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  1. KnifeKnight

    Do you reget seeing some spoilers?

    ok but my definition of a spoiler is a plot give away. i mean come on we all know (or suspected) there would be head crabs etc. valve have a very clever marketing department. they know they can give away just a little and not spoil the game for thier fans. it helps the hype..
  2. KnifeKnight

    Chances of an HL2DM mod??

    yeah sure there will be mods, sure someone will probly create some sort of HL2DM, but do you think it will be as good as if valve had created it themselves? i say NO. i'm kinda disapointed.
  3. KnifeKnight

    Chances of an HL2DM mod??

    thats good news cos for my 2 cents HLDM kill CS. i hope you're right..
  4. KnifeKnight

    Chances of an HL2DM mod??

    Seeing that valve has announced there will be no "pure" HL2DM released with HL2, how long do you think it will be till some "smart" person releases a mod to that effect? and do you think that CS:S as the only form of HL2MP is a good idea? Sorry if this has been posted already....
  5. KnifeKnight

    Air-dropped striders

    Ohh you know you'll waste that bugger as soon as he lands!!!!
  6. KnifeKnight

    Do you reget seeing some spoilers?

    there are no spoilers, just teasers.. i glad i watched the movies. they are the sort of thing that add to the experience. i am sooooo much more excited now BRING ME HL2DM!!! VALVE!!!! DO YOU HEAR ME???!!!!
  7. KnifeKnight

    What are the Combine?

    ohhh i cant wait nov. 26th (fingers Xed!!)
  8. KnifeKnight

    What are the Combine?

    i just hope it blows away all my expectations..
  9. KnifeKnight

    What are the Combine?

    im picturing a darkside vs. rebels type battle where the world gov. is embracing the alien invasion. and all the smart ppl are taking up arms against it. TRUE REBELION!! sweet......
  10. KnifeKnight

    Do think HL2DM will be another "Steam Purchase"?

    HLDM ROCKS!!! Screw cs it is repetative. :sleep:
  11. KnifeKnight

    So... Half-Life 2 for 26 dollars?

    Trust british hoons to bask in the glory of england.... HOONS!
  12. KnifeKnight

    I don't think Gold means much...

    the should'nt have keep thier mouths shut and got the game released! did you ever think that all the info that we, the public have gotten from the developers/publishers, is just a marketing tool? I mean just look at the posts on this board (one of many). By faking release info (false that...
  13. KnifeKnight

    What happened to: Gabe "I play HL2 Multiplayer every day?"

    Dude you are stoned...
  14. KnifeKnight

    Corporate scandal... conidince?

    get a life yes coincidence....
  15. KnifeKnight

    What is taking Vivendi so damn long?

    Am i stoned yet? Ok i know this may be my first post but i have been reading this forum for a few months here is my 2 cents... If valve is caught up in a legal battle with vivendi over steams' online distribution, we will most likely not see a release date until the case has been settled...