Half-Life 2 : Substance mod

sessyarc: A and B are correct. The HEV Forms are not available yet but the default Gordon Freeman one and the Max Payne/Vulcan Raven (it's the same) one but outside Substance,just in the normal games. Wait some time for the 1.0x to come out,I will document everything futher

I'm definitely crashing at the canals. Forgot the specific name. Its the part with the tunnels and the heli gunship.

Keep it up!
Ok I have all the give item codes but except for the new weapons you have introduced into this mod so can you please give us the command list for giving ammo to each item or even the weapons them selves.


Skipped the canals, went to Ravenholm straight.

There seems to be a bug in the super shotgun.

The super shotgun is double barelled, correct?, 2 shots for every pull.

Reload count is already 8 as displayed in the HUD, but reloading animation still ongoing.

Full load 8 shots, I only get two trigger pulls before I reload again. 4 shots in 2 pulls :(
If my Super Shotgun you mean the new one, it shoots 4 at once. If you're talking about the Spas, then something broke. Otherwise, read the documentation to figure things out yourself.

As for the missing skins,for me, it seems to be nearly everything including and after the Desert Eagle, or more specifically, anything from outside of Half-Life 2, though the USP model shows up with no skin (or would it be texture) for the hand. At first I had a heart sinking feeling when I pulled out a purple and black Deagle, but I realized that there was something missing.

Also, I have a few gripes.

1) The crossbow. While I enjoy the eletric jitterbug effect even more than the burning doom, the ability to stick people to thinks with it is gone, and I miss it so.

2) The sniper rifle. While not only having a missing texture/skin/whatever, I'm a bit put off by the price of 50 SMG bullets per clip/round, and the fact it disintegrates targets instantly. I could understand the new pulse rifle, being energy based, disintegrating a target (as it violently does), but 50 smg rounds 'compressed' to cause a similar effect? Do you plan on changing it to use it's own independant ammo, or at least remove the disintegration? It kind of ruins the fun/point of sniping when your mark evaporates.

Any help would be much appreciated, and any consideration to my requests would be much obliged, but by no means mandatory, I would just love to see a combine guard pinned to the wall having an electric fit.

One little thing I find peculiar though: I once fired the crossbow at two metropolice I spawned, and the bolt barely grazed the first, but he suffered the death from electricity, while the second was killed by the first falling backwards, and subsequently pinned to the wall by the same bolt. Is there a lethal area around the bolt, or is it simply penetrating and happens to lose it's charge after one target?
ok...just test Max Payne form and come here...
1. When i pick up ammo for USP, i lost MP form. But when i fighting with evil =)) i can casually pick up ammo. May be make button, that on/off form? When it on i can't take ammo.
2. WTF with jumping? When i just first time BT is activating. When second - it's deactivating. But when i jump it BT HEV form is deactivating. Why?
Retsurinzen said:
If my Super Shotgun you mean the new one, it shoots 4 at once. If you're talking about the Spas, then something broke. Otherwise, read the documentation to figure things out yourself.

Yup thats the one. OK i understand (it fires 4 at once). Though animation is still buggy.

AlphaStarOmega: wouldn't an "Impulse 101" be easier?

sessyargc: given the 4 ammo question has been answered,what about the animation,what's wrong with it? Of course you have the 1.0T,right?

Retsurinzen: the crossbow will have both the effects in 1.0x,the sniper rifle will remain. I think following realism too much in a sci-fi game with invincible MIT graduates would be a countersense.

Der Error: I don't get exactly "why" do you ask "why",you've seen it works this way "because" it works this way... As stated in the readme,in the MP/VC form the jump is linked to BT for you to use a button less and do some limited acrobacies.

