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    decal through walls

    lol, I'm tired.. Nice english :p good n8 :p
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    decal through walls

    hmm, are you using textures imported from spray-logos? If u do.. don't ;) I don't think you can flip decals, but you can cut out the brush with the clipping tool so it will fit the deacl and the use the face-editor to swap get it right... Hebbe
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    n00biating question

    Send me the map and I'll fix it for you :D [email protected]
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    n00biating question

    Hi This problem happens sometimes if you don't run VIS... VIS wont run if you have a leak in your map.. If you have a very big map and VIS takes 1 hour or so, try set VIS to fast just to test.. Scroll up and see if you have a ***leaked message from the BSP SuperHebbe
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    Blocking smoke question

    I wanna know too! :D
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    Makng my own texture pack

    Hi... You can put custom textures directly into the map-file (bsp)... Or you can set up a res-fil for them... I myself import them into the map... Just remember that a 512x512 texture is about 350Kb! It's quite easy to import textures into maps when u know how to do it and you have the...
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    Releasing map "Alue"

    U (Dead-Inside) said my map was shitty too, but people loves it :D Some plays 7 hours on my map. so it can't be as shitty as u told me :p BTW: The cubemap-thing, I have looked at the sdk example, and I still can't see any difference after running buildcubemap! Tried catalyst drivers, but...
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    Update of my superhebbe map (b21)

    hehe... The Catalyst driver slows down my FPS and there is no difference in the gfx and some times the driver crashes... That's why I don't use them... And Yes, I know my map is squere, but the cutting tool only works with one cut at the time in mye hammer so it's really difficult to make rund...
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    Update of my superhebbe map (b21)

    hehe, I'm not offenden :p I have a Radeon 9800 Pro+ from MSI with msi drivers 64.76.. Settings in hl is everything at max, execpt reflection.. hmmm.. I'll try reflection set to max when later today.... Have a nice day :D SuperHebbe
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    Update of my superhebbe map (b21)

    I reload my map, but I can't see any changes :( Even the map file is bigger :( I have a DX9 card :o) The strange thing is that I can't see cubemaps on other maps either, you said my map looks like shit, so then every map looks like shit to me then :s
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    Update of my superhebbe map (b21)

    Hi Yes I have a lot of cubemaps, and I can see when it's building... And they are about 64 units.. But I get an red error: Bounce 1/1 something after the cubemaps are build? SuperHebbe
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    Update of my superhebbe map (b21)

    Hi I had to make a new tread cause I couldn't find the edit button anymore :( I have made an update of my with my first map: Server: Map is called dm_superhebbe_b21 The IP might be something else if I loose mye connection :/ Some images and my map can be founde...
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    Test of my first map :)

    Hi... First of all thanks for feedback :D I have added about 40-50 cubemaps on this map... But after running buildcubemaps I can't see any changes except the bsp is gaining 1 mb :S What I'm I doing wrong :( And ramp up to the lift?? I don't have any lift on my map? And what is wrong with the...
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    Hi Have u read this? JEO
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    Test of my first map :)

    That's good :D Anybody found the mega secret room yet? :p JEO
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    Test of my first map :)

    Are u happy now? :p Should I brighten those images? Are pretty dark in windows comparing to the game... JEO
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    Test of my first map :)

    hehe, I know :p But I'm lazy ;) And pics really doesn't tell u have the map really are.... But if u want pics I can snap some later ;) JEO
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    Test of my first map :)

    Hi I have made a server with my first map: Please check it out and give me comments and stuff before I release it :) Map is called dm_superhebbe_b20 The IP might be something else if I loose mye connection :/ Here is the file on my home page for fast...
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    Underwater problem

    Hi... Don't know about the first question, I use cliffs and stuff in the little skybox with the skycamera to have some "ends" of my map :S The 2nd is a bug in Source and too bad they didn't fix that with the update! I had to lower my water on my map so nobody can't get killed under water...