Half-Life 2 : Substance mod

henkjan: in \sourcemods\hl2substance,it's a configuration file

der error: and the others that aren't signed?

time to ask for help around,again. It would be very good having items pickable only when the use button is pressed.
and i tought ravenholm was hard... i'm at our benefactors... pfew not easy. cool :). i will be doing it all again when 1.0x comes out.
i realy love ravenholm. guess it well be easy now cause of all the experience you get while playing.....
other is normal. not bad, not good.

about pick up...hm...maybe just make button...something like pick up on/off? i think it must be easy.
hmm something weird happend to me... i was playing in our benefactors and suddenly, i lost my ggun...
i couldnd move on cause i needed it to shoot one of those.... erm how do u call it, balls? lol to cut down the power for somekind of shield. i used cheat to get the gun.
what program should i open autoexec.cfg with?
EDIT: i just cant seem to make it. in our benefactors. at that part where there is some kind of thing that brings u up, and there are holes in the wall where alot of enemies are coming out, too many. can someone help me with that part? maybe someone who has done that in f3 mode?
and the FAQ says that i should do something with hl2 for less lag
asked it befor about the ram. console -debug -heapsize [half or your ram x 1000; mine is 512 so I type -heapsize 256000]....
so you mean like this= console -debug -heapsize 256000. or
without the heapsize in it?
EDIT: so i am on that thing that brings me up with 2 health and they are coming from 2 sides... 4 enemies and 2 health. maybe i should redo the hole thing
henkjan: because of a bug 1.0T specific,the final levels can't be completed if you are not a superhuman player. Oh well,it's just a couple of stages and the 1.0X is closing.

I'm re-saving the levels,they were becoming outdated. I did some little changes to the gameplay to have fights with allies last longer,and did some performance/crash tweak more. I'm also bugfixing/playtesting myself: it appears that I overestimated the big boss form powers,the poor guy really needs an enhancement. Probably in the end his sniper gun will change model and will be able to shoot 2 times without zoom.
it can be completed :) allmost did btw. you just have to be verry carefull and kill everything and not just run across everything without looking first
i'd go with the bottom middle gun in your picture. It looks like the one most likely to have a nade launcher
ok guess i cant make it. played for like 3 hours and didnt make it lol.
xdiesp said:
if you want to start helping with the 1.0X,tell me how much longer do you have to wait and if the levels run smoother then once you insert these 2 commands in cfg\autoexec.cfg.

cl_forcepreload "1"
sv_forcepreload "1"
I've played a couple of hours now with the two commands in my autoexec.cfg and I can’t really tell any difference.
Load times and game smoothness feel the same to me.
Hope that helps.
Darkn3ss: thanks

I've been able to recover some lost material in the passage between 0.32-0.41-0.84 thanks to the new performance tweaks,not much but better. For the ones of you who weren't there at the time,when it first came out with v.032 the mod was at least 200% heavier than it is now,thus forcing me to cut off a lot of the original action scenes in levels 1-32 (ravenholm).

The 1.0T was awfully difficult! Seems like there was a bug concerning localized damage - fixed. Ammo and hev battery is also increased in the default setting at start level.

In levels 1 + 2,nobody will follow you or scream "I'm coming with you!" anymore,nor on the contrary they will escape from you. The turnstile problem is solved. The infamous 2 headcrabs in level 1 are there,but now they're dead and there's a vortigaunt on the top of them. Also there is one where in level 2 there's another headcrab: it won't start an attack cutscene so easily,a scanner has to pass and see it,but if it fires off it's a good one. Later in level 2,if you approach the combine lineup before entering the building,the combines kill all the prisoners.
so i should redownload 1.0T?, or is that in the 1.0X? that is coming soon.
henkjan: 084 or 1.0X,but after all you're just missing a couple of levels. Wait for the 1.0X playtest later on this week,for another challenge you could play in Italian Extreme Mode
Hey xdiesp seeing as you'd be familiar with console commands for hl2
can i ask how you group a load of combine into a squad so that they act as a squad?
what commands do you use
will 1.0X be downloadable next saturday? and how do i uninstall 1.0T?
John: name the combines with "ent_setname myname" and then do "ent_fire myname setsquad anothername". Does only work on soldiers and citizens. You can check your squads at any time with "developer 1" and then "npc_combat npc_combine_s"

