Racism and you. How were you influenced, how are you now?

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Honestly I think the media has a lot to do with how racist our country is. A lot of people observe common paterns. Such as in school all the black guys acting tough and with baggy clothes on. Guess what is portrayed on TV a lot? "Gangstas" and that is what they want to look like because it is cool. Not all of them are like that...far from it really. Not to mention I think there ar more white guys taht try to portray that than there are black people.

Also I have known a few people that are racist just because they find it funny. So there are a few causes to racism.
lister said:
I'm not racist because of their god damn colour, im racist for whom they are, they thinck they are all that, they can do what they please & get away with it. Racism isn't just about COLOUR.

You're stereotyping, not every single Asian is identical y'know.
lister said:
I'm not racist because of their god damn colour, im racist for whom they are, they thinck they are all that, they can do what they please & get away with it. Racism isn't just about COLOUR.

See all those bold bits? That's you putting a group of people into a category, in this case defined by their race. You are a racist.
lister said:

You spelled COLOR wrong!! kekeke silly brits!

Honestly...if you even talk about "asians" and refer to them as they you are racist. In that sense it is pretty hard to not be racist but I think the majority of us can agree that in this thread when we refer to racist we mean talking negatively.
I'm from a Cuban immigrant family and grew up in miami. I'd have to say a good chunk of my family is fairly racist, but since i was almost halfway raised with TV i never really fell into the habit of judging people on race. Considering the concept of race is not wholly biological as it is a social construct.

However i will say this, I have a severe distaste for gangstas, chavs, hicks, and people who seem to celebrate living a low life. All groups (ethnic or otherwise) seem to have their own group of idiots who give everyone else a bad name. These people i do not like. Same applies to furries, i hate them too.
I don't know anyone who is racist, who excludes because of colour. Although a fair amount of people at my school stereotype. Is that racism? We're about 50% asian, and asians are very much stereotyped, although of course everyone gets stereotyped as well.

And Flyinddebris... are furries actually a race?
No. Furries are an abomination! LOL
We mostly dislike Japanese, but i wouldn't call that racism. Just anti-imperialism. ;|
Because Japan is such an imperialist country nowadays.

SimonomiS said:
I can see it affecting kids, and racism becoming a perpetuating circle through generations, we just need more open minds, more people seeing past skin colour.

This is the problem. An eye for an eye for an eye for an eye for an eye for an eye for an eye for an eye.

I find it odd that we're talking about 'asians'. That can mean anyone from Indians to Pakistanis to Japenese, to Vietnamese...it's ridiculous enough to steroetype one group of people without stereoptyping about five hundred different groups in one fell swoop.
if not bathing regularly, drawing bad/disgusting "art," wearing fursuits, being delusional, and having a tendancy to combine as many internet fetishes as possible were attributes of a race, then yes, i'd be very racist.

At the moment i'm just stereotyping based on behavior
Glirk Dient said:
You spelled COLOR wrong!! kekeke silly brits!

Honestly...if you even talk about "asians" and refer to them as they you are racist. In that sense it is pretty hard to not be racist but I think the majority of us can agree that in this thread when we refer to racist we mean talking negatively.

nice try, get on with ur bastardised english, still COLOUR tho!
Flyingdebris said:
if not bathing regularly, drawing bad/disgusting "art," wearing fursuits, being delusional, and having a tendancy to combine as many internet fetishes as possible were attributes of a race, then yes, i'd be very racist.

At the moment i'm just stereotyping based on behavior

Nobodys perfect!
Crime has no race.

As I grew up, and moved on, and started venturing online, this pressure from hollywood, with all of this racism and discrimination, and world events kept bombarding me, and trying to assimilate themselves in my life. Moving again to a city with a predominantly mexican american demographic... I sort of found myself becoming scared at times to walk the streets around neighborhoods that i've learned to associate somewhat with what hollywood has shown,

Unfortunately, France was right about this one ...

To be honest, it has nothing to do with the main prospects of hollywood. Remember, when you watch these commercials and movies the directors behind them are ultimately trying to present a message, and a depiction.

Sometimes, its hard to accept knee jerk depictions of whats surrounding us; but thats only because individually, we've come to accept different messages, more acceptable truths, and ultimately better historical facts hollywood directors might not present.

Will elaborate later on, sorry for the post, it will be better next time.
My immediate family raised me in an environment free of racism and bigotry, but some family members (uncles, cousins) are a bit less tolerant, still throwing around words like "n*gger" and "queer". My grandfather, god bless him, openly mocks colored people. I love the guy, and he's great to be around, but that's an aspect of him I've never gotten used to.

