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  1. M

    Interlopers Map Battle

    BTW, I am willing to give someone my map (see here). That applies to someone who wishes to enter this contest. It is in the early stages so you can still totally customize it. I am leaving on Monday next week and won't be able to do anything on the internet for two years. Once I'm gone, I...
  2. M

    Going away, offering uncomplete map

    like crackheard said, I'm going away. I'll be back by late 2007 :P . Hey, saw that you are from Canada, that's where I'm going! (Will be in the Vancouver area)
  3. M

    Going away, offering uncomplete map

    Ok, I gave crackhead the map for his mod. I am still willing to give it to individuals working on mods or for cs : s/hl2 : dm. I am just not giving the map to more than one person for the same game.
  4. M

    Weekly Steam Update (14/10/05)

    That made me laugh real hard. Thanks. But seriously, no. That is the new GUI.
  5. M

    Going away, offering uncomplete map

    Hey. I'm leaving for quite a long time (HL3 will probably be out when I get back). Last December I started work on a pretty cool map. It's the library at my university (BYU). Anyway, here is a pic of the real one: Here is a far shot: That's the entrance way, a nice beautiful glass...
  6. M

    Rag Doll Kung Fu Released over Steam!

    I know I have seen this post somewhere...
  7. M

    Heard of this error yet?

    I uninstalled 5.8 and installed the 5.9 cats. Now I get: VPU Recover has reset your graphics accelerator as it was no longer responding to graphics driver commands Anyone know why the VPU Recover kicks in? EDIT Well, put AGP down to 4X and disabled Fast Write. Now it works. Argh.
  8. M

    Heard of this error yet?

    No, I'm running vanilla winxp
  9. M

    Heard of this error yet?

    Ok, tried it again. I can play like I did before. After a few minutes the sound loops and screen freezes. If I Alt+Tab to the desktop and back, it's fixed! It just really sucks when this happens and I am assaulting. EDIT. small note. After exiting, the video in windows is really laggy...
  10. M

    No HDR?

    interesting EDIT: lol
  11. M

    Heard of this error yet?

    well, reinstalled steam. Now it crashes when I try to view the servers. Man.
  12. M

    Heard of this error yet?

    thanks for the advice guys. I and going to go ahead and reinstall steam. It shouldn't take long and looks to be the best chance of success. I am also going to give my computer a full AV scan. I'll post my results afterwards. If this works I will be so happy. I'm leaving for two years...
  13. M

    Heard of this error yet?

    Hey, I have been searching high and low for a fix for the Source based games. I've done the stuff where you disable most of the startup services and programs. Still didn't work. I do have Cat's 5.8 installed rather than 5.9. The weirdest thing happend. My bug is that I can play the...
  14. M

    no gun bug

    I have seen it while playing
  15. M

    Most important aspects to gameplay?

    Hey all! What do you think is most important to a map that makes it awseme? I would like to hear from people w/good experience.
  16. M

    Size matters??

    My contest map is getting pretty big. I will release a proof-of-concept version for it once the layout is done. Details will come later. I will most likely release the poc map jan 1 or 2. 7.5 MB 1807 portalclusters, 5100 numportals Optimized: 96321 visible clusters (0.00%) Total...
  17. M

    WIP invasion

    dude, go all out and release it even if it is your first map. Just realise that it will take time.
  18. M

    glass must be rectagular?

    Hey, I have created breakable glass that is in a triangle shape and when the map starts I get an error that says:"Drawn face isn't in a quad." Does that mean breakable windows must be rectangular?
  19. M

    Visible errors at far distances?

    I'm going to start deleting things (after I back up the map) and see when the problem ends. If anyone has any good experience, please tell. It is a really weird problem.
  20. M

    Visible errors at far distances?

    no one has observed this? Is this a new error or something?