Racism and you. How were you influenced, how are you now?

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Last weekend hundreds of Australians gathered and beat the living shit out of anyone with lebanese appearance.

It wasn't out of racism (Although I guess their generalizations are) but the lebanese people that live in that area are quite rude, mean and aggressive towards Australians. For example, a teenage girl would go to the beach in a bikini and many of the lebenese residents would give comments such as "Go away or you'll get raped" etc.

I don't know how I feel about it, but violence shoudn't of been the answer there. I forgot the name of the area where it happened too.
Danimal said:
Last weekend hundreds of Australians gathered and beat the living shit out of anyone with lebanese appearance.

It wasn't out of racism (Although I guess their generalizations are) but the lebanese people that live in that area are quite rude, mean and aggressive towards Australians. For example, a teenage girl would go to the beach in a bikini and many of the lebenese residents would give comments such as "Go away or you'll get raped" etc.

I don't know how I feel about it, but violence shoudn't of been the answer there. I forgot the name of the area where it happened too.
Negative. Making a generalisation like that and then acting upoun it is racism in my book.

You generalised after you said 'I guess their generalizations are.'

At this point in time I'm not very proud to be an Australian.
Around here, what little racism there is runs as a current under a mountain of PC annoying-ness. Although it seems that the teenage generation here is extremely tolerant in my experience.
Danimal said:
Last weekend hundreds of Australians gathered and beat the living shit out of anyone with lebanese appearance.

It wasn't out of racism (Although I guess their generalizations are) but the lebanese people that live in that area are quite rude, mean and aggressive towards Australians. For example, a teenage girl would go to the beach in a bikini and many of the lebenese residents would give comments such as "Go away or you'll get raped" etc.

I don't know how I feel about it, but violence shoudn't of been the answer there. I forgot the name of the area where it happened too.

The situation in Cronulla etc is basically the lowest scum of every race in the country beating the crap out of each other. I've noticed more whitey "Australian" than anyone else causing trouble there, usually alcohol fuelled. Of course, now every extremist and neo-nazi group in the country is doing its best to coordinate some kind of white-power activity too.
Its definitely more one sided against the arab type guys over there. A bunch of white guys are all loaded up on alcohol and going "Get the f--k off our beaches ya f--ken wogs" etc... girls shout shit like that too too, which is really annoying, and who make me feel like killing them.

The Australia First party sounds like the second birth of the neo-nazi party to me.

Both sides are doing it, bashing the crap out of each other, cars, and the police. Although it's not mobs rushing at each other, it's more like mobs gathering around a few victims and then bashing the crap out of them.

I notice, too that the bogans (the 'whitey' australians) are the ones that are being more violent. While there are small groups of lebanese that are roaming around and attacking people, massive mobs of bogans gather in the streets.

But, in a fight between idiots and idiots... society wins.
Jintor said:

The Australia First party sounds like the second birth of the neo-nazi party to me.

Indeed. And the Family First party is just as bad, except its an ultra-right wing religious nutball haven.

Be careful when voting, because a lot of the better known parties put their preferences for these crazy ones.
pretty much 0 racism where i live, and through how i was brought up but i've become quite elitist so there is a tiny bit of 'i'm better than you' (you being dark skinned and other races); i also don't feel bad or disgusted if i ever see any 'white power' or anything like that, oh well.
destrukt said:
pretty much 0 racism where i live, and through how i was brought up but i've become quite racist so there is a tiny bit of 'i'm better than you' (you being dark skinned and other races); i also don't feel bad or disgusted if i ever see any 'white power' or anything like that, oh well.
Reaktor4 said:
Do you know what racist means?

It doesn't matter what it means. Discussion can be maintained without the editing and quoting of altered posts. It doesn't matter what you had changed, i'd still be asking if it was necessary. Just breeds unneccesary conflict, which this thread is explicitly NOT for.
Unfortunately, I wish I could say my country wasn't racist, but that just wouldn't be true. The two groups that face the most discrimination are Filipinos and Indians/Pakistanis. We have pretty lax immigration laws, so employers can hire an immigrant at a much cheaper price than a native Bahraini, which means that they dominate the lower-class job market and leave a large amount of poor Bahrainis out of work. The result is general hate and harassment for Asian immigrants. There is also a small amount of racism against Americans due to the conflicts in Iraq and Israel, but I haven't seen any major examples of it aside from graffiti and stickers.

