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  1. M

    Am I the only one a little let down by HL2?

    I would say the AI was more subtle, doing things most people wouldn't normally notice. The AI seems to have more of an effect if you are playing slowly and cautiously, developing stratagies and such. About the difficulty of combat.. meh, it was a little on the easy side, but I can attribute...
  2. M

    Question about Steam

    There have only been a few times where I've had any problems with Steam: right when it came out and was in its testing phase was bad, but a long time ago (couple years I think), and whenever they are doing updating or server maintenance (which I guess would include releasing hl2, many people...
  3. M

    Who thinks HL3 will start on a train ride?

    A train ride always feels like halflife, without one it wouldn't be so awful but many people would say "aww," put their head down, and have a soft familiar piano tune playing in the background.
  4. M

    Golden Eye (N64) - Source

    Sounds like it'd be an interesting mod :P On the PD side.. me and some friends pulled out an old dusty 64 and held the now odd feeling controllers in our hands and played some "joust".. tranq guns on lethal injection, that was actually fun unless someone decided to shoot the actual...
  5. M

    New steam update today

    Yeah.. many of those in cal that play cs know of the incidents with steam.. luckily it didn't happen to me, but unfortunately it happened to three of my clan members and one of the opposing team members.. tuesday was a day of much rescheduling, and quite an inconvenience :/
  6. M

    New HL2 article at IGN

    It's a nice compile of the known information :)
  7. M

    Mario 3 beaten in 11 minutes

    lol. It's interesting that I remember that happening to me. Although I was using a Game Genie at the time (way back when). I also remember making up new codes in smb3 with my brothers, getting quite a few buggy things :) but one I remember was that when you jumped you wouldn't fall back down...
  8. M

    Steam! The future?

    Apart from the occasional "Friends" server going down, I found no real problem with Steam. Being able to download the games is just a plus. Download and burn it to a CD. If you have a friend that's on 56k or a slow speed internet, you can give them a copy of the game install (this is, of...
  9. M

    People still saying Pay for multiplayer

    Indeed WoW does.. far too many people don't understand the value of pay per month games though, or at least with MMORPGs.. but there are still plenty who do enjoy it :D
  10. M

    Gamespot Confirms SDK is due in next few weeks

    I agree that this is probably the case, but you know the emails asked if there was a chance, and the reply was along the lines of "Yes, there is a chance." I still agree that it's most likely 6-8 weeks, perhaps a little sooner or maybe a little later, either way I'm sure most will be satisfied :)
  11. M

    Can we get a better Gabe pic?

    I don't think anyone was implying that they cared if he was overweight :P An image that portrays him better though, is what people are looking for I believe..
  12. M

    Next Gen Consoles

    I live in "pessimistville" :P (and all the negative thoughts put in by those pessimists were before MP was released and before their foots were in their mouths :))
  13. M

    Next Gen Consoles

    Nicely said. You've only skimmed the surface of decent (IMO) games :). Eternal Darkness, as you mentioned, is a wonderful game. Super Smash Bros. Melee is great if you have the people, quite a different type of fighting game; different and new is why I enjoy it so (disregarding the fact that...
  14. M

    Not new (seen in that magazine) Screenshots on IGN :)

    I can kinda see what you're saying. But I think the shadows have a more of a faded look because the exposion/combustion of something causing light to spill out and lighten the shadows. I wouldn't be surprised if the buildings had a bump-map to them, but you can't really see that unless it's at...
  15. M

    Not new (seen in that magazine) Screenshots on IGN :)

    Yep, the slower ones hadn't :x (eg. me :))
  16. M

    Not new (seen in that magazine) Screenshots on IGN :)

    For those that go to IGN only, this can be seen as "new" :)
  17. M

    Not new (seen in that magazine) Screenshots on IGN :)

    Well :P In all honesty, the only site I really go to for gaming news is IGN. I've used that resource since back sometime in the Q3 era, and it's changed since then; slower and a bit less reliable than it used to be. But since I don't really check other sites, I have no frame of reference...
  18. M

    Not new (seen in that magazine) Screenshots on IGN :)

    New Screenshots on IGN :) A few new screens that are on IGN, dated 1-5-04 Pretty neat, if you haven't seen them I suggest you take a look.
  19. M

    NO-Smoke Exploit in 1.6!!!

    Sorry :/ I was merely mocking him, seeing as how 80% of the CS population knows about it :/ And the procedure takes more effort than it's worth. Wasn't trying to spread it, and wasn't my intention. Sorry.
  20. M

    NO-Smoke Exploit in 1.6!!!

    Hah.. this is older news than you might think, buddy. [Removed]