henkjan: I hope so,I don't like delays too
xdiesp: ok thx. Wish i had hl2 on this pc...
my mom wont let me buy hl2 ;( so i have to wait 5 days befor i can play again. My brother has the game. but to play it here it has to be uninstalled on the other computer, but my brother doesend wanna do that. tough he doesend play tha game...
my mom says the game is too mutch killing and stuff... u cant even see arms flying off so that doesend make sence... lol.
xdiesp: in 1.0X there will be open wounds? would be cool.
i tought i heard u say that sometime. would be fun if u could make that u can shoot arms off and stuff... like with a zomby, that he will only hit u with 1 arm.. hehe. and when u shoot his leg. he will have to jump, lol
i keep getting kicked when i play, hl2 substance. can any one help

i get kicked off the game when Barney gives me the crowbar what should i do. plzzzzz help me
henkjan: yes,open wounds but also a regen system as in Max Payne. So,if you crouch for 20 seconds when you're lower than 30 health,you will recover it. I would really like detachable limbs,I guess it's some kind of model property we should research...

Halo1873: patch the mod with the latest patch,check the FAQ about crashes+performance and finally reload the level in the New Game menu (or just typing "load sbst_d1_trainstation_06" in the console)

damn! I knew I was doing something wrong with these renewed savegames. I'll leave alone the "give something of everything at level start" philosophy and see what inventory you should approximatively start with if you play normally: then I'll place more ammo near the start points. And,I'll also place the gamer in an hevform immediately 2 times over 3. What's more,I have simplied the hev forms even more: in the end,you won't have to press more than 1 button to activate them,and it won't be easy as now to fall out of a form because you've picked from the ground a weapon you shouldn't have.
Tell me Xdiesp, did you change anything in the VMT of the textures of the models so they would randomly change their skin or you had to change some thing in the QC?
well thanks alot i'll see if that would work:) well i have v 084 is that the new ver.i looked at the FAQ and it might be that something went wrong when i installed it or something. i'll try 2 reinstall it and see if that works.
Yay it's letting me play. wooooo :)

wooooo it finally let me play this great game. thanks for the help. :E
henkjan said:
My brother has the game. but to play it here it has to be uninstalled on the other computer, but my brother doesend wanna do that. tough he doesend play tha game...
Not true, little one.
Your brother doesn’t have to do a thing. All you need is his account info. (or whoever it belongs to) and some times when you know for sure he's not in Steam. Then you can install Steam and whatever games are associated with that account as a simple download and play.
Just let you brother know he'll have to enter his account info next time he launches Steam.
(of course this assumes you brother even likes you. ;))
Inflame007: QC

pratically,I'm doing the playtesting myself :p All right,change of impostation (totally better) for the HEV Forms. Previously you had to drop a certain number of weapons to activate these bonuses: it was enough to pick up one of those ones from the ground that the effect disappeared,REALLY annoying. Now this cannot happen at all,but mostly the HEV Forms are now classes that you can choose freely with the keyboard buttons:

(default,later you can customize them from the menu)
F1 - default Gordon Freeman
F2 - Liquid Snake
F3 - Solid Snake
F4 - Big Boss

with this method,I can also give Snake more resistance to hits
ya that woudl be pretty good, but i think that it would be to easy that way. It would be cool if you had to pick what suit you wanted before each level started. Or if there were "suit spots" around the level, and you could only pick your suit there.
darkn3ss: we allready tried that but then it says the cd key is in use on an other computer... so it doesend work. cant even install
half life2 cause it says the cd-key is in use on an other pc...
valve made it like that u can only install it on 1 computer
xdiesp. nice work :) the HEV forms will be verry usefull in our benefactors. especialy with the Big Boss hev form...
cause u have onlimited SG550. just one thing
are f1 f2 and f3 not used to chance it from easy to normal to hard? will there be other buttons for that? or will i have to typ it in console?
ya, i can't wait until 1.0X, i was reading over the HEV suits again. I think that i will mostly be playing as the solid snake one. I tried to use the pistol as much as possible, but there was never enough ammo for it. I loved it beacuse i could get super easy headshots while zoomed in with bullet time on. Plus it's so damn powerful.
hmm, i will try again. but we tried it befor. i can install the game.but when i enter the cd key even if i am logged in on my brothers account. it will say that the cd key is allready in use. my bro is 18 and he knows alot about computers and games.
i realy like the HEV forms 2. what form i will use depends on where i am..
guess i will use liquid snake form when i am in raven holm, onlimited m3 ammo. cool :). solid snake i will use in the antlion part. and big boss form in our benefactors. grenates and sniper are usefull in there
Drizzt and Henkjan: I've updated the HEV Forms page with new infos. The only one that are not there,yet (I have to hear my coder about this) is the possibility to switch the unlimited weapons models with new ones. Not to say the P90 is still quoted,when in the end it will be ovewritten by either a MP5 or M4
henkjan said:
darkn3ss: we allready tried that but then it says the cd key is in use on an other computer... so it doesend work.
I've installed Steam then downloaded and played HL2 on about 4 PCs so far, without CDs or a cd key. Just a login. And yes, I did buy it retail (not in Steam)
In fact that’s one of the things vALVE says is "cool" about Steam. Personally, I think it makes Steam dangerous, but if it'll help you and your bro share some HL2 time, then it cant be all bad. ;)
henkjan said:
just one thing are f1 f2 and f3 not used to chance it from easy to normal to hard? will there be other buttons for that?
I was wondering about that myself.
BTW, Am I the only one who can’t bind the "c" key?
Lately I've been binding c with grenades (don’t ask why, long story) and it works until I exit the game and come back. Then it goes back to default and I have to redo.
I may try editing the .cfg file later, but haven’t done that yet.
Just though I'd mention it.
Darkn3ss: I'll check if my bindings last (I think they). The skills,hev forms,everything buttons can be now customized from the menu. In the 1.0X an important role is covered by the "Fast Melee Attack (hold)" and "Fast Grenade Throw (hold)" buttons: I made their models' draw animation faster so it takes no time to pick them up,then if you hold them the crowbar starts swinging forever untile you release (thus switching back to your last weapon),while the grenade throws 1 and then switch back also. The grenade is much Halo style,always useful but this is especially true in Big Boss that has unlimited ammo for it,the crowbar is nothing special at first,because it's the primary unlimited shoot that's fired (the secondary one consumes 40 of those autoreplenishing ammo sources,and does the damage of a desert eagle - enemies killed this way fly backward 3 meters). Useful for crates or headcrabs,but absolutely necessary for Solid Snake,that has the desert eagle on the primary unlimited fire as well (I said it on the hevforms page,it's both the predator + alien from AVP)
erm.. what do u mean download half life 2? i dont download it i just install it..
and i cant enter the cd-key cause it will say that the cd key is in use
hope 1.0X will be done this saturday.
wondering what and M9 knife looks like.
would be fun if u had a granate that explodes when it hits anything... u can do it with the rocket launcher but that's too dangerous.
and i think it's realy cool how that pistol reloads... dont remember the name.
i still think this is too easy :p i can make it easy without bullet time.
i'll try that realy hard mode when i finish it on f3
henkjan: you can do that with the proximity headcrabs already,they explode on enemy impact

I have a little playtest for you: type these commands in the console and see if you can get away with them without crashes. Try them on 2 levels and 2 reboots. Good luck!
give weapon_annabelle
give weapon_citizenpackage
give weapon_citizensuitcase