Half-Life 2 : Substance mod

Really a great mod! Good job! :D
no complains ;)

One question thou... How did you make the B&W effect, when in bullettime? Did you do some "serious" scripting, or is there a console command. (Looked all over for it...)
The reason i'm asking, is that im working on my own little bt-mod (for private use... i'm not going to copy and release any of your product), and the last bit I need, just to make it "perfect", would be a screenfade to B&W.

This is great, but I want new maps, levels.....any been released?

I want a cool third party SP HL2 game......is there one thats out, or near completion?

Ive had my eye on 'war of the worlds' but that won't be out for a while.

Anyone help?
sorry about the delay everyone,I've been away. I'm working on many changes for the 1.0 patch,including a new little class system!

jondyfun: PC Gamer...did they host the 041? I am italian and don't know for sure...

sybot: it can happen only there,they are indeed "monsters" of accuracy. The secret to survive is...don't disturb the sleepy striders: in the beginning the jeep should had a rocket launcher as the airboat,to take them out...maybe it would be best to pick that idea again

codnemesis: all together the BT that consumes AUX power and accelerates is a little b*tch for coding,anyway the console command for B&W is just "mat_yuv 1". Don't worry about coping Substance,first every modder on earth hates me,second I'm not doing this for money so if don't either,you are free to use my mod contents as much as you want

dr.breen: well,you have just to wait some months and they will come!
xdiesp said:
,first every modder on earth hates me

I don't hate you. If I did, I wouldn't have helped you out with the hub system.

-Angry Lawyer
Angry Lawyer: I know,I know :DDD There is few like you however...
I'd rather have the desert eagle have more powah

I'd like to see the crossbow nail crap to walls again. The electric twitching is nice, but i want titching AND nailing

the sniper rifle needs lots of changes. The disintigrating effect seems way out of place. Maybe if the rifle shot a beam and made a cool noise. But presently i'd like to see the enemy ragdoll also i'd like it to have more than 1 shot. Plus it'd be cool if it had the blue laser.

the quad shotty seems really wierd. It would be better if you had a double barreled sawed off shotty as the weapon model.

I agree with the previous post, the napalm gun should have some sort of firey hit effect when it hits surfaces

Napalm nades would be better if they made a roaring flame on the ground after exploding in addition to setting surrounding things on fire

speaking of fire, gordon should take damage from it.

As for the fn p90. Replace it with a weapon with an actual nade launcher. It will make so many of us so happy.

the m249 would be an awesome gun in its own right if you made it shoot bullets instead of shotty rounds.
I am having a problem installing the mod :( I've downloaded the latest version, (v 084), however, when I run the installer and select the option Install MOD. I get an error in red just below the Target Folder box saying "No Installation data is shipped with this executable. Nothing to install". Can someone help me fix this problem? Because, it's really annoying to go through the effort to download this mod only then to discover that it doesnt even install properly.

Any help would be appreciated, thanks :)
infernus: is it 60 megs?

flyingdebris: the M249 and XM8 models will switch. The Napalm is gonna get some new FX and the sniper will sound. The M3 will reload faster. Everything else serves the gameplay purposes of the mod,nothing is uber and nothing is unuseful at all,just I don't play CS so the weapons aren't a real port.

no,the real problem won't be minor glitches as brass and muzzles (already fixed) but explaining in the System Requirements that the only way not to get crashes is to turn off many details
Yeah, it's the full 61 MBs, complete file and everything. I searched the error message and found a forum site in spanish, not that it helped solve the problem. I suppose I could try redownloading, but I honestly don't think it's a corrupted file download, I am more inclined to guess that it's got something to do with my computer settings. I have looked at Windows Firewall settings and I can't find any conflicts. Maybe it has something to do with my .dlls? Or system files? Well, anyway don't know what else to say. It simply has an error and I dont know how to fix it lol
I have uploaded the 1.0C patch,it has some more fixes but still it's not the "big 1.0" one. Here's the full features:

- highly controversial sound async tweak removed
- Napalm skin is brighter
- SG550 sound returned
- Eagle sound enhanced
- several level errors fixed
- M249 and XM8 models switched
- added a little bloom FX
- should the "Copy HL2 Cache Files" option not be available,you can install it manually by moving your \Half-Life2\Maps\ folder to \Sourcemods\HL2Substance\
- if you experience frequent crashes: 1) turn off antialias,anisotropic and high shaders 2) set the other audio-video settings to medium (and no more than 1024x768) 3) and don't forget to set your Launch Options correctly: access them by pressing the right button on the HL2 voice on Steam and then click on Properties,thus customize them this way: -console - debug -heapsize [half or your ram x 1000; mine is 512 so I type -heapsize 256000]

infernus: at the moment I have no more webspace to host another 60 megs for the just zipped version (stay sharp,you'll have to copy the Cache manually),but if you PM or mail me your MSN/ICQ/Yahoo we can manage a send
problem with installation


First of all many thanks for working so hard on this mod. I am very excited to try it but I can't see the HL2 Substance link in Steam's Play Games menu.

