Half-Life 2 : Substance mod

Selecting, summoning, controlling.

Already up and running :)
Angry Lawyer: first the work and then the paraphenalia,I agree! Want to try anything with the "multiple skins for the same model" issue?
As Jovi says:

'Let's give it a shot'

Should be pretty simple. Refresh my memory - are there any existing HL2 models that use multiple skins? They'd be good as reference.

-Angry Lawyer
Angry Lawyer: the antlion do,anyway it seems like the VERC forums is full of these topics,they suggest this:

START PASTE from http://www.chatbear.com/board.plm?a=viewthread&t=400,1108145055,4877&id=793816&b=4990&v=flatold
texturegroup skinfamilies
{ "ot_eucbark01" "ot_eucbark03" "ot_fern01" "ot_branches1" }
{ "ot_eucbark01a" "ot_eucbark03a" "ot_fern01" "ot_branches1" }

Each line is a new skin, you can replace in the next line each vmt name with another vmt name. Or you can leave them be if you want only part of it changed (Though you can simply not write those VMTs down).

note: that the first line has to be the textures on the model that you want to replace, you only have to specify textures that you are going to replce at some time.

make shure that skin no. 1 is applied to the model

now gathering extra skins: as of now we could have 2 skins for soldiers,cops and zombies
I could donate some skins I did:
Wastland combine soldeir.....
Special night SWAt elite:

this are
Sorry for the DX7 quality
Inflames: I've begun hunting skins around,but what scares me is not finding the right code,it's IF and HOW this will be implemented in the savegames. I think that only freshly spawned characters COULD have one of the alternate skins...

the real dream was randomizing the Elite/Guard model+skins on all soldiers: I once asked on the VERC forums and somebody close to God answered a firm "no".

current status of our skins availability:
strider: 3 skins
gunship: 2 skins
zombie: 3 skins
cop: 2 skins
c. soldier: 2 skins
c. guard: 2 skins
c. elite: 3 skins
desstroyer: type "give weapon_alyxgun" or load "Our Benefactors",and don't forget to dl the temporary 1.0 patch from my site
thanks :cheers:

btw. GOOD MOD!!

*edit* now i cant figure out, where is the halo pistol?
Is it just my game or are the sounds slighly delayed (especially while shooting)? My pistol shoots then .5 seconds later i hear the sound- all the sounds are delayed.
Pauly: download the temporary 1.0 patch

Destroyer: it was changed in H&K USP bla bla bla in the end,but the features are there. The standard pistol is now 2X strong and has a zoom

the old bug of people following you in the first 2 levels of the trainstation has been fixed. This sunday is the last day available to send to a magazine a copy as much complete as possible of the 1.0: however the installer,the code and the models (twink! angry lawyer ^_^) have all still some problems and I can only hope we can gather as much material as possible for this and then,some days later,release a more stable 1.0.

Btw,the missing CSS muzzleflashes that damned me so much had to be written *inside the models themselves*: too bad that cannonfodder's mdldecompiler,3dsxmax,maya,xsi mod tool,milkshape all crash on my XPHome. I have to hope Angry or some other good soul help me with those: in the end,the intervention would be:

modeler intervention priority alpha
add muzzleflashes to the ported CSS weapons (soon I'll upload a zip with all of them)

modeler intervention priority beta
add 3 skins capability to zombies,2 to soldiers and 2 to elites
yesssss! I've been able to add muzzleflashes and brass ejections to all of the CSS models.

Angry Lawyer: now it's time for some multiple skins!
My HL2 Substance doesent work.
After loading screen, when bar reaches the end, it makes a 'ping' and up comes an error massage saying stuff like:

' '34x48uyn84' blah blah 'dd6xhuhjh' blah blah blah blah'
Also, you need to change song in menu. gives me the $ }{ 1 + $!!
Rusty100: don't tell me anything,I am the one that listened to it for 100'000'000 times XDDDD you must be very fast and skip it,once you know it,or else you end up standing with your hand on your heart singing Oceania,Oceania,this is for theeeee...