I'll admit that I am slightly racist, but I wish I wasn't. When a group of black people come my direction when walking on the sidewalk, part of me gets frightened. I avert my eyes, I hope we won't get into a row, and I generally tense up. I'm ashamed of this reaction, but it exists nonetheless.

I say a lot of racist things, but I always say them in jest. Part of growing up an international environment with friends across the world ironically produced an increase of racial slurring on my part, but never in a serious way. Me and my friends would spend hours calling each other Nazis, kikes, spics, yanks, dune coons, everything. One day, I'm going to get my ass beat from somebody who doesn't see it as a joke.
Absinthe said:
I'll admit that I am slightly racist, but I wish I wasn't. When a group of black people come my direction when walking on the sidewalk, part of me gets frightened. I avert my eyes, I hope we won't get into a row, and I generally tense up. I'm ashamed of this reaction, but it exists nonetheless.
Same here. Having been mugged once by a band of no-good scum, I am now sometimes very afraid of a group of more coloured people. But it isn't purely the colour that gets to me, it's their style. The way they walk. The way they dress (all 'gangsta' style, hate it :x), the way they look around. No matter what colour they are, people like that simply frighten me. :(

Blasting their asses would be nice, but then you've got those odd 'human rights'. Everyone who isn't part of their group is discriminated and handled like filth, so why not return the favour in a more compact way :p.
I'll admit that I am slightly racist, but I wish I wasn't. When a group of black people come my direction when walking on the sidewalk, part of me gets frightened. I avert my eyes, I hope we won't get into a row, and I generally tense up. I'm ashamed of this reaction, but it exists nonetheless.

Same with me -- but thats just because the environment I'm in have had blacks become more prone to violent outbreaks then my own people.
I've become considerably more paranoid around african american youth after one incident a few months ago in which two tried mugging me, considered killing me (I'm quite certain of this), and then instead decided against it, instead saying "Ice you later, mother****er".
Absinthe said:
"Ice you later, mother****er".

Jesus, I think my dad's theory about TV affecting everyone's behaviour might actually be true. :eek:
The spelling "color" is the spelling preferred by the majority of native English speakers (who are mostly in the US). Originally the spelling of 'colour' without a U was a sanctioned change of the Spelling Reformist Movement, which was not exclusively accepted by Americans, but was much more popular in the US than in other countries where English is the native language. When the movement died out, its changes remained in US English but not in British English and related variants, such as Commonwealth English.

From Old French coulour, from Latin color. In American spelling the 'u' was dropped from colour to simplify the spelling. In British spelling the 'u' remains.

Changed simply to be shorter and easier?

Double-plus ungood. ;)
Beerdude26 said:
Same here. Having been mugged once by a band of no-good scum, I am now sometimes very afraid of a group of more coloured people. But it isn't purely the colour that gets to me, it's their style. The way they walk. The way they dress (all 'gangsta' style, hate it :x), the way they look around. No matter what colour they are, people like that simply frighten me. :(

Yeah. Thats gotta be it. Cause I absolutely abhor that style too. Anybody who dresses in that way, acts that way, frightens me quite a bit. Even white people, i'd just want to naturally steer very clear of it.

Even the white trash KKK looking people, with the bad clothes, rough personalities, awful haircuts... I get pretty creeped out and a bit scared walking around them too, even though I know they likely won't mess with me. Still, its this rough group mentality that I don't particularily care for.
I think alot of people around me have influenced me. Probably my parents and close friends have had the largest impact, then the media Fabulous!
Raziaar said:
Anybody who dresses in that way, acts that way, frightens me quite a bit. Even white people, i'd just want to naturally steer very clear of it.

See, that's not racist at all. If you hate 'gangsta' culture then it's because it's stupid and annoying and glorifying violence, etc. Unless you hated it because it was associated with blacks, that would be the very definition of racism.
I've become considerably more paranoid around african american youth after one incident a few months ago in which two tried mugging me, considered killing me (I'm quite certain of this), and then instead decided against it, instead saying "Ice you later, mother****er".

It happens, and its not acceptable.

While we can't argue its color, we can argue that the environment these youth participate in is hardly healthy to them, or us.
Sulkdodds said:
See, that's not racist at all. If you hate 'gangsta' culture then it's because it's stupid and annoying and glorifying violence, etc. Unless you hated it because it was associated with blacks, that would be the very definition of racism.

Nah. I hate that underground type of culture period.