I installed okay the Full 084 and even your latest temp patch ( I guess "installation terminated" means it installed okay?) and go online and do the Steam thing but I don't see your mod. Is there another way to access it (thru the console?).

I must be doing something entirely dumb - please can you help? I am running a legit Collector's version but have not installed the Counterstrike part (if that's any relevance).

Much appreciated.

Jewels: I don't know exactly how the collector's edition works (never seen any),but mine bronze cd has strange behavior without CSS! (that could be the cause,everything you've done is ok)
HEV FORMS are enhanced abilities gained when you run out of ammo for a particular set of weapons. The passage to a form is immediate (the HUD warns you) and only one can be active at the same time. This is a work in progress and I need help from any of you who has suggestions!

GORDON FREEMAN FORM: Open Wounds regenerate faster,using the ggun intensively morphs it into the superggun for a short period of time. Requirements: none. Available from: the start.

MAX PAYNE FORM: infinite bullet time,jump with embedded bullet time,infinite smg1. Requirements: no ammo for pistol,colt,shotguns. Available from: the first combat level.

SNIPERWOLF FORM: infinite bullet time when zooming with a weapon,infinite snipergun,faster bugbait ammo replenishing.. Requirements: no ammo for colt,shotguns,ar2 and grenades. Available from: the first level of the airboat.

ADRIAN SHEPARD FORM: infinite Napalm-Grenades,crouch is faster and offers -25% damage. Requirements: no ammo for pistol,colt,smg1,ar2. Available from: the first level out of Ravenholm.

SOLID SNAKE FORM: infinite pistol with enhanced damage,crowbar with enhanced damage,crouching means "going into the cardboard box": you are invisible to enemies,can't shoot,fov is limited and no hud. Requirements: no ammo for smg1,ar2,shotguns. Available from: Nova Prospekt.
Hey I am really liking this mod so far, but I am getting a serious headache on how to switch weapon fire modes. the button is not listed within the game options, and it has no indication to where it is. I can see where it would switch but I don't know HOW to switch. Please help me, and create a FAQ in english please. I can't speak Italian. I can barely speak English :P.
Jackal239: it's easy,you have to press Reload (nobody reads my readmes with attention,sigh... :'( ).
Well, thats the thing, I read the 1.0C Readme, but all it was was a change log of the changes that had been made. Trustme, I am usually self-sufficient in these areas.

But thank you very much!
I hope (believe was a word too big) this will be the final draft for the HEV Forms bible: http://ludus1942.ngi.it/HEVforms_bible.htm If anyone (named after angry_lawyer) wants to contribute with some work before Jerry sees all of this "to do"s and gets an heart attack,please contact me
> Looks pretty simple.

that's all I can do to contribute to the work of others ^_^

Jackal239: I wrote a FAQ on the site now

to all of you real HL2DM players: what is the best looking multiplayer map available in the world now? We need a training map!
I need someone who's even barely able to run a modeler program for 2 interventions:

1. decompile a MDL and change one of the QC animations from 34 to 68 fps with Notepad;

2. decompile a MDL and change the QC so that it uses 2 or more skins at random (I know the code already).
Which MDL do you need decompiled? You don't need a modelling proram for either part, simply notepad.
Although, when you decompile MDLs, it messes up walk animations. As I found out after trying to fix the Stalker.

Which now works in my mod, by the way. They die without crashing the game, and shoot the laser out of their hand, and actually have shooting animations. And make sounds. It's really cool.

-Angry Lawyer
Can't get Substance working..

Hey all,
I just downloaded HL2 Substance and it's recent patch. However it doesn't work. I get it up and running, but no one does anything, and I get the messages..

"Node graph out of date, rebuilding.."
"AI Disabled.."

any ideas?