Thankfully, I myself am very open-minded. I have my parents, who spent more than 10+ years abroad, to thank for that. I am racist against no one, and although I disagree with the immigration laws, I treat the immigrants themselves like I would any human being.
There is also a small amount of racism against Americans due to the conflicts in Iraq and Israel, but I haven't seen any major examples of it aside from graffiti and stickers.

Its not racism to hate americans. America isn't a race, but is composed of members of nearly every race on earth(if not every).
Maybe simple 'discrimination' would have been a bit more appropriate. But I think you get my point.
discrimination? ...the US invades and destroy a nation and you're perturbed when people get mad at americans?
CptStern said:
discrimination? ...the US invades and destroy a nation and you're perturbed when people get mad at americans?

WHo are you talking about? I don't see anybody getting perturbed about anything regarding americans here.
CptStern said:
discrimination? ...the US invades and destroy a nation and you're perturbed when people get mad at americans?

if only i could stress that point publicly...amen man, amen.

im kind of ashamed of my home country of the UK. we are, without a doubt, one of THE most racist countries in the world (especially london and above). people here need to take a look in the mirror...

for example, i lived in Dubai for 4 years (UAE, Middle East basicall), and when i unfortunately came back to the UK, i had the nickname 'Arab' for the next 3/4 years...enough said really.

but no, ive never been racised to anyone. having traveled 3/4s of my life has opened my eyes to other races, so therefore, i cannot hate them in any way.
I don't have a problem with anyone going against the US government(I have my own disagreements with it). I just think it's wrong that normal Americans who have nothing to do with the issue have to catch flak for it. It's sort of like how some westerners see us Arabs/Muslims as terrorists even though it's a tiny, tiny group of crackpots who are doing most of the damage.
Apocalypse89 said:
I don't have a problem with anyone going against the US government(I have my own disagreements with it). I just think it's wrong that normal Americans who have nothing to do with the issue have to catch flak for it. It's sort of like how some westerners see us Arabs/Muslims as terrorists even though it's a tiny, tiny group of crackpots who are doing most of the damage.
Its a bad time when the people cannot be accountable for the acts of the state.

As this becomes more and more often, socialist reform is the only way forward.
english people hated americans long before the iraq war, and still do. i'm not saying i'm one, but sometimes it's hard not to be. here they have an image of being racist and ignorant. again, i'm not saying that the actually are.

i myself am a quater thai, a quater japanese and half african. my skin is very light however and although i have received racist comments from white people looking at my ethnicity as a negative thing, the biggest group that is racist towards me are those of purer heratige. for example, darker skinned africans, who are 100% african, are particularly horrible, accusing me of all sorts. of trying to be white, of stealing their men.

theres a weired thing in the black community where lighter skinned people are viewed by many men as being more desirable and so the women hate the lighter skined girls. guys dont prefer lighter skinned girls anymore but the girls still hate us. but that's not everyone.

also some asian people, japanese and thai (as well as others, i don't look very specific) hate the fact i have african blood in me and can come up with the most vile and hurtful racial slurs that i won't repeat here.

i have also received horrible comments about the fact that i am gay, and that my girlfriend is indian. sometimes it's hard not to become racist in responce, it's hard not to hate all pure bred asians and africans and put them in groups. but you just have to remember that individual people on the whole are good, and are friendly. still, there are some things you go through that stick in your mind, like physical violence, but you just have to remember who your friends are.
personally i have never been the target of racism. what kind of insults if you don't mind me asking? i'm curious.
discrimination? ...the US invades and destroy a nation and you're perturbed when people get mad at americans?

stern, are you advocating discrimination against Americans?
ya that's what I'm saying :upstare: ...where do you get your wild ideas from? "the great big book of liberal lies the enemy uses to ensnare your mind and enslave your soul, fellow american!"
To me, it sounds like you hate Americans. Correct me if I'm wrong, but this comment, "discrimination? ...the US invades and destroy a nation and you're perturbed when people get mad at americans?" makes it sound as if you do not care when Americans are targeted in other countries.
so tell me how did you interpret this:

"people get mad at americans"

to mean this:

"...do not care when Americans are targeted in other countries..."

translation:" when americans like Nick Berg get decapitated Stern rejoices"
I think all he's saying is that it's not like there's no justification for not particularly liking America (as a country, not individual people, we assume). In fact, I think it's ridiculous when people keep saying 'oh, well, you would say that because you hate America.' If someone 'hates America' they usually will have a reason for it - which is the whole damn point of their argument.
Sulkdodds said:
I think all he's saying is that it's not like there's no justification for not particularly liking America (as a country, not individual people, we assume). In fact, I think it's ridiculous when people keep saying 'oh, well, you would say that because you hate America.' If someone 'hates America' they usually will have a reason for it - which is the whole damn point of their argument.

Or they just listen to Green Day and SOAD.
southernman17 said:
The Iraq War?

Well, or the history of manipulative and/or unethical foreign policy: Nicuragua, Vietnam, Afghanistan, eccetera. And the history of inequality and prejudice and persecution (pre-civil rights black/white relations, the treatment of Issei and Nisei during World War 2). More recently, the continuing huge gap between the rich and poor, the arguable sectioning of ethnic minorities into ghettos and crappy areas, the 'culture of greed', the 'dog-eat-dog' culture which on the good side dictates that if you're rich you have yourself to thank but on the bad side means if you're poor, it's obviously your fault , a certain 'sue everything ever' mentality, rampant jingoism, extremely iffy/unethical foreign policy to this day, human rights abuses (Gitmo), complete and utter incompetence of the current administration, gross over-simplification of politics to the point where it becomes a pissing contest, a strong argument for the view that most Americans do not care about any of this (we're told it's a democratic country after all - opinion should matter. And if it doesn't, there's another bad thing about the country). Large levels of dangerous and ignorant religious fundamentalism, some even supported by the government, a culture of laziness and of consuming more than is needed - ever read Bill Bryson? People taking their huge cars twenty feet down the road just to visit a neighbours house? Complete hypocracy. A failure to adhere to its own moral rules. Double standards when it comes to sex in the media and violence in the media. An idea of 'we are better than everybody else' ingrained very deeply into mainstream culture. Responsible for Fox. Responsible for godhatesfags.com. A culture which demands complete independance to the point where public healthcare is rejected (1960s, Johnson tried and failed). Arguably full of crazies (but then, where isn't?).

VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: I am not saying that America is the only country that has these qualities. In fact, I'm not even saying that it does - I'm saying that it could be seen as being like that (and personally I think there's a very good case for all the above claims). I am not saying that there is nothing good either. And if you want me to post a big long list of things I hate about Britain, where I live, then I'd be happy to just to balance it out. The above is an impression, albeit with evidence to back it up.

In any case, I'd say there are many reasons to hate America. I hate most countries; America just happens to be the biggest and the most powerful.

VERY IMPORTANT NOTE 2: Individual Americans... now that's a different thing altogether. I know a lot of very good people from the US.
People used to call me Racist for saying I (generally) don't find black women sexually attractive.

I also don't find fat women sexually attractive, am I sizeist?

My two pence.
Jandor said:
People used to call me Racist for saying I (generally) don't find black women sexually attractive.

I also don't find fat women sexually attractive, am I sizeist?

My two pence.

Hey, whats wrong with fat people, sizeist?!
I sense an opportunity to deploy Jimmy Carr's 'fattist' joke!
I don't sense an opportunity to steer this back to Cronulla.

I would say you people are shallow but then, so am I.
CptStern said:
you should have called them "whitey" or "kracker" :E

Hey...stfu. I don't want to read/hear your anti white bullshit. Those names are just as offensive as all the other racial slurs...(yes including the dreaded 'N-bomb')
hello? 2005 called they want their thread back :rolling:
I don't even remember posting in this thread...
Zeus said:
Hey...stfu. I don't want to read/hear your anti white bullshit. Those names are just as offensive as all the other racial slurs...(yes including the dreaded 'N-bomb')

Dude, quit bringing back old threads from the grave.
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