Search results

  1. Resvrgam

    Shadows of Winter - Looking for Animators & Character Modelers

    (updated) Shadows of Winter, a fantasy-themed total-conversion modification for Half-Life 2, needs you! About Shadows of Winter employs the immersive qualities of the Source engine; from the amazing physics-based puzzles made possible by Havok to the life-like expressions and performances...
  2. Resvrgam

    Iron Grip - oppressive media

    *Insert masturbation joke pertaining to Ron Jeremy and "Iron Grip" here.*
  3. Resvrgam

    Age of Chivalry Update

    It sure would be nice if some of those merger remnants teamed up with our mod. ;)
  4. Resvrgam

    Fight! Fight! Fight! (Brawl mod)

    Their concept illustrator is brilliant! Love the painted renditions. 10/10
  5. Resvrgam

    Day of Defeat: Source is Released

    I'm one of those that screwed by buying the retail Collectors' Edition. I pre-loaded the game a few days ago and now everytime I try to load up the game it asks me to re-input an authentication key (of which it replies the key already is autheticated) and asks me for more money. Anyone else...
  6. Resvrgam

    HL2 GOTY edition hits US stores

    So, essentially, the GOTY edition is nothing more than a repackage of the Collectors' Edition sans the t-shirt and Prima leaflet? Greaaat. ***watches as the boys at Valve squeeze a moldy udder to give it another wring from their cash cow.***
  7. Resvrgam

    Minerva Mod Episode 1!

  8. Resvrgam

    Minerva Mod Episode 1!

    Great MOD. :) The lack of immersion-destroying pauses for loading was a VERY welcomed treat! My only gripe lies with the messages: lots of spelling/grammar mistakes (Their/They're, and a verb is missing in one of the messages that makes the sentence a bit confusing). It would have been...
  9. Resvrgam

    We Salute You, Samurai Legends.

    I think this is the fundamental flaw of today's businesses. The complete lack of professionalism in most industries (not just the game industry) has made me sick. It's as if all the trust-funders and free-riders don't really want to work and they get the jobs over the people still down in the...
  10. Resvrgam EA to Become Publisher for Valve Retail Titles

    My biggest concern is that Valve won't be smart enough to avoid repeating the same mistakes they made with VU: rushed/publisher-set release-dates, horrible retail SKUs due to a tantrum between developer and publisher that left the consumer with a shitty t-shirt and a 2-hour installation of a...
  11. Resvrgam

    TLP: Shadows of Winter Media Update

    Well, now I can go run for California state Governor. ;)
  12. Resvrgam

    TLP: Shadows of Winter Media Update

    Since I'm the one responsible for texturing those character models, I've become a Texture-Real Esate Nazi™ to squeeze as much detail as possible into these models all while conforming to the same established style seen in the concept images. I can assure you we're using every possible pixel...
  13. Resvrgam

    TLP: Shadows of Winter Media Update

    The UVWs have been adjusted to compensate for any texture deformation/stretching associated with extreme positioning.
  14. Resvrgam

    First Day of Defeat: Source HDR Screenshot and Interview With Doug Lombardi

    I just hope Computer Gaming World Magazine (page 44, bottom of page) was incorrect then. ;) If that's accurate, I sure hope Valve reconsiders that move. Literarily speaking; that's just bad story-telling to haphazardly change the POV from a non-speaking protagonist to one that has already...
  15. Resvrgam

    Ritual License Steam and Source for SiN 2

    I guess only the future will tell. By then; the "I told you so's" won't really matter anyway.
  16. Resvrgam

    Ritual License Steam and Source for SiN 2

    Insulting someone when you fail to see their point isn't very constructive. If Valve goes under, there no longer is a "Valve" and any work created by former developers/team members is considered external/third-party (a breech in the EULA). This happened when Dynamix went under and a few...
  17. Resvrgam

    Ritual License Steam and Source for SiN 2

    Then we'd be breaking the law/violating the EULA. We can already obtain 'patches' like this but there goes any form of multiplayer gaming. I prefer the term realist: The retail version of HL2 and the Steam version (the Full retail version and the Silver Version on Steam) cost exactly the...
  18. Resvrgam

    Ritual License Steam and Source for SiN 2

    I have nothing against purchasing anything online and downloading it to my hard drive (I've been doing this for years). My gripe resides with Steam itself. It's as if we're playing a MMOG everytime we fire up a single-player title. Connecting to an external source in order to play a...
  19. Resvrgam

    Ritual License Steam and Source for SiN 2

    Licensing Source? Great! Licensing Steam? There goes my interest. :( I also hate that new form of advertising: Make the customer work for table scraps of information. Screw that. Entertain me or look elsewhere for business. :p
  20. Resvrgam

    First Day of Defeat: Source HDR Screenshot and Interview With Doug Lombardi

    Sarcasm escapes some people. :p I was trying to prove a point that some people, despite the gospel from Valve themselves, still seem to cling to this notion of trying to play a character with a voice (the token hot chick) and try to construct a case for their delusion.