Search results

  1. K

    Sword Skinned

    I knew I saw it somewhere. Thanks OCybrManO :cheers:
  2. K

    Sword Skinned

    I've seen that sword somewhere before. hmmmmmmmmm..........
  3. K

    Need help in order to get HL2

    Man, it is somewhere in Markham.......I haven't gotten my hands on a computer paper in ages, so I can't give you the exact address. I'll try to see if I can dig it up somewhere.
  4. K

    Need help in order to get HL2

    All depends on where you live. For example, in Ontario, Canada, I found this awesome little store. I got a great deal a year back on a P4 3Ghz, ATI 9800 Pro, 1 Ghz DDR400, etc... Essentially, I think it is best for you to shop at a small none commerical store. They have awesome prices...
  5. K

    Concept Artist Looking for Work...

    Black Dragon needs dedicated concept artists: Let me know if your interested.
  6. K

    Black Dragon Mod Needs Recruits

    We are still in need of new rescruits. Concept artists, modelers, textures artists, mappers and coders. All are welcome. I just want to add that I take this project very seriously and I intended to see it through to the end, no matter what obstacles will stand in my way.
  7. K

    Fallout: Metal God

    Before the flaming begins. Let me tell you best of luck with your mod. As for recruiting, that is gonna be really hard for you to do without a website and an in-depth description. Never the less, I know the hardships that come with starting a mod. Again, best of luck and don't give up.
  8. K

    New Half-Life 2 Fan Trailer

    What other game has fans making custom trailers????
  9. K

    Amateur mapper looking for mod... maybe?

    Come check out my mod: If it interests you, get in contact with me and we can see if you would fit in with the group. I don't mind the fact that you are new, as long as you give it your all when the time comes. Additionally, you have to be willing to listen to...
  10. K

    Serious Mod Beginning Development

    The worst thing you can do is insult someone. I know it's hard, but you should really keep your cool here. If you don't, people will eat you up.
  11. K

    Serious Mod Beginning Development

    Hey, best of luck Halorin And don't let the criticism get to you. I got the same when I posted my idea. :P Remember that this is a rather popular forum for all things concerning HL, so there are bound to be countless people that will disagree with you. Nevertheless, if you believe in...
  12. K

    City 17 being eaten????

    I have heard this being thrown around the forums here and there, but I don't think this is how it is. Since the old guy on the screens when you start the game, I forget the name, tells everyone that this is a good place for them to be, and that they have to go through a certain amount of...
  13. K

    The best 2003 BINK vid.

    I really love the gameplay elements shown in Bugbait.
  14. K

    Mapper searching for mod

    Combat Wombat Black Dragon is definitely looking for mappers. Though we may have gotten a bit of a bad reputation lately, we are definitely a dedicated team that is going to make sure that we release the best possible mod. Check us out:
  15. K

    Softimage and Only Softimage

    Is it true that only softimage will work for half life 2 mods?? Or can we use different programs like 3D max, Maya, and the like. I'm not a modeler so don't hurt me. Just wondering because it was brought up on another forum.
  16. K

    we don't have to play it anymore

    If it's true or not....does not really matter. Everyone here is gonna play the game in order to find out. Honestly, though, it seems too simple.........
  17. K

    So after all this, is there a date for the game yet ?

    That is what it says on the Wal-Mart website. Granted, it does say "SHOULD SHIP". I'll let you guys judge how accurate that is.
  18. K

    Is anyone else...

    As far as dates go....I think a safe bet would be late August. Usually, when a developer makes a call for a seasonal release(ie. Summer), it is usually late in that season.
  19. K

    Black Dragon Mod Needs Recruits

    I'm really sorry....but we have both of those areas filled in with more then enough help.
  20. K

    Black Dragon Mod Needs Recruits

    Well, I'm back again. Visiting this website, you may have noticed that the Black Dragon Mod is moving forward nicely. However, we are in need of more members to fill in some visible gaps in our team. This would include skinners, animators, weapon modelers, and coders. If you think you can...