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  1. S

    Natural Lambdas?

    It was on the PC version. I have two screenshots (see attachments). The first one shows the Ravenholm one, which I think was put there deliberatly. The second is the one in Nova Prospet. I put orange lines on in Paint in case you couldn't see it. I think this one is a bit too ambiguous, so was...
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    Natural Lambdas?

    I checked it out. There does appear to be a lambda in Ravenholm. When all the barrels blow up that car should be on fire. Get above it using noclip and it sort of looks like a lambda. The one in Nova Prospekt is less obvious. Look at the way the light falls on the floor in the room where the...
  3. S

    Fade to white problem - start of game

    This reminds me of a problem I had a while back. Something was up with my graphics card that caused it to fade to white everytime I started any game. While I was waiting for a new card I found I could get around it by switching the monitor off and then back on at the plug. Try that. (make...
  4. S

    Something confusing me...

    Hi, I've been lurking for a while and just wanted to post my thoughts. Checking back into BME I found the headline actually reads 'Black Mesa Admin charged with Human Affairs Bureau'. This makes little grammatical sense if he was up on human rights charges or something. I think it means...
  5. S

    Why is the Citadel Digging?

    The Citadel has it own power source: the dark fusion reactor. It doesn't need to bring in electricity from outside. Besides, if they got their power from outside, it would be vulnerable to rebel attacks and they wouldn't want that
  6. S

    A little OP4 question.

    On Headcrabs: There is a lot more evidence that the fast and posion variety are Combine-enforced mutations rather than a real branch of the species. Those varieties never appear in HL1, and we know that the Combine use Headcrabs as biological weapons so it makes sense they have bred new...
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    map of city 17

    Shock Horror! An inconsistency! Not a major one though. Two roads that can't actually be reached, that are suppossed to be the same, are not lined up, nor do they even remotely resemble one another. Anyway I've just started Follow Freeman but I think I've done enough for tonight so I might...
  8. S

    map of city 17

    I call dibs on AntiCitizen One and Follow Freeman, and as proof here is the first segment of that Chapter. More will come shortly. Edit: Here it is, the first part of Anticitizen One, from Dog to infinite manhacks. I decided that since the underground road takes you so far away from the rest...
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    The Other Guys

    Busy. Writing my fanfic is not my top priority at the moment so the best I can do is one chapter a week.
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    The Other Guys

    This took a long time to update, but I've been busy with coursework for college recently so I haven't had much time to write. This Chapter sees Phil fighting in Indian Springs and ends with a cliffhanger. (again!) --------------------------------------------------------------- [B]Chapter...
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    The Other Guys

    Well you're wrong, but that has given me an idea to possibly include Otis at some future point. In this Chapter our heroes meet the aforementioned villain (but they don't it yet) and are given a task. The title of it is awful. Also don't worry about the description of the Combine invasion...
  12. S

    The Other Guys

    The semicolon was by the insistence of MS Word, with its stupid grammar check. The commas are probably me trying to make it sound more complex (after all, my English Teachers have always insited that I use commas to make complex sentences). I think, compared to some fanfiction out there (not...
  13. S

    The Other Guys

    ^ Yep, the CPs are just conscripts, albiet brainwashed ones, however Overwatch, who appear at the end of this Chapter, are definitely not entirely human. The reason they stayed in the bunker was that they thought rescue was going to come, and if it didn't then the world wasn't worth returning...
  14. S

    Lamada Symbol?

    Or, to be precise... Decay Constant= ln 2 / half-life ln 2 is approximatly 0.69 anyway but, doing A-Level Physics I just had to point that out.
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    The Other Guys

    All right I stand corrected. I was working off of this picture while trying to describe it...Note that for the past half hour I've been trying to print screen off Windows Media Player but it won't work in Paint...anyway since I can't show you it...its from Still Seeing Breen, a side on shot of...
  16. S

    The Other Guys

    Yeah the thing was I was trying to remember what it looked like from memory, and the centre rotor thing was what stuck out the most in my head.
  17. S

    The Other Guys

    Chapter 1 is here! Hooray etc Dr Phil Naton and Colnel Johnson get their first taste of this new world. --------------------------------------------------------------- [B]Chapter 1: Surface Intention [B] 10 years later… “Civil Protection Unit 4Y dispatch to Grid location...
  18. S

    The Other Guys

    When the portal storms begin, the inhabitants of the Groom Lake Research Facility, AKA Area 51, barircade themselves in their underground base. Ten years later they re-emerge, but what world will they find? --------------------------------------------------------------- Prologue: Lockdown...
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    Half-Life 2 : Substance mod

    Amazingly I have a complaint. This mod is great, definetly one of the best mods I have played that add to the original SP game. However, I was ready to throw it out yesterday. In the first part of Sandtraps, if any of the 3 Striders notice you before you get to them then you are screwed (not...
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    Heart of the Revolters Released

    I have the best strategy ever for the resistance on this map ... Great map btw, even if it lags( but then all HL2DM games lag for me)