thread, but I'm too late :dozey: For those of you that would like to see the icons before downloading: Here is the Steam coloured one in my system tray:
  19. Penfold

    Why do we all have to wear these ridiculous ties? If that isn't thoroughly, then I don't know what is :rolling:
  20. Penfold

    Editing posts

    Ah, thanks - I'll just have to create a new post then :)