Half-Life 2 : Substance mod

ok. but it doesend explode on ground impact :P.
and i cant try anything, i have to wait 3 more days
ok...here it is:

-give weapon_annabelle
just give me shotgun, but in inventory it's named something like "gregory's shotgun"

-give weapon_citizenpackage
lol! It's give me...citizen package! =) no crash

-give weapon_citizensuitcase
now i have suitcase in center of screen. laggish...
Der Error: there was a bug preventing one of those 3 to be used in the HEV Forms firing mechanism every time you included all of them,so I wondered if that happened to others as well. Fixed

Henkjan: I get it now,like the Blood dynamite you mean...

one of the features of the old 6 forms that's gone missing in the 3 forms synthesis is Ocelot's colt,faster and with unlimited ammo. After all it wasn't uber faster,we can have it replace the normal one. Actually there is another one that's being not used,I have to fix this: Big Boss is modded to have perfect aim with the submachine guns (but now he can't use any!). I have updated the hands,now they're almost acceptable. In the end I choosed a very high poly M4A1 in the place of the P90: http://www.counter-strike-dl.com/downloads/source/images/csdl_source_081t.jpg (it's *not* blue) The supermodified Mega M4,the biggest weapon of the candidates,is still in the limbo between BigBoss's sniper,the new napalm and Liquid's M4: once I know if the alternate models I asked Jerry work,I'll decide
good job on chooseing the weapon skins. The M4A1 looks really clean, nothing over the top.
that weapon looks real good :sniper: . and the m9 knife is nice 2
would be fun if there was a minigun in hl2 :P
wow, that would be the perfect gun to replace the sub machine gun. Seems to go really good with the "feel" of the half life 2 world. If only you could assign a button to zoom with that gun, so it would then be semi auto instead of full auto.
Next version will be done soon, yes? :D
*is excited (as stated in the comments at hl2files)*
Drizzt: yes,but I have no means to make it zoom: the secondary fire is occupied (can't delete the smg1 grenades just for that) and a zoom script wouldn't work with automatic fire. I'll set it as the alternate model for Liquid's machinegun: it was planned for it to have more precision,so that will be the excuse for the scope. I am fixing the Mega M4 to use it as the AR2. Our napalm is again a black colt,I would prefer something better even if this is strangely fitting when you play it... The alternate snipergun for Big Boss (assumed the alternate models work! I need to hear this from Jerry,yet) should be in the end a black AWP

Flib>Noone: our status is that I've updated all the savegames and I'm waiting word from my coder to send him the final bugfix list. It's all about bug solvability now

ent_fire npc_combine_s addoutput "OnDeath npc_combine_s:sethealth:100:0:-1"
this is the "xdiesp script": it makes combines replenish their health totally when one of their group dies. It doesn't make the difficulty higher,because generally you focus on enemies individually and the next one is always at full health: instead it prolongs fights with allies on your side,that while they do battle and injure the enemy,with this method cannot take frags away from you. This is the most diffused version,but there are also other ones that make the combine regenerate health over time or give health to your teammates. It's everywhere in the 1.0X

now that I have updated all the saves,I'll think how to implement well a new addendum to the Italian Extreme mode,Solid Snake oriented. Pratically,a stealth mechanism that makes the enemies very resistant if you fight them when they see you and viceversa leaves them at 50% health if you sneak on them. Per se this is not difficult,it's another script as the one above,the challenge it to think some bizarre use for the console commands ad/or the weapons to have this more fun. Like 3rd person camera,satellite view,VR view trough the walls and so on.
henkjan said:
erm.. what do u mean download half life 2? i dont download it i just install it..
Ok, little dude, one more time and I'm letting it die.
I know you can do it.
  • Put those cds away, permanently.
  • memorize your bro's login.
  • call him and make sure he's not playing any games from Valve.
  • go to http://www.steampowered.com/ and click on 'get steam now'
  • download and install steam
  • login with bro's login
  • wait...wait...wait...wait...whew big download!
  • play HL2
  • install HL2 Substance
  • play HL2 in the coolest way possible. :)
Piece of pie, err I mean cake.
bad news,I'll be out of town until this sunday. I have uploaded my part of the project (now 70 megs) to my webspace: if Jerry finishes his part when I'm away,I'll ask you to download the two,mesh them together and see what happens.

I've understood how to make invisible or transparent models: originally it was meant to see the human head under the zombie headcrab,but it turned out the model isn't really made that way. I'll chop off the barrel of the colt to have a more credible black flare gun,maybe also make a stealth elite. Maybe I could use it for snake's stealth too
darkn3ss: ok. allready have steam installed :P. but does it take long the download the big download?
ah xdiesp man.. i tought it would be finished this saturday..
now i have to wait another week.... unless i install hl2 here
Xdiesp: maybe you should do a diffrend background on the hev-forms page, it's hard to read the green letters
henkjan: ok for the background/letters,but what's your installation status?

we'll use a magnificient M9 as Snake's pistol replacement from my friend Sureshot,and I hope to include also another extraordinary piece of equipment you see on the top of this AWPs page for Big Boss sniper rifle http://www.counter-strike-dl.com/downloads-cat-47.html Please note that I found the weapons icons of pre release HL2 in the source materials gcf: the flaregun was indeed a chopped colt-like pistol,and the snipergun this same AWP. But cross your fingers that Jerry replies positively to the alternate models...
lol xdiesp, that is the same AWP i use in CS:S. Its a really nice model, very high poly, i love it.
xdiesp: You should concider putting updates in the first post so that people like me don't come in here and annoy people by asking.
"ohnoes liek is teh heflife 2 subtince owt yet///"
henkjan said:
darkn3ss: ok. allready have steam installed :P. but does it take long the download the big download?
It totally depends on you connection speed.
Unless your on a modem, expect a couple of hours and you might be pleasantly surprised if it takes less.
i allready have the game installed, should i just log on with my bro's account now and play? not like i have my bro's password....
he doesend believe me. said he allready tried it....
henkjan: I meant if you could play it already on your comp
flib/noone: indeed,good idea!

all right,I'll be away until late monday but:
- I have a playtest going on for the updated savegames,and we've already isolated various good ideas;
- there are higher chances to include a lifestats porting method between the levels I just designed;
- also we could add squids,houndeyes and assassins;

I wouldn't be surprised if my coder sends me a v1.0X beta today,I'd have you test it at once.
Inflames: this mod does ***NOT*** use any leaked material.
wtf does he mean LEAKED content.


lol :smoking:
hahahaha lol hahahah
i'm laughing so stupid cause just saying lol is not eanoth to make a reply :P
I am sorry but this looks like the same texture :
the beta one:
the Substance one:

you do know that there are alot of models and textures,etc. still in the *.GCF files that are NOT in the game but were in the leak,right?

and as far as I know,it is perfectly fine to use them
T.H.C.138 said:
you do know that there are alot of models and textures,etc. still in the *.GCF files that are NOT in the game but were in the leak,right?

and as far as I know,it is perfectly fine to use them
Now you think your smart?
I cheked the Odessa folder in the GCF... and ther is no such texture as substance uses ther.....
well who cares this is a verry good mod nomatter what he xdiesp used to make it...
so stop complaining
Inflames007: our Odessa is just a recolor with some particulars taken from prerelease pics,no stolen material has ever been used in the making of Substance. Ask Renard,our spanish collaborator that did the skin
as soon as I hear my coder I'll send you the link to the work in progress 1.0X page on the site. As of now I have a playtester searching it for troubles in the levels,with no code involved.