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  1. Hipshot

    Time limited post editing stupid.

    rec, you say that the limit are there for reasons that Fenric said, but, have this forum ever been target of any such spam or stupid edits long after the post was made? Are you sure that you cant try to have unlim for a month or two, and then see how that turns out?
  2. Hipshot

    Half Life 2 Keyboard controls.

    And I suppose you couldent edit the post instead? *cough* *cough*
  3. Hipshot

    Shadow casting explanation for non-programmers

    Hmm, you guys might know that there was shadows in HL(1) once, accesable through the cvar r_shadows 1, what is that method called, it was like a black "model" that was on the ground, and it looked terrible when you stod on uneven ground.
  4. Hipshot

    Shadow casting explanation for non-programmers

    Also, its known from HL(1) that Valves levels arnt made with the best gfx and detail, compared to what can be accomplished with their engine. Im sure the community can, if HL2 supports as advanced lightning as D3 engine, make levels that looks very good and are very light-complex...
  5. Hipshot

    Shadow casting explanation for non-programmers

    Belive me when saying, what you see on the screen is not fake, its there. But what you see might be a fake of something in the real world.
  6. Hipshot

    Time limited post editing stupid.

    ...or try to have unlim for like a month and see if there would be any problem?
  7. Hipshot

    Time limited post editing stupid.

    I dont think that people would abuse if they know they could edit for unlimited time, also if someone 'bagsie' a space and then later edits that, that could be called spam, and then could lead to warnings and bans. I know that sometimes I wrote things, that might be totaly wrong in terms of...
  8. Hipshot

    Time limited post editing stupid.

    Why must there be a limit to that?
  9. Hipshot

    Funniest what-Iwould-do-if-HL2-didnt-work

    No, I like the US. I use to have that avatar on other forums, but now since I could have animated gifs here I just added the 'wheel' cause its on my homepage and I like that (dont know what they are called in english ;))
  10. Hipshot

    Funniest what-Iwould-do-if-HL2-didnt-work

    From the US? I suppose any Chinese would be hurt by the word tank and square, or japanese by the word atomic bomb...
  11. Hipshot

    Half Life 2 Keyboard controls.

    Dont make ME post my Flight Sim setup :flame:
  12. Hipshot

    Half Life 2 Keyboard controls.

    Hmm, I used the wsad long before HL come. I started use that when I began playing QWCTF seriosly. I couldent manage the arrow keys any more, and I needed more buttons around that was easier to reach.
  13. Hipshot

    Check my new samurize config :)

    I like those colors, they are a little HL inspired :) Btw, samurize is a great little proggie.
  14. Hipshot

    HL1 VS HL2, do you think HL1 will be better?

    That is true, if HL and HL2 will be compared side by side, HL2 should easily win, else there is something wrong. Maybe you could say that the storry is better in HL(1), then you must say that the graphics, sound, interaction, multiplayer etc etc is much better in HL2. A game that once was great...
  15. Hipshot

    This has been pretty boring.

    Im sure he wasent the father... mohahaha j/k ;)
  16. Hipshot

    Hi :)

    Uhm, what is a Combine, is that a new monster?
  17. Hipshot


    Im sure you can change the camera, and rotade the fov and so, but change the gravity is another thing, just because like an alien stick to a wall that dosent mean that the whole gravity is changed and that you can walk on the walls and jump and then land on the wall again... throw a grenade that...
  18. Hipshot

    Best Mapper In The Forums....

    Haha, thats is SO cool you know. That jetfighter mod seems really cool, and that TFC map to. You are my new idol :)
  19. Hipshot

    HL1 VS HL2, do you think HL1 will be better?

    Oft: Ok, well, alot of my friends say its the best they played ever, but I thought it were tremendous monotone and boring :) Also the physics is Havok, the same that will be in HL2, as im sure all of you know.
  20. Hipshot

    This has been pretty boring.

    Im sure your tits are pretty 'stiff' by now then ;) All I want is another screenie, or something really, just give me SOMETHING :)