Search results

  1. tjwuppert

    What, do you think, are the most overlooked hits?

    Hmm, I played Thief until the first zombies appear. Thus i didn't get very far ;) I thought that zombies didn't belong in this game. Perhaps I'll try it someday again ^^... or wait for Thief3.
  2. tjwuppert

    what are you listening to right now?

    The Hotz - You have changed :farmer:
  3. tjwuppert

    Best Game you've ever played?

    Mario Kart (64): 110% Fun with friends :) Though i haven't tried Double Dash yet. Zelda is always great. "A Link to the Past" is my fav Zelda, because it has the better dungeons & riddles. But OoT would be second. Grim Fandango: The setting, the humor, riddles... everything :D
  4. tjwuppert

    what are you listening to right now?

    np: John Frusciante - Second Walk
  5. tjwuppert

    What, do you think, are the most overlooked hits?

    Hmm... I would add: Beyond Good & Evil, Alpha Centauri (imho it's better than any Civ game), Outcast, Grim Fandango ("Run, you pigeons. It's Robert Frost." :D )
  6. tjwuppert

    Call me crazy, but I can't help anticipating..

    Well, unfortunately George Broussard said, that they won't show anything on the e3 '04 :( Link: Hopefully they release some new pictures/videos in the near future anyway. I don't...
  7. tjwuppert

    Metal gear etc.

    Just finished the game. Wow, great game! Never played MGS before. The new Videos are amazing, even so i've never seen the original ones. ;) Now I'm going to order MGS2 :D MGS3 looks interesting with the whole stealth/jungle thing, though i like the military/research base settings more...