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  1. AçкяØñ


    If you're into Hard Rock to Metal, you'll like Flyleaf. They're a band from Temple, Texas (W00t) and they're actually pretty good. For the first time since Courtney Love, there is a female frontwoman who can sing, AND scream. I was pretty impressed with some of their guitar rifts, and drum...
  2. AçкяØñ

    Tool answer fan questions!

    TOOL rocks.
  3. AçкяØñ

    From CS:S to BF2

    The maps are A LOT bigger than CSS were alking.... about 6 de_dust2's or maybe even more! Actually i've played about 250 hours of BF2 (according to xfire) so CSS is actually refreshing to play for me since it is quite simple: Here's your gun, go get 'em Tiger =]
  4. AçкяØñ

    Do people still play BF2?

    AWESOME! btw, you're right, this ranking system makes people too serious. My friend from down the streets thinks he's better than me because he has 10,000 more points than i do, and he started after me. Well, i spent most of my time playing with friends on servers that need like 10 people to...
  5. AçкяØñ

    EA fixing server problem!!!

    HEY! in order to get General, you NEED Expert Sniper which takes 100 ours. :p lol
  6. AçкяØñ

    Why is the middle-east so mad at the world?

    I think it's the fact that their Church influences the state. It was a very good move on the American part of it's seperation, yeah it's true most of Europe and America are christians, but America has no official religon, thats the way it should be. An other thing that upset the balance...
  7. AçкяØñ

    Scary Concert Expiriences

    Slipknot was playing in Corpus Christi a few months back, so i had to go, but when the concert was over my friend noticed a trail of blood that went all the way to a back exit. It was disgusting to say the least, but i found out in the newspaper the next day, that a guy was stabbed several times...
  8. AçкяØñ

    What is the heaviest metal song you know?

    Pantera - Raining Blood, not sure if it's the heavist or if you even think it's heavy at all, but i like it.
  9. AçкяØñ


    Anyone else like them? and anyone have any knowledge if they still tour, if so, where? I've heard Ænema and i really liked it, but i can't seem to find them anywhere live.
  10. AçкяØñ

    Best Rock Band

    yeah, i wish it wasn't capped at 10 options. But all those guys are true song writers and musicians. something that you have to go out of your way to find these days.
  11. AçкяØñ

    Do people still play BF2?

    btw, i love me the kinks! In BFV they did an awesome job with Napam too, playing 64 player and dropping napam on half their army is sooo fun.
  12. AçкяØñ

    EA fixing server problem!!!

    oh no no no no, i don't want ANY more new CONTENT! we were fine in 1.22, we DIDN'T need "Cartillary". (though it is sfunny dropping cars on choppers)
  13. AçкяØñ

    EA fixing server problem!!!

    No really, lol, read their new comunity update: _______________________________________________________________________________________ looks like they just migh not screw up with this next one, though, i wanna address this HUGE concern of mine: hmmm... remember the last time tey wanted to...
  14. AçкяØñ

    America Sucks and Why

    there are different types of communism. What you're talking about is Marxist Communism found in Lenin and Stalin.
  15. AçкяØñ

    EA fixing server problem!!!

    Should be done by July sometime.
  16. AçкяØñ

    Why is the middle-east so mad at the world?

    Yeah, but have you seen hose old 1970's or 60's video's from the hostage situation in Iran? Woman lead those protests... It's like, they don't want a beter life for themselves, like they are content with having small or no roles in their government, something that hasn't been in Europe and U.S...
  17. AçкяØñ

    Best Hard Rock Metal Band

    Delete This Someone
  18. AçкяØñ

    Best Rock Band

    dunno... off selling Dark Side of the Moon to some stoners behind K-Mart
  19. AçкяØñ

    Sparks Fly at Video Game Hearing on Capitol Hill

    the coolest quote ever.
  20. AçкяØñ

    Why is the middle-east so mad at the world?

    No seriously... why? I just can't comprehend why they would put up with the way they live. Obviously they are sitting on a lot of good oil which the world needs.