> missing skins issue by Retsurinzen

is anybody else experiencing this?
you now there is a model for sniper rifle ammo packs right?
isnce there is one alredy texturedalso there is amodel for the flareguns models
Inflames007: eh,but using the smg1 bullets for the sg550 lets me not re-edit the last 30 levels completely just to place them here and there
sorry, I didn't read the WHOLE thread

the problem with the animation occurs when it the super shotgun reloads 8 rounds, the count in the HUD is already 8 but the animation still reloads. I've noticed that sometimes this issue occurs (specifically in Ravenholm) but sometimes it doesn't. Maybe a fluke but i'll continue playing
sessyargc: if it's something that causes a problem,ok,otherwise let's just accept some strangeness
Also did you add the SLAM and stunstick to the game in your mod? If not I think it would be a good addition.
Zeus: the slam is impossible to add and the stunstick as a different weapon too. To supply for their absence,we have the proximity headcrab that's exactly the same and a secondary crowbar attack soon available in the 1.0x

a bug absurdingly horrible has been reported,present from 0.84 on: after using a proximity headcrab,savegames can't be loaded anymore. We're on it now,don't worry - but it's incredible that no one ever noticed this before,or just didn't connect that it was the headcrabs to destabilize the thing!
xdiesp said:
AlphaStarOmega: wouldn't an "Impulse 101" be easier?

Well the thing is I dont like to have all those weapons with me I like it to where I could drop weapons I dont want, need or like! I use the pistol so much in the game I have enve gone trhu it with just the pistol in the normal halflife and would like to do this with yours as well. But there are some new weapons you have and one I would like to get ammo for it but just for it! But I notice the aim on it is not all that great which is the combine AR needs a scope. Which based on the look of it it will in due time!

But as I said I would like the give codes for each of the new weapons you have in it for us!

sessyargc said:
sorry, I didn't read the WHOLE thread

the problem with the animation occurs when it the super shotgun reloads 8 rounds, the count in the HUD is already 8 but the animation still reloads. I've noticed that sometimes this issue occurs (specifically in Ravenholm) but sometimes it doesn't. Maybe a fluke but i'll continue playing

You want a strange bug? Empty all 8 rounds, then reload 5 and fire twice, then prepare to watch your entire ammo reserve pop into the 'loaded' section and count down as you add shells until it corrects itself and loads normally.

Not sure if it costs the extra shells or not either.

Anyway, if someone could tell me how to fix the missing skins I'd be much obliged, but it by no means hampers my ability to play, but a purple and black checkered Desert Eagle? It's just as weird as electricity throwing aliens and superhero scientists.

That's unfortunate with the sniper rifle though, guess I just won't use it. Besides, I'll be able to nail people to things again.
Alpha: ok,here they are:
give item_box_buckshot
give item_box_mrounds
give item_ammo_crossbow

Retsurinzer: yes,I remember seeing that but never was able to replicate that at will...I don't think it depletes more ammo than usual,though. About the missing textures,all I can suggest is defragging (to see if you have bad clusters) and reinstall. If things are really bad,PM me and tell me exactly which textures do you need so I'll mail you them.
good news,everyone: he's a little busy with work at the time,but the squidmod creator has agreed to join us. Who knows that soon enough you won't be battling bullsquids,assassins and so on!
Ahh, I know him, he's a good guy. He still owes me for helping him out with the Bullsquid animations.

-Angry Lawyer
squidmod pwns, but i do think it could do with fully sourcefied models...
there would be need to import at least the one from the high definition pack,and then redo the skin in higher quality. Maybe we could use HIT or Sven,who knows
I just want to say that your mod is great. I really what you've done with all the maps.

I have one or two minor 'complaints' though:

I don't like how the killing people with the Pulse Rifle makes them disintigrate now. After adding all those neat skins and extra enemies it's a shame when you waste all of them and can't stand back and survey the carnage. :P

Also, the Metro Cop (or CP, whatever) skin is very ugly. I realize it's supposed to look like the original CP's, but even then it's slightly off. Pea-green and shiney blue don't go well together. I don't suppose you can alter things so that the CP's switch skins around like the Soldiers do now? That would be really cool.

As I said, the mod is great.
WOW this mod is amazing. I do have one large problem with it however. Whenever a new map loads, it basically starts a new game on that map with different health and suit values then what I had before. In addition, all the ammo I collected in the previous map is gone, and replaced with set ammounts for each weapon. If you can fix this problem, and make it so that I start the next map with all the same ammo/health values as I had in the previous map, then this mod would be FLAWLESS. Its still amazing as it is, but it just pisses me off how I collect over 50 ammo for the XM8 Carbine in nova prospekt, and in the next map I have only 4 ammo. PLEASE FIX THIS.
Now this mod is good except for a few things. It seems to throw large amouts of enemies at you like in original doom or painkiller, which doesn't really fit. It laggs really bad in some places. The enemy placement is too random. I didin't find it very interesting. It was very impressive at first but then, meh, didin't like it really.
Bigweenz: I should write this in the FAQ...the stats are always the same because these are just modified savegames and I don't have the porting technology yet. In any way,the stats you start with give you a bit of everything,but also just a couple of clips to keep the difficulty harder

Spectre01: Substance is not an online mod so it cannot lag,it has just higher specs (lower your settings). This mod is so random,I basically found it one day in my HD,assembled by chance...

