Half-Life 2 : Substance mod


the previous upload of the 1.0T patch was corrupt,please download it again now if you took the file this morning. Thank you.
Now it's working, but...heh...
-Not working fast melee attack.
-If Max Payne form is activating automaticly, so it's not. I don't get, how to activate it. And yes, i make all requirements.

-Do you want to add automatic crossbow(my idea)?
-May be make more modes for SG550? Something about mat_measurefillrate? Or make this mod like BT? Not infinite? Splinter Cell/Predator mod?
Der Error: what happans if you keep pressed the fast melee attack button and you have the crowbar? To activate the MP Form,select the pistol,the eagle and the shotgun and hit the Drop Ammo button for each one (then jump to BT,it's easier). Does it work now?
about fast melee -
Unknown command: +quickcrow
Unknown command: -quickcrow

about HEV - no...if i must have infinite BT and hight jump, so no...
I should be able to fix the melee attack,if it's gone wrong,but the forms not activating is strange...wait...

the crowbar should be fixed in a minute as I reupload everything,it was a stupid missing file. The HEV Forms not activating is a major bug which I have to discuss immediately with my coder: seems like the forms do not activate if you load a savegame of any kind,this must be corrected before the 1.0x final patch (there's a reason after all if all of these are named Temporary Patches,to test them)

first discovery: it's not they are not functioning in loaded games,it's that you can't switch from the freeman default one to the other. The berserk ggun is still there in fact

bug fixed,but we'll have to wait for the 1.0x. Der Error,try and see if you find other bugs by just loading a normal map (i.e. in the console "map d1_trainstation_02" my favorite) or at least see the MP form!
ok...here is list, but not all...about "map ******" it just load original game with mod's weapons.
Ok. Here it is.
-not driveable all vehicles on d1_canals_02(i use "load SBST_*****" and i try to restart...)
-in the start on this map it give you blue gravgun, but for few seconds
-may be give to berserker gun infinite ammo?
-d1_canals_07 - airboat not driveable(i use "load SBST_*****" and i try to restart...)
-when not enough ammo for gauss gun(airboat) and you try to shoot alternate fire, play sound like you shooting secondary

Tomorrow i'll try to find others...

Tomorrow i will try to find other
Help! I Have an error!
When I Start "New Game" I get this http://bbs.nashalife***/attachment.php?s=&postid=152502
Sunderland: it's a memory allocation error,all I can suggest you is to follow the performance tunings mentioned in the FAQ: defrag,update to the last patch,lower some audio-video settings and resolution. And maybe,try to switch to english to see if it works

Der Error: some vehicles are locked,some others simply break. Couldn't see any blue ggun in sbst_d1_canals_02,I just loaded it... The berserk ggun remains berserk only is you continue to use it in the same battle,otherwise it returns to normal
I A did this all! but no results!
Operating Memory: 512Mb
VideoCard: Ati Rad 9800pro 256mb
2400 mhz
It's Normal?
Sunderland: Попробуй скачать снова. Просто сначало он залил порутую версию. Потом всё нормально скинул. Снова скачай. Если не заработает, то снова напиши здесь. Я попробую что-нибудь придумать. Если что - я на nashalife зарегестрирован.
xdiesp: no...i say about ammo...like for original gravgun...you make ammo for it...now it's not infinite...but i think it's better to make infinite ammo only for berserker gun.
Sunderland: I'll paste you from the readme the performance question in the FAQs,I really don't know how to solve these technical problems otherwise... BTW,did you try switching the game to english language?

Q: What can I do to improve HL2S performance on my computer? (Crashes are performance related - Ndr)
A: the first thing to do is *absolutely* defragging your hard-drive: for this purpose I suggest you to use Executive Software's product "Diskeeper". Then,you can customize your HL2 Launch Options: press the right button on the "Half-Life 2" voice on Steam/PlayGames and then click on Properties->LaunchOptions to access them,and here type: -console -debug -heapsize [half or your ram x 1000; mine is 512 so I type -heapsize 256000] . Finally,lower your audio-video settings to raise some labor from both the video card and processor (especially for the audio bargain). An example of low settings configuration that *should* suit most computers (but not necessarily their owners) that I suggest you to use is: resolution at 1024x768,textures at medium,audio at medium,antialias filter at zero,anisotropic filter at just 2x or zero,shaders definitely on low.

Sunderland: it is finite but autoreplenishable,right? It can't run out forever... That method serves 2 purposes: on the normal ggun,it is the timer for the berserk mode; on the super ggun,it makes necessary that in the Citadel you use offensive weapons as well.
xdiesp said:
Sunderland: it is finite but autoreplenishable,right? It can't run out forever... That method serves 2 purposes: on the normal ggun,it is the timer for the berserk mode; on the super ggun,it makes necessary that in the Citadel you use offensive weapons as well.

heh...if you write it for me, so...i say only about berserker gun. i say, that it must be better, if only when you get it(attacking much objects with gravgun) you have unlimited ammo. But when you get your gravgun back, ammo limited again...
Der Error: I prefer not to give people unlimited ammo weapons without a few drawbacks

Sunderland: if everything fails,download the 1.0T again. Maybe the download was corrupt,the first time
I defrag my disc and instal 10T!
But This f.....n Error is saved!
Retsurinzen: which skins,where?

