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  1. V

    Human Character

    lol i feel kinda silly now. Thats very very nice work :D
  2. V

    Desert Eagle

    yea i think its the .50 cal
  3. V

    extreme newbie question

    Its called xsi mod tool
  4. V

    How do I model?

    I second that
  5. V

    Environment building

    *Jaw drops with amazement then soils pants in jealousy*
  6. V

    *Release* de_knight

    oh very nice
  7. V

    How do I model?

    Alot of people didnt get thier stolen/free copies of 3d programs compleat with manual. :P
  8. V

    [TUTORIAL] UV mapping in 3Dsmax 6

    I dont care I still love you!! THANK YOU! :D :D :D That tutorial was very help full for learning unwraping in 3ds max. I had no idea it would take that long to do somthing like that. In xsi all I had to do for UV unwraping was select the object in a propety box and click enter lol.
  9. V

    How do I model?

    yea destys tutorial is/could be one of the best ive ever come across i realy sagest you download the whole thing
  10. V

    Environment building

    very nice have you modeled the inside?
  11. V

    Desert Eagle

    dont start it again dude thats not were it started but I admit that I flaired it up in that post for that im sorry that I stuffed up your topic and started a flame war. Lets Just put it behind us. ps: please show us some updated on your gun and lets get this topic on the right track again...
  12. V

    Why not some LEGO CS:S models?

    lol :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: But old enough to get drunk :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  13. V

    Why not some LEGO CS:S models?

    whys it unconventional?
  14. V

    Why not some LEGO CS:S models?

    nothin wrong with playing with lego its very practical stuff edit: oh and mindless what I do is I build a high poly version first and work backwards by deleting exsta polies
  15. V

    Why not some LEGO CS:S models?

    course :D
  16. V

    Why not some LEGO CS:S models?

    Hold your horses it aint done yet :P also ive realised it looks "ugly" mainly because of the eyes. The "T" lego man you showed has a turban not a balaclava (because the T's in cs are non specific teroists more modern freedome fighters). I camoed the pants with urban como because thats how the...
  17. V

    Why not some LEGO CS:S models?

    I made a teroist model tell me what you all thank (constuctive please)
  18. V

    Why not some LEGO CS:S models?

    Just ignore him take no mind to it
  19. V

    Desert Eagle

    You want me to ignore you? cause I will if you say that. I sagest you get some help for your alcohole problem. Posibly a family member or friend to help you through it. Its a nasty thing I know ive know an alcoholic and I know you cant help it. Just try to give it up before you destroy...
  20. V

    Why not some LEGO CS:S models?

    Shure ill make one for you. Ive done it all I need to do is texture it get back to you on that tomorow.