But is it strange, that I have an inherent fascination with it when it comes to movies and the like? Gangs and gang violence scare the SHIT out of me, but when some movies come on telling about the lives of young people who grow up on the streets, and move into gang violence... or that involve gang violence, etc whether directly or indirectly from any viewpoint, I become fixed to the screen and can't take my eyes off it.

For Example... the movie Colors... Boyz in the Hood, etc. In fact, Menace II Society is coming on. Never watched it before... not exactly sure what its about... but i'm going to BE watching it, with interest. hmm.

EDIT: Man. These types of movies scare the shit out of me, with the brutality and destructive culture of this thug life. I always like when at least some manage to get away from it all. Otherwise it'd just be depressing as hell.

EDIT 2: ****. depressing ending.
I spent a lot of my formative years in a very mixed council estate, I played with kids of all colours. My primary school was very diverse too.

Faversham is almost all white, and Lincolns a bit more mixed.. but yea, I just didn't see the difference.
Sulkdodds said:
Because Japan is such an imperialist country nowadays.

This is the problem. An eye for an eye for an eye for an eye for an eye for an eye for an eye for an eye.

I find it odd that we're talking about 'asians'. That can mean anyone from Indians to Pakistanis to Japenese, to Vietnamese...it's ridiculous enough to steroetype one group of people without stereoptyping about five hundred different groups in one fell swoop.
Yeah, they're trying to dominate the WORLD! WE MUST STOP THEM IN THE NAME OF THE FATHERLAND! :p

Yes, I agree, 'Asian' includes a whole different variety of people.
I'm no racist, but I sure am elitist.
CptStern said:
if stupidity were an ethnic characteristic I'd be racist
Rather like that.
I was brought up being open minded, but occasional JOKING racism will come out of my mouth. I'm never serious about it.
15357 said:
Yeah, they're trying to dominate the WORLD! WE MUST STOP THEM IN THE NAME OF THE FATHERLAND! :p

Yes, I agree, 'Asian' includes a whole different variety of people.

There are about 3.8 billion 'Asians' in this world. Which is over half of the total population.
heh, i'm suddenly reminded of the time when i wanted to do like this one comedian and shout racist remarks at the wrong people. i.e. when driving by soemone who was obviously not asian you'd yell "go back to china!" or something like that.

Except everytime i was about to attempt it, the person we are about to drive past and yell at would turn out to actually be asian. After a while i sort of gave up on trying the joke.
Flyingdebris said:
heh, i'm suddenly reminded of the time when i wanted to do like this one comedian and shout racist remarks at the wrong people. i.e. when driving by soemone who was obviously not asian you'd yell "go back to china!" or something like that.

Except everytime i was about to attempt it, the person we are about to drive past and yell at would turn out to actually be asian. After a while i sort of gave up on trying the joke.

you should have called them "whitey" or "kracker" :E
There is very little racism here, infact the only instance I can recall seeing any was when two kids at my school got in a fight. Nicholasville KY isn't really what I would call a rich area either.
I take it back. Australia has a ****load of racism.

Sydney - Australians were warned to brace for more race riots Monday after clashes between white youths and Middle Eastern rivals at the weekend on a popular Sydney beach left 25 people injured and 16 suspects under arrest.

Police regained control in Cronulla after Sunday's race-driven violence, which saw a mob of 5,000 mostly white Australians chase down and beat people of Lebanese descent.

The assaults by jeering, flag-waving youths, some chanting 'Kill the Lebs', were followed by revenge attacks in running battles in which two people were stabbed, 100 cars vandalized and an Australian flag burned.

New South Wales Premier Morris Iemma urged police to hunt down and charge those shown in television video footage attacking an ambulance carrying wounded people, ripping the headscarf from a Moslem woman and pelting police vehicles with beer bottles.

'That was the most disgraceful, disgusting behaviour that I've ever seen,' Iemma said.

Condemnation came from every quarter for what some called the worst race riots Australia has ever seen.

'I've sensed within some elements of this community a hate,' said Police Commissioner Ken Maroney, commenting on disaffection among Lebanese-Australians who cluster in Sydney's poorer outer suburbs. 'It's a hate that I don't understand.'

He warned of scores more arrests as police study television footage of the mayhem to identify more suspects.

Kuranda Seyit, head of lobby a group called the Forum on Australia's Islamic Relations, said the rioting 'shows that there is underlying racism running deeply in the Australian psyche - it's been simmering for a few years'.

John Moffitt, a spokesman for the tiny, far-right Australia First Party, blamed the disturbances on Australