Half-Life 2 : Substance mod

have you ever seen a new skin/recolor for the dropship? as of now it's one of the few npcs we have nothing for.
Lock Up

Every time i go to the menu it says lodeing for ever and i have to ctrl Alt delete to get out of it can you help me thx
Dope on a Rope: very strange,maybe the installation is corrupt or the HD too fragmented? is HL2 original?


-3 to the end of the world! :cheers:
my idea about flops and poor results at the box office (not only for movies,but any kind of product) is that the errors that prove fatal to them are often readily *recognizable* and solvable by a casual user,but always completely *invisible* to the actual makers,no matter what. Nobody could call HL2 a flop,but neither Doom 3 or Halo 2 *economically speaking* are: they sold a pack of copies so that's enough,stop. However,the faults are there: IMHO,HL2 has a little bit of the worst of both the other 2 titles,some of the boredom of D3 and some of the short replayability of Halo 2 (please don't flame me with "instead it's all perfect n00b!" comments,there would be no argument,simply I'm one of the many that thinks this way of HL2 and I won't change the bad person I am). I'm telling you this because that's exactly the primum movens of my little project: which uses a tecnique able to do only 1 thing,but with the purpose to do exactly that 1 thing. It is all sh1t what I've done,you could say,and I answer you that give me a week (after I'll have upped the "final" 084 full version I mean) and I'll join your ranks happily,posting that this mod is just crap made for people to wait the real mods - because when you've completed something all that remains is undone it,after all,that's anyway better than be forgotten immediately. The point is that a large audience is pleased by Substance,anyway (even if it is the 0,01 % of the total HL2 owners I would be happy) and that all my congratulations mail report me the same message "Valve itself should have done this" - intended as for an additional Nightmare mode or such (I was hoping for something like that when I first completed it actually). But they didn't and they won't do that,so now we return to the start: why they did not. Not because of some dark motive (budget? time?) nor for some shiny example of intelligence (you've got to be smart to have people buy a FPS mostly deserted) but because this was *invisible* to them or at least they couldn't see it the way the final users do. So get that you,the players,even if low and pariah as the nobody I am,will always be one step forward even the most powerful and god-like famed software house in the world. Think about the video-game word: maybe you won't be for the "video" part of it,because technicalities aren't for anyone,but surely you will for the "game" one,because that's you enviroment. Message to the Nation ends here :D
Alternate firemodes have the same model,new weapons have a CS:S one.

battle gravity gun: longer range,lifts cars,primary fire hurts everyone. More mass has the target,more damage it receives. If you die by this,you are disintegrated superggun style. Replacement

halo pistol: has the crossbow zoom,can fire when zoomed,2x damage. Replacement

burst USP: alternate fire of the pistol,1x damage but shoots 6 bullets one after the other very fast

M3 autoshotgun: new weapon,4x damage,4x ammo consuming,4x reload time (think of the Doom 2 one)

Desert eagle: replacement for the colt 357 with a new model (on the right of course),more powerful than that

Colt flaregun: new weapon,colt model. Uses crossbow bolts. It has short range and ignites people,but they die after at least 3-4 seconds of pain (think of the Blood one).

Electrocuting crossbow: replacement,targets dance like hit by the superggun primary fire

AR2: aesthetical replacement,if you die by this you are instantly disintegrated (super ggun style)

M49 para: new weapon,pratically a fast shooting primary fire shotgun. Small clip.

Augmentation sniper rifle: new weapon. Uses mundane smg1 bullets,50 per hit. Can only fire when zoomed,every shoot makes it zoom out and reload. Everything hit is instantly disintegrated (super ggun style).

black bugbait: convert foes to your side. Uses a slow self replenishing energy source as the airboat. Alternate firemode.

