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  1. T's what I think....

    What mod?
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    Bush Jib Jab

    Joke- While sitting at a conference meeting discussing the Iraqi War, one of Bush's attendents was heard to say to Bush "Sir, three Brazillions died in the war today." Bush put his head in his hands and started crying, which stunned all the onlookers. He had never shown this kind of...
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    Man, Life Sentance, Set two Bins on Fire

    He can operate the incinerators... IN HELL!! Damn judges, I've never really taking a liking to the law.
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    Should Marijuana be legalized in the United States?

    So are we not allowed to do something because "we don't care?" I guess, in your opinion, that its sad how people eat fast food, or even having a freakin candy bar once in a while is pretty sad, knowing that it hurts us, and yet we don't care? Human rights should not be governed by a...
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    Should Marijuana be legalized in the United States?

    We tried it at my friends house, it managed to stay all good for a while, but we forgot to lock the doors, and one of us decided to leave. We figured out he was missing, went to find him, I thought I was in Lord of The Rings, looking for the Ring Bearer, and I thought that the woods were trying...
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    Should Marijuana be legalized in the United States?

    Well, first time, weekend, wanted to get to them quick, ect. It was the worst trip of my life, so suffice to say, I'm just personaly biased against using shrooms myself, but I don't really care about thier legalization so much as, say, herion.
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    Should Marijuana be legalized in the United States?

    It wasn't out of ignorance, it was out of bad experiance.
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    Should Marijuana be legalized in the United States?

    Cocaine is one helluva drug. :smoking:
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    Should Marijuana be legalized in the United States?

    I think the easy problem to second-hand smoke would be not to hang around people when they are smoking, and make smoking in public places illegal. (As it is in Florida.) But yes, shrooms, pcp, cocaine? That can stay on the illegal list.
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    Critisism Of Capitalism

    In theory socialism is the morally superior social system despite its dismal record of failure in the real world. Capitalism, by contrast, is a morally bankrupt system despite the extraordinary prosperity it has created. In other words, capitalism at best, can only be defended on pragmatic...
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    Should Marijuana be legalized in the United States?

    I've heard alot of talk back and forth on the legalization of marijuana in the government and wondered began to wonder exactly why it was Illegal. Was it addictive? Not physically, at least, not any more than alcohol, but thats legal, is it not? Was it hazardous to your health? All...
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    "Its just a goddam piece of paper"

    Or we can call credible on all articles that discredit our competitors. But if the president of the United States were to actually call the constitution a "goddam piece of paper" that didn't mean anything, don't you think at least some other people or media outlets might have picked up on it...
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    Critisism Of Capitalism

    I think this all goes to show that in Mankinds infinate escapade to find the perfect life, Capitalism, though it isn't perfect, is just a stepping stone on the way to perfection, and one stepping stone above socialism.
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    Critisism Of Capitalism

    Plus, you only had to pay ten shillings to a peasent family if you ran over thier son or daughter, broke thier back, and killed them. And if you couldn't pay the insanely high tax they put on you? You were just not allowed to leave the land until it was put off. That seems a little...
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    Who's going to be the next nazi germany

    Hmm...Actually, the beer thing would be going to Western Germany. But I'd place my guess around 50%?
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    Was the citadel destroyed?

    And how did Alex escape that huge explosion? And how did dog find you in a pile of rubble? (From the vid.) Were you thrown off the citadel and landed so hard that you made a crater in the street that dog had to dig you out of? :D All your questions and more will be awnsered in...
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    half life 2 aftermath

    The Citadel is being besieged. Remember the whole chapter where you help the citizens set up a staging point to do just that, and the streets are filled with striders and soldiers getting slaughtered? So why not deploy tanks to clear the way for the combine to escape, seeing as how the rebels...
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    Who's going to be the next nazi germany

    You bastards, we need our maple syrup in the morning!
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    Canadian Liberal Party wants to ban handguns

    Yes yes, facist america, what with thier war addictions and whatnot. Thats why we won gold and bronze in fencing, and thats why we'll take over the world someday. :thumbs:
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    Racism and you. How were you influenced, how are you now?

    Hey, whats wrong with fat people, sizeist?!