"spirit of substance"
xdiesp said:
HEV FORMS are enhanced abilities gained when you run out of ammo for a particular set of weapons. The passage to a form is immediate (the HUD warns you) and only one can be active at the same time. This is a work in progress and I need help from any of you who has suggestions!

GORDON FREEMAN FORM: Open Wounds regenerate faster,using the ggun intensively morphs it into the superggun for a short period of time. Requirements: none. Available from: the start.

MAX PAYNE FORM: infinite bullet time,jump with embedded bullet time,infinite smg1. Requirements: no ammo for pistol,colt,shotguns. Available from: the first combat level.

SNIPERWOLF FORM: infinite bullet time when zooming with a weapon,infinite snipergun,faster bugbait ammo replenishing.. Requirements: no ammo for colt,shotguns,ar2 and grenades. Available from: the first level of the airboat.

ADRIAN SHEPARD FORM: infinite Napalm-Grenades,crouch is faster and offers -25% damage. Requirements: no ammo for pistol,colt,smg1,ar2. Available from: the first level out of Ravenholm.

SOLID SNAKE FORM: infinite pistol with enhanced damage,crowbar with enhanced damage,crouching means "going into the cardboard box": you are invisible to enemies,can't shoot,fov is limited and no hud. Requirements: no ammo for smg1,ar2,shotguns. Available from: Nova Prospekt.

i like the hev forms idea

how about Blackthorn form... your shotguns do more damage, you jump a little higher, and btime lasts a bit longer. can't have ammo for pistol, smg, AR, crossbow, or rockets
You could have the Angry Lawyer form. You get a briefcase, a suit, and a salami/kabanos/cheese sandwich, and not much else.

-Angry Lawyer
which edition is out? I have .82 i think or something if there is an update can someone link?
Angry Lawyer: when sobriety returns I have to ask you if you know a way to organize a button/function that depletes all of your current hold weapon ammo (the ones in the stash too) instantly. Something like: "if you press this button and are holding the smg1,then your SMG1Bullets stash goes to zero; if you do and are holding the shotgun,then your Buckshots stash..."

MarcoPollo: the temporary 1.0e patch is out,with muzzleflashes http://xdiesp.altervista.org/index.html and soon the 1.0x with HEV forms will be too

Flyingdebris: I post down here the current HEV forms paragraph in the readme. This system is based on some platform games bonuses as Rockman Zero,but is based on you limiting the number of weapons you use as in Halo,and at the same time putting you in a risky situation (not enough ammo,while you have still to conserve high health) to get a major tactic advance as Fatal Fury's desperation moves,as well as giving you the possibility to specialize in your favorite class as in a rpg.

The HEV FORMS are different setups of your HEV suit that specialize it toward different goals (as stealth or defense) and are somewhat tricky to activate: you need to have several of your weapons in reserve (zero ammo) while still be yourself high enough on health,to mantain them. Consider the risks and advantages of each form before switching from the default one to another and manage your inventory as in a RPG to customize your play style even more.

- requirements: this is the default form,so it has no requirements and can always be used when none of the others is available.
- features: your suit regenerates your health up to 30 (if you crouch when badly injured) and using the ggun melee primary attack enough times in the same fight will overload it to superggun mode for a short time.
- comments: no requirements means that this Form can be used together with all of the other weapons,with no limits. You'll resort often to its regen system,should you fall below the minimum health requirements of the other forms and return to this default one.

- requirements: to use this form,you must first own the: SMG1/P90 machinegun. Then,keep sure you have no ammo left for the: pistol,colt,M249 and the two shotguns. And always remain with your health above 60.
- features: SMG1/P90 ammo and Bullet Time are free and jumping has now an embedded BT system on it.
- comments: you don't need strong weapons for your BT to be deadly enough,so be the SMG1 the weapon of choice for this form. Since BT is now embedded in jumping,you can very well forget about the BT button. If your gaming style is precise and more offensive than defensive,this is your definitive HEV Form.

