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  1. S

    Metro cop

    For those of us who don't know how to do that would you give a brief explanation of what you did?
  2. S

    this door texture is driving me NUTS! help!

    Hells is right, the texture contains the door texture and the frame molding. Do this: shift+A and click the texture then fiddle with the X and Y adjustments as well as the scale to make it fit just right. Then create the Frame molding and apply the same texture to it alliging each part...
  3. S

    Displacement Map Tutourial

    Nice tut, I learned quite a few useful things from it! That was def the best tut I've seen on displacements. **edit** It just hit me, after seeing the techniques I saw you use in making the displacements. I have since gone thru my map and deleted all my displacements and I'm starting...
  4. S

    prop_physics vs prop_physics_multiplayer

    Good to know. Thx!
  5. S

    How long have you been mapping?

    I voted 3 mos, but its probably been only a few weeks of actual mapping! I tried getting into mapping back in the Duke Nukem 3D days! Hahaha, this is so much more fun to play with!
  6. S

    Displacement Map Tutourial

    I was hoping Id get a chance to view your tut but link no longer works.
  7. S

    skybox items without skybox

    Well if it's so simple they why haven't you figured it out. I'll tell you what is simple, making a freakn 3D skybox, that is simple. Ignoring your posts from now on, that is simple! :thumbs:
  8. S

    Tutorial adressing custom texturing

    Again I am flaberghasted at the coolness! This stuff makes mapping like the difference between driving a pinto (no offense to pinto owners!) or driving a Lambo! Thanks for your very helpful programs! All this is very new to me so plz excuse my praises if they are sappy!! :dork:
  9. S

    skybox items without skybox

    Man, it was a little hard the 1st few times I tried making one just for fact that I was completely new to mapping. Didn't know my head from my ass. With the help of many great sites slowly but surely I have started to learn clean techniques and I'm in the process of finishing my 1st full map...
  10. S

    skybox items without skybox

    Wow, you are not going to get anywhere with that attitude. A 3-D sky box is so easy its crazy. I was in your exact shoes until it clicked one day and now I look back and laugh. Trust me, stick with it and use the sdk_3d_skybox.vmf helper map. Load that sucker up, and study it then read a...
  11. S

    Tutorial adressing custom texturing

    Damn you rock!! I have another idea if its possible! This I have been trying to test but may get an answer here before I can figure it out on my own. When I create a new map and original materials and compile my map do I have to manually create the .res file with the contents list so...
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    Tutorial adressing custom texturing

    -->dur<-- Wow, figures it would be something that simple! Sry for not checking the read me. I have another question. My maps have names with "_" in them. The "sort folder" name filed will not allow them. Can you change that or is that the way it has to be? Now that I was able to get it...
  13. S

    Tutorial adressing custom texturing

    Having major issues. First off, I would like to thank you for the great program you have created. I am having problems tho. Program is not working at all for me, not sure whats going on. The "Folder to sort texture into" area is where I'm experiencing problems. It initially shows fine but...
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    Post Your Loading Time!

    Yep, 1GB ram roughly 10-15 seconds. AMD 2800/333
  15. S

    Sweet!!! Last 10 Minutes!!! Omg

    Omg Omg Its Unlocking
  16. S

    Sweet!!! Last 10 Minutes!!! Omg

    someone post when its working
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    The official HL2 countdown thread

    6hrs and 25mins by my watch! All of you in the Eastern Time Zone like me have to wait till 3am! 12:00 AM Pacific Time HL2 is officially released!