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  1. TheCheckt

    Mini-striders are coded into ep1

    Have you spawned a ministrider in Episode 1? Because they're pretty big compared to houndeyes. Even if there were 'Mom and Dad' houndeyes I don't think they'd be that big. Then again who knows?
  2. TheCheckt

    Dr. Breen is alive, but not well.

    Well if you're wondering why the Citadel exploded like that at the end it's probably because it needed huge amounts of power just to send that transmission to their homeworld. Alyx even said that the explosion was just a side-effect. The state that the Citadel was in of course they would want to...
  3. TheCheckt

    Mini-striders are coded into ep1

    Well I already knew the screen with Mossman was all real-time by looking at the commentary. What I want to see is that sniper rifle. I hope sometime that they model the actual weapon and introduce into the game. Although they would probably have to make ammo extremely scarce. Also remember...
  4. TheCheckt

    Cross-bine or... Com-bow.

    My crossbow was all shiney and reflective. I also noticed it didn't really arc. Now that we're talking about weapons they also added this cool sound for the sniper rifle for reloading.
  5. TheCheckt

    Dr Mossman? Who is she? [POSSIBLE SPOILERS]

    What's the Kraken base?
  6. TheCheckt

    New Content?

    Yeah well I noticed a few changes in some models for EP1. Remember the in Half Life 2 when you first got the Super Gravity Gun? You could rip out panels and monitors? Well in HL2 when you ripped out the monitor it would have that cool connector thing, but the panel didn't. In EP1 the panel...
  7. TheCheckt

    Secret Episode 2 Teaser

    Oh man I'm getting all jittery for December now. Just think about some of the stuff we might see! -Mini-Striders -Crab Synths -Mortar Synths -Those other Combine soldiers people were thinking about -Wasteland -Another City -The white pods -Bullsquids -Houndeyes -The other Xen...
  8. TheCheckt

    How much time has passed?(possible spoilers)

    Minutes most likely.
  9. TheCheckt

    Anyone beat episode 1 yet?

    Ok the game was pretty cool. It just leaves me wondering what happened to the Gman and what were those weird white flying things? Plus the trailer for episode 2 almost made me have an orgasm. There was these cool super fast robots that looked sweet. I do understand what that one guy meant...
  10. TheCheckt

    What the hell, man!

    Mine's still up.
  11. TheCheckt

    What the hell, man!

    19 hours, 2 minutes, 35 seconds
  12. TheCheckt

    New HL:2 Ep1 screenshots

    Barney has me concerned. He looks really beat up and I hope to God he doesn't die or get lost out to far away.
  13. TheCheckt

    *gigantic Spoiler!!!! Dont Read If You Dont Want To***

    This news is old get with the times :dork: Garden
  14. TheCheckt

    Pre-Order Question

    Actually they don't bill you until the game is released.
  15. TheCheckt


    Isn't that just because the strider has a new weapon on it?
  16. TheCheckt


    That's for the skybox.
  17. TheCheckt


    A fast zombine would be freaky especially if it was a metrocop because they don't have as much armor on therefore they'd be faster. I can see it now wielding an SMG shooting it crazily in every direction.
  18. TheCheckt


    Thanks, but I saw one about 30 minutes ago in a video. It looked much cooler when it was moving. I just hope in future episodes they incooperate combine getting zombified by speedy and poison headcrabs. Imagine how cool that would be
  19. TheCheckt


    Ah I still haven't seen a picture of the zombine. Screenshot please :p
  20. TheCheckt

    HEV suit capabilities

    Oh people started arguing about Xen being a breathable place for humans.