- requirements: to use this form,you must first own the: Desert Eagle. Then,keep sure you have no ammo left for the: Desert Eagle,crossbow,pulse rifle,M249 and the two shotguns. And always remain with your health above 60.
- features: SG550 ammo is free and both the pistol and sniper rifle have now an embedded BT system on them. Also,when in this form your alternate bugbaits auto-reloading speed is doubled.
- comments: the requirements for this form make you exposed to close range attackers while the bonuses give you absolute mastery on long range attacks,so plan your tactics wisely. In particular,use well your bugbait distractions to lure the enemy away from you. A form to be taken in consideration if you prefer precision supremacy over explosive action.

- requirements: to use this form,you must first own the: Napalm Launcher. Then,keep sure you have no ammo left for the: Desert Eagle,SMG1/P90 and pulse rifle. And always remain with your health above 70.
- features: Napalm and grenades are free,crouch walk is faster and triggers an advanced health regenerative system that bring your health back to 100 if you wait.
- comments: this form capabilities are blasts and defense,a real commando combo. However,because of the general proliferation of SMG1 clips around,this form may be hard to mantain: no problem,blowing up the neighborhood (while even regaining health as you take cover from the explosions) doesn't take so long anyway.

- requirements: to use this form,you must first own the: M3 autoshotgun. Then,keep sure you have no ammo left for the: SMG1/P90,pulse rifle,crossbow and the two shotguns. And always remain with your health above 70.
- features: pistol ammo is free,crowbar attacks are enhanced and when you crouch you'll hide in a cardboard box that will prevent enemies to see you (note: you can't attack from inside the box).
- comments: with this form,stealth comes into play. Inside the cardboard box nobody,even in the bloodiest fight,will ever pay you any attention: however you can't kill any enemies in this mode so you'll have to plan well your sneaking if you plan to fool them.
I hope Jerry is not having too much problems with that idea of porting health during changelevels/savegames. I didn't want it,it's the fans that asked that so much... Maybe it's not possible at all... :(
xdiesp said:
Angry Lawyer: when sobriety returns I have to ask you if you know a way to organize a button/function that depletes all of your current hold weapon ammo (the ones in the stash too) instantly. Something like: "if you press this button and are holding the smg1,then your SMG1Bullets stash goes to zero; if you do and are holding the shotgun,then your Buckshots stash..."

Easier done than said. Probably. I'll look into it.

-Angry Lawyer
I am register just for say, that you are cool! This is the coolest mod, that i ever play!
One idea - may be add a automatic crossbow and use model of clarion from CSS? This must be great.
Two question:
1. How i can get ammo for...hm...new alyx gun =)
2. Have we release date of next version with HEV system?


P.S. You are great.
Flyingdebris: btw,if time wasn't against us (but we'll see) I would include very well the Blackthorn form. I would call it Vamp Form,featuring limited bullet time where you could move at full speed with open wounds active. Plus very high jumps and double ammo for the crossbow. I have also in mind an Alyx Vance Form,all to be played with pistol and a ggun that goes berserk after much less time than the Gordon Freeman Form one...

Der Error: where can I get those models (what is the clarion?)? I'd say no more than 4 days for the 1.0x,the weapon_alyxgun ammo is a complicate affair: if you have depleted all of it,type in sequence:
ent_fire weapon_alyxgun kill
give weapon_alyxgun
When I was editing the final City17 levels,my only way to add ammo for it around was dropping here and there the weapon itself,there is no visible ammo acquirable...
ok. thanks for ammo =) for alyx gun...
about clarion - it's 4-1 for Counter-terrorist.
Can't wait for next version. =)

Angry Lawyer: I sent the code you said about the skin randomizator to one of my italian fellow coders,thank you. Jerry has tried a lot to do that porting health/armor/skill thing,with no success: I'll ask him what he tried,but I've got to say that matters are worse than they seem because we can't just port those stats from a save to another,but from a changelevel that becomes a changesavegame to another...

btw,do you have anything to suggest that a code sets random values between 0-1-2? ^_^'
I need the help of all of you forum whores here! Have you ever seen this before,anywhere? I need to know if it's a joke,a bug or an easter egg...

ok,it's an hoax,however I remember one guy on a forum discussing the possibility to realize one of these. It would be great contacting that one!
xdiesp, would it be possible to delete your savegames so that we can play at our own pace with all our weapons ammo etc. in tact? I'm in fact going to go and try that out, but making a backup of the folder first.