I have now received report from my coder Jerry that all of the HEV Forms,the open wounds system,the new crowbar attack have been completed. The 1.0x is closer!
I added my Doom 3 minimod to a button of Substance,you also hear hideous monster screaming when you hit that :D also,Der Error,I placed you in the credits for the predator vision idea: it's called Scanner Vision,now,and it's another special button

if everything goes as it should (this never happens),in the end triggering an Hev Form should:
-flash a colored light at the screen
-trigger a voice that says the name of the form
-open an AUX power menu with the said name
-change the color of the HUD

and maybe,turn reflective the form's weapon of choice
Hey hey hey! Just return and see cool news!!! Thanks for placing me! If you need help with testing, call me! I can help you 24/7 =)
I am very happy! =)))
Der Error: next week I'll call you for the playtest of the 1.0X!

Angry Laywer: help needed,look at this:

(from the resource\gamemenu.res file)
"label" "Friends"
"command" "OpenFriendsDialog"

this command makes the Friends title in the Start Menu link to the appropriate submenu. Do you think it's possible to use another command to run an external exe programvia this same linking method,like ..\sourcemods\hl2substance\switcher.exe?
Hmm... *Ponders* Have you searched for "OpenFriendsDialong" in the source code? Because the .res simply sends a command into the code.

I'm not sure if you can run external exes though, but I'll have a look.

-Angry Lawyer
Angry Lawyer: no sign of that,but looks like the start menu's and steam's VGUIs share the same *.res pages technology. If steam pages can run a hl2.exe file,probably also the start menu could... <-- no sign of this either,damn! Maybe it would be best using an HTML help page as Garry did,I'll try asking him
I have a problem :(

I installed substance, loved the first couple of levels, but I ended the program whilst it was loading, I loaded it up again later, to find that the SG sniper and the P90 had been replaced with small red boxes in the top left and right of my screen. I also can no longer enter the buggy needed to continue :(

I attempted to reinstall, didnt work, deleted everything and a FULL restall of the mod and it still happends to me, any help would be appreciated (P.S. Im using the patch)
KillerTV: it's something strange that's happening with the temporary patch 1.0T new installer,now I have re-uploaded a zipped version to check that. Your full install 084 is ok,you need to download this new zip

I would give everything to have snow falling in all the levels!
Help files? Just open a panel, and read the contents of a script file into it. Easy peasy.

And I could probably make snow fall in all levels. I'll look into that too.

-Angry Lawyer
xdiesp: heh...snow...how about rain? rain is possible. or rain with white texture =P
Thanks a lot Xdiesp, I'll try it out tomorrow, great mod by the way :)
patch v1.0T installation instuctions wanted

Hello everyone,

Just joined these forums and I must sincerely thank all involved with creating the Substance Mod--it's superb!!

Due to frequent crashes and lockups, I just downloaded the v1.0T patch, but installation of it is a mystery to me. I see a whole lot of files in the winzip, but with no installation .exe or instructions in the FAQ read me file.

Could someone please be kind enough to post a simple set of instructions for the installation of this patch?

Unzip to the sourcemods folder of your HL2 directory, wherever it's located.

Also, would the skin problems have come around from installing the 1.0T alone without installing 0.84 first?
chicanery: unzip it in your program files\valve\steam\steamapps\sourcemods directory. The installer exe was there but people reported me problems so I'm checking it... To avoid crashes,try running the game with shaders low,AAS and anisotropic off,models low,audio medium and texture medium: if everything goes fine,start adding some higher settings around,but at first try it with minimum specs

retsurinzen: tell me your problem wasn't that you tried running the temporary 1.0T patch *without* the 084 also installed previously ^_^'