Sunderland: have you re-downloaded everything and set the game to english???
xdiesp said:
I forgot to mention this is intented for veterans of the SP harder difficulty settings. So? Has anyone tried my work?

You damn right I did, and I love it this is what I expected the Vanilla to be like but was disapointed alot when it was weak even in the hard modes!

My wife and I just got the latest version you had posted and it fixed alot of my problems as well! But I still get crashes as of an hour ago but we found a patch and that may help us alot so far no crashes since we updated everything as far as we can see.

I am courious as hell as to what this bullet time thing is since it makes my screen just go black and white and hear no real sounds from the weapon!

I would like to say I think your mod is better then the orginal game it self no OFFENSE HL2 Team but this is what alot of us expected in the game! Hard core and down to the point, its a war.

We are still learning alot about the newer version of your mod if your the one who created it!

I would like to ask you one thing for the veterans of HL2 who can beat the game in matter of hours now! Make this mod your working on as a RANDOM mode or even another version of Substance but randomize the locations of items and locations of travel. For instance lets take the point where Barney is giveing to Gordon his crowbar. The route of how he has to get out of that location could be altered so as he has to jump on a moving train or he has to find a gate in the fence to get on the other side, But the thing is just making the maps and items random!

This RANDOM MODE or even MOD will make sure the game NEVER becomes boreing. And new updates to the Random can be done as you grow so that way its always a new fight and a new adventure for the players!

This random IDEA I have. I have been talking to alot of other games is catching on very fast like. another game I like to play is called system shock 2 and they started to randomize thier mod and people are loving it! Its a whole new mod for vets. And the updates we never know what to expect in our adventures! So as the concept of the RANDOM is what i have been talking about if you decide to do this concept let me know I would gladly help where I can as far as ideas and stuff is at.

Peace out to all!

maybe i have errors because i didn't install last steam updates?
Ok we seem to have ran into a problem with the mod my wife was playing and she backt4racked in the game accidently right after she went to the new map. Now when she went to return she is being kicked out of the game to desktop or to main menu area and we are getting this pop up saying.

Engine Error

UserMessagebegin: New message started before current message hasnt been send.

This is what we are getting now this error happen int he location right after the strider in the water after the red barn area.

Not much more I can say but thats what happened. But my wife is reinstalling the mod to see if this will correct the problem but we couldnt even go back and play from areas we had saved in!

AlphaStarOmega: there's no need to re-install,as stated in the FAQs:
Q: I experience an apparently random bug in level [insert any number here]!
A: it happens,mostly when you play HL2S with insufficient system resources and in an 1hrs+ games. Just reload the level or restart from a savegame in the previous one for it to disappear.

I think it's exactly your case,since you tell me it happens after about an hour (it's a memory limit of HL2). Specifically,type this in the console to load the "red barn level" (level 12):
load sbst_d1_canals_06
If you don't get too many slowdowns,I won't repeat you the usual performance advises but if you're interested they're all in the FAQs too. I am happy you are enjoying the mod,the new Hev Forms we're preparing will bring it a step closer to your System Shock 2. Randomizing mods are great,I remember playing one for Quake 1 that spawned i.e. a shambler where the pistol was and many other things like that: but the problem is Substance is not based on changes on the maps,it's made of savegames,I have not much if not at all coding experience...

Sunderland: I have received contradictory statements on HL2S usability on err..."versions of HL2 that do not use Steam". One says they can't run it at all,another says a newer one can and,what's more,running it even *updates* it to the latest steam patch. I know nothing more,this topic does not support piracy...

a guy reported me that the very ancient problem of picking weapons from combines killed by friendly fire in Level 2 can sometimes return (I haven't experienced it in two months,in the least). No problem,this time I can make combines invincible! This will also be applied to Level 4's fighters on the roofs: this way they'll distract the striders from you longer.
Sunderland: I don't know anything else

another bug has been discovered: the berserk ggun code makes also the "real" super ggun to revert to normal when over 50 ammo. Argh! This definitely could make the citadel impossible,better having it fixed as soon as possible.
Hmm. As far as I remember, the super ggun was defined simply by a variable, something like m_bSuperGGun, or something, and switching between them changed the type of gun. My guess is that you don't have checks for whether you're far enough in the game to have unlimited super ggun. Should be simple to sort out.

-Angry Lawyer
xdiesp said:
AlphaStarOmega: there's no need to re-install,as stated in the FAQs:
Q: I experience an apparently random bug in level [insert any number here]!
A: it happens,mostly when you play HL2S with insufficient system resources and in an 1hrs+ games. Just reload the level or restart from a savegame in the previous one for it to disappear.