snark: alternate firemode of the bugbait. When it lands,a fast headcrab is spawned. Uses a slow self replenishing energy source as the airboat. Dangerous for the enemies,you and the allies,it is a diversion

non-guided RPG: secondary fire

covenant grenade: replacement,it sticks on enemies

napalm clusters: alternate firemode for the grenade,when it explodes it sends 4 flames in the air that ignite everything they touch (corpses too)

proximity headcrabs: alternate firemode for the grenade. Short range throw,it looks like lamarr

superggun (completed): replacement. Nerfed,has short range and consumes an autoreplenishing energy system (airboat like) very fast. Use if wisely.
I declare this day National Holiday because finally the bug of the hubs has been defeated! Hail to Jerry!
I am uploading to my site now the new 084 version for an initial day of short range release and immediate feedback. Shortly I'll give you the link here,if you find problems installing it,or using the weapons (type Impulse 101 as a test) please tell me!
the 084 first version is here!

go and get it! as soon I have a confirmation it's not full of bugs and unplayable on other machines ,I'll send it to filefront. What I need most to know if you can install it easily,load a game and use both the bullet time and all the weapons (type IMPULSE 101 to see all of them)
The new weapons are pretty cool.

The napalm launcher should hit terrain and blow up instead of having the hit an NPC to explode.

Nice job though. Again squeezing some more life out of the single player game. :)
funky: I am reporting all these communications to my coder for a short term patch (or just a re-upping of the file). What about the levels? All are edited now,and past ones have been re-edited too: you'll notice that the cops have 3X health and require headshots and good pistol aiming now,and also the shotgun,soldiers and grenades use is much more anticipated now
Zeus: I would but it's related to another mod,I think,"Neo Tokyo". They wouldn't let me in. Try ask them as a devote fan of their work who would like to see their effects everywhere! :D
k. also there are some bugs I'll list the ones I've seen so far

1. The sniper rifle makes the bodies dissapear
2.The desert eagle has no affect on ragdolls when u shoot them with it.
3. The bugbait sometimes doesnt throw and you have to switch modes 'till you get to it.
4. You can see the noclip on gordons hands with the grav gun if u move around enough
Zeus: in the end I mailed the guy at neotokyo. Easy explained:
1. it is a disintegrating rifle,we did it that way!
2. if I shoot a corpse with the deagle it moves...
3. it doesn't throw because it needs more of its autoreplenishing ammo
4. that's a con of the extended weapons,also known as the bundle of evil

by the way,we really really really need screenshots. Also,the 084 has been reupped and now has a weapon more,the XM-8.
hey xdiesp, is there any way I can patch in the HDR mod myself, by shifting files around?
jondyfun: no because you would have to decompile blindly the 2 dlls,something impossilble
Whats the point of this Substance mod? It looks like the same exact game as HL2 except the models are a little different and you can have people follow you which does nothing.
Shamrock said:
Whats the point of this Substance mod? It looks like the same exact game as HL2 except the models are a little different and you can have people follow you which does nothing.

Its way better than the original game. More enemies, more battles, more fun.
I really never got why an uninstructed savage would talk with all the "to" before the verbs: "I to go","I to like" and so on. The "to" is a word more,it's an extra difficulty...they would have an easier time to ignore it

this little patch fixes forever:
-the much argued sound async tweak
-3 little levels' bugs
-adds a little bloom FX

the following "real" 1.0 patch will fix the other issues as well,this is the best I could do myself for now (I need my coder for the rest of them)
You probably know, xdiesp, but this mod was featured in PCG :)
Amazingly I have a complaint.

This mod is great, definetly one of the best mods I have played that add to the original SP game. However, I was ready to throw it out yesterday. In the first part of Sandtraps, if any of the 3 Striders notice you before you get to them then you are screwed (not the ones by the house and checkpoint thing, the ones on the beach and the cracked road).

They notice you and start shooting and accurately hitting you from all the way across the map making it impossible to get past them in one piece, even with the difficulty set to Easy. I'm sure the same problem is probably present in Water Hazard with the Striders standing off to one side of the canals if you somehow catch their attention but it didn't happen there. I like to explore but this makes it impossible as entering the house catches the attention of the beach Striders and hanging around a certain part of checkpoint gets the attention of the cracked road strider.

I hope these can be fixed.