Angry Lawyer: seems like the mod issue are always solved inter nos :D you know that you are in the thanks trinity together with yahn bernier and robin walker in the credits,right? 1. The pistol model http://ludus1942.ngi.it/files/xdiespMDL.zip for which I'd like to double/triple the shooting sequence fps is a modded CSS P228,that normally wouldn't be compatible to overwrite the HL2 Usp because its shooting animations aren't fast enough and get skipped. 2. Instead,the models for which I would like to have more skins at the same time are the classic zombie,the metropolice and the combine soldier/guard/elite. The only other time I've heard of usable stalkers is from a peculiar mod builder,is that your project too?
most fun thing loding up antlion troopers on this and putting it in superhard italian mode
I'm in the credits? Sweet. One day, when I'm past my better days, I'm going to do a search on my name and see how many people have thanked me.

My Stalker fixing wasn't really advertised. I just needed a Combine in my mod that didn't have external weapons, and that was man-esque. The Stalker fits the bill.

So, with this pistol...*looks at it* So, you want it to have a quicker animation, so you can unload bullets quicker? Or do you want me to add extra bullets to each animation cycle (sorta like triple shot in CS)?

-Angry Lawyer
Tetra84 said:
Hey all,
I just downloaded HL2 Substance and it's recent patch. However it doesn't work. I get it up and running, but no one does anything, and I get the messages..

"Node graph out of date, rebuilding.."
"AI Disabled.."

any ideas?


Tetra84: that is the classic error of cracked HL2,I don't know anything more. Just,the mod doesn't run with the crack...

Lemmingzappa: indeed

Angry Lawyer: quicker shooting animations so that if you click on the mouse at light-speed the animations can't remain behind (I think 60 or 90 fps speed). They do if you just rename the model file to v_pistol.mdl : you shoot as fast as the USP code permits you,but the P228 moves as fast as its model permits it (and they de-synchronize). Thank you!
angry lawyer: ...then it's a code problem :\ if these shoot animations were faster but still couldn't follow the USP behaviour,maybe in weapon_pistol.cpp there's a code that prevents it to fire if the recoil animation is not complete. I'll try finding it,if it exist,to terminate it...
Thought it might be a code problem, as there are no animation events in the model that tell it when to fire.

-Angry Lawyer
lemmingzappa:I ALREADY OWN AN OFFICIAL COPY, still doesn't work though. Anyone have any ideas that are helpful??
Tetra84: do other mods as Garry's or SP Enhanced work for you?

Angry Lawyer: I used the p228 model on the smg1 and the shoot+recoil animations were perfectly synchronized,it was indeed the code. I bet it's either to change in weapon_pistol.cpp one of these:

// Purpose: Allows firing as fast as button is pressed
m_flNextPrimaryAttack = gpGlobals->curtime - 0.1f;
(***the smg1 code has "curtime + 0.5f;" instead)

(***I'ld like to see these parameters at 0.0f,since there's nothing like this in the smg1)

if ( m_nNumShotsFired < 1 )
if ( m_nNumShotsFired < 2 )
return ACT_VM_RECOIL1;
if ( m_nNumShotsFired < 3 )
return ACT_VM_RECOIL2;
return ACT_VM_RECOIL3;
(***the smg1 code is <2 ; <3 ; <4)
tetra84: but garry's doesn't really change with AI-disable or not,if you don't play SP... Anyway,try typing "ai_disable" in the console or bind it to a button like this:
bind x "ai_disable"
// Purpose: Allows firing as fast as button is pressed
m_flNextPrimaryAttack = gpGlobals->curtime - 0.1f;


if ( m_nNumShotsFired < 1 )
if ( m_nNumShotsFired < 2 )
return ACT_VM_RECOIL1;
if ( m_nNumShotsFired < 3 )
return ACT_VM_RECOIL2;
return ACT_VM_RECOIL3;

Change to:

// Purpose: Allows firing as fast as button is pressed
m_flNextPrimaryAttack = gpGlobals->curtime - 0.01f;


if ( m_nNumShotsFired < 1 )
if ( m_nNumShotsFired < 2 )
return ACT_VM_RECOIL1;
if ( m_nNumShotsFired < 3 )
return ACT_VM_RECOIL2;
return ACT_VM_RECOIL3;

That might make it work.

-Angry Lawyer
Angry Lawyer: I sent the code to Jerry,for compiling and testing. Are you working at Sven's now or is your new mod another one?
I'm working on my own one-man mod. It's going to be an RTS, and I'm not going to be like everyone else and posts loads of concept art to pump it before I've got anything finished.
When you hear about it properly, trust me, it's going to be near-playable. Although, I might have to hurry up, because I've noticed competition springing up in the RTS category. Although, few of them actually have competent coders.
Code-wise, I'm pretty far, with most of the basic functions (controlling units, summoning them) all in order.

-Angry Lawyer