I think it's exactly your case,since you tell me it happens after about an hour (it's a memory limit of HL2). Specifically,type this in the console to load the "red barn level" (level 12):
load sbst_d1_canals_06
If you don't get too many slowdowns,I won't repeat you the usual performance advises but if you're interested they're all in the FAQs too. I am happy you are enjoying the mod,the new Hev Forms we're preparing will bring it a step closer to your System Shock 2. Randomizing mods are great,I remember playing one for Quake 1 that spawned i.e. a shambler where the pistol was and many other things like that: but the problem is Substance is not based on changes on the maps,it's made of savegames,I have not much if not at all coding experience...

Sunderland: I have received contradictory statements on HL2S usability on err..."versions of HL2 that do not use Steam". One says they can't run it at all,another says a newer one can and,what's more,running it even *updates* it to the latest steam patch. I know nothing more,this topic does not support piracy...

a guy reported me that the very ancient problem of picking weapons from combines killed by friendly fire in Level 2 can sometimes return (I haven't experienced it in two months,in the least). No problem,this time I can make combines invincible! This will also be applied to Level 4's fighters on the roofs: this way they'll distract the striders from you longer.

Thank you for your fast response, Yes my wife read ther frigging faq that came with the install apparently thats what our problem is just as defined in the readme. And No my comp has the power. I have one GIG of ddr corsair ram. And the computer I have is deticated just to play games on nothing else! So I have 78% of 80 GIGS to hold what ever cache I gain and what ever room I might need. All my other stuff is on another hard drive to keep my main drive as empty as possible. I can play HL2 with no problems its just I noticed on some of the source mods thats another story. LOL!

And the thing about the random mode is its not about finding things like weapons and etc. Its locations of getting to the next map level and medstations and suitstations.

One thing disappointed me and that was your flame thrower gun. might as well throw matches since its about the same distance you can throw one in real life. But I am sure that things will change as you go, EH!

I have new HEV form idea:

Predator form.
No ammo left for p90, m249, desert eagle.
Features - you have scanner vision(mat_measurefillrate), notarget(scanner vision and notarget not infinite. like BT) and infinite crossbow.
Der Error: when you were saying about the berserk ggun problem,did you mean the bug that it makes it return to normal in the citadel stages? We have something similar to the predator form already,the snake form: invisibility,crossbow although not infinite...

I tried a little experiment today,successfull but that however is not compatible with Substance. If you want to do a Ravenholm Doom 3 Mod,it's really really easy: change the flashlight distance and fov settings,set infinite aux power and set the command mat_diffuse 0 while in Ravenholm. The best you can achieve with this mod is adding all the D3 weapon sound and their models from Counter Strike DL
Xdiesp: yes...heh...i must learn english better =)
Just another idea for HEV form:
Get Max Payne form back with config of VULCAN RAVEN.
Then VULCAN RAVEN FORM can have unlimited m249(he-he...), but walt a little slower and jump a little lower. I think, that it must be better...Than question - when i clear ammo for...usp, p90 and shotgun, then i have REVOLVER OCELOT FORM. First - how can i know, that i get this form? Maybe use this:

developer 1
echo " "
echo " "
echo " "
echo " "
echo " "
echo " "
echo " "
echo " "
echo " "
echo " "
echo " "
echo " "
echo " "
echo " "
developer 0

Or you have your own method?
2 - when i pick up ammo for USP, is REVOLVER OCELOT FORM turn off?

Der Error: no forms but the default and Max Payne/Vulcan Raven (it's the same) are already implemented and working stable,they will only in 1.0x. To know what happens when you are in a form,open a map in the console as:
"map d1_trainstation_02"
then do a "impulse 101" and insert the Drop Ammo Code for Vulcan Raven

I wont continue on this road again,it would make the ravenholm levels too difficult,but here's the comparison with the light settings:

http://ludus1942.ngi.it/immagini/rav3_1.jpg original
http://ludus1942.ngi.it/immagini/rav3_2.jpg doom 3 style with flashlight
http://ludus1942.ngi.it/immagini/rav3_3.jpg doom 3 style without flashlight (why should you? it's infinite now)
Got the 0.84 last night. Also downloaded the 1.0T. Nice nice nice! My system is ssssssllllllooooowwww so I'm getting some crashes.

I agree with Der Error. There should be a user indication that a certain HEV form has been achieved after you press the Drop Ammo Code.

I also think that the Drop Ammo Code has too little documentation. Im still trying to figure it out. Example to get Raven, select USP, press b, select DS, press b, select SPAS, press b (where b is mapped to the drop ammo) Is this the correct procedure?

Better if the model for the suit changes too :) (ie when holding the SPAS you see the yellow part of Gordon's HEV suit, when there is a change of HEV form that model should change) Maybe just maybe :)

Keep up the good work!
BTW, are these correct:
1) alternate fire button of the USP zooms, but I can still fire the USP while zoomed?

2) snipper rifle alternate fire button zooms, image has blue gridlines?, I can fire while zoomed.