EDIT: Apparently not... sigh... this game would be absolutely PERFECT if you didn't have to load somebody else's savegames...
Steam Error

I've downloaded and installed the v 0.84 mod from the installer and get a Steam Error message saying that the "game is not currently available" when I try to load the game. I've also installed the 1.0E patch, but I still get the same error. Has anyone else seen this and/or know how to fix it?
status is that we're late with the HEV forms development and I'm not satisfied with their progression in the game,so the 1.0x will have to wait a bit as you develop the old ones plus the Gray Fox and Liquid Snake forms. Anyway tomorrow I'll release another temporary patch,the 1.0t,for you to have a sneak-a-peek of the HEV Forms mechanics. It will contain:

- gordon freeman (default) form: the one with the berserk ggun
- max payne form: the one with infinite BT,BT jump and infinite smg1
- new USP model
- napalm primary and secondary fire changed
- M3 reload is faster and the weapon more powerful
- VR screen for the SG550 zoom
- multiple skins for soldiers,guards and elites
- impulse 101 gives all the weapons,including the faboulous XM8 and M249
- bugfix: changing level during BT won't damn you to eternal BT anymore

keep tuned for updates as I redefine and rebalance the new Hev Forms. By the way,does somebody know if in MGS3 there is a character that does extensive use of bullet time? Or,who do you think among the ones in the 1-2-3 could give his name to the Max Payne form? (I'd like to have all of their names MGS related)

liato: the savegames do not only contain the ammo/stats start settings,they also store all the new encounters. You can load every single original level,anyway,by typing "map ..." and then pick up the map you like,after you've deleted the savegames.

Dire Phoenix: try rebooting once or twice,we're talking about Steam here :P Does vanilla HL2 start instead? Tomorrow there will be another temporary patch,the 1.0t for you to get in touch with Hev Forms
So really, deleting the savegames would just make it the same game as HL2reg? That stinks. All I want to know is if you plan to fix it. Then I'll be ok. I know it's probably hard to do it, maybe you could ask Valve. <laughs> yah right...
Steam Error (cont.)

Ok, I've tried the rebooting thing several times to no avail, and plain HL2 and all the other mods (Garry's mod, R8-HDRBLOOM mod)seem to work just fine. When I select HL2: Substance, I get "Steam - Error: This game is currently unavailable. Please try again at another time." I don't even get the errors I've seen others get here where it plays the regular HL2 instead. Is there another way to play this mod without going through Steam? Or are there other steps besides simply running the installer that I'm missing?
liato: we are currently experimenting to port health and armor from level to level,but porting ammo is really dangerous and I'm afraid it can't be done...when the porting will be done you'll know immediately

Dire Phoenix: no,it can only be done via steam. The only thing I can suggest you,now,is waiting less than 24hrs and DL the 1.0t patch (that comes with an autoinstaller with mandatory cache copy)

the 1.0t patch is up and...it weights 18 megs,argh! I need to find someone to host it.
NO! I can't belive!!! It's not working for me!!!! When i start new game(tryed load game) it's say something like "0x000033ff...in member...error..." and button Ok. Why? What i doing wrong? Any ideas??? PLEASE!!!!
Der Error: hummm XP set the launch options as in the FAQs on the site,try defragging with Executive Software's Diskeeper demo and reinstall...I can't be less generic,I don't know what's happening XP
Commands and reinstall not working...
Now i am trying to defragging...
I don't understand one thing - why v 1.0e working and 1.0t not?
Anyway thanks for trying help...
oh well....... now when I am trying to load a levle I get the memory error
Inflame007: Level or game? If game, so new game working for you?