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  1. W

    the source engine.

    i would say Cry Engine (Far Cry) got it all. It handles in door and out door levels with good quality
  2. W

    normal mapping

    right back at ya!!! hhahah
  3. W

    normal mapping

    pffffft! you just cant admit you did a mistake! :P
  4. W

    Max 8 > Max 6

    How about exporting to hl2 .smd and improt it in the other prog? the rig should still be there
  5. W

    normal mapping

    like its the same video just in quick time format hehe
  6. W

    normal mapping

    u mean this one?
  7. W

    Breakable model; spawning static/dynamic models

    Thanks :) RandomX, no didnt work. not sure what the "break" thing does. Theres no doumentations for $collisontext either :angry:. And does anyone know what "CreateEvent: event 'break_prop' not registered." means??
  8. W

    Breakable model; spawning static/dynamic models

    ah i c! Ill try it later ;)
  9. W

    Breakable model; spawning static/dynamic models

    There must be someone who knows how to this? :(
  10. W

    Breakable model; spawning static/dynamic models

    Hi! I've been trying to get some help on the VERC forums, without any luck. Hopefully i get some more help here :E My problem is, i cant get gibs from a breakable model to spawn as static or dynamic models useing $collisiontext. Im making a window, and i simply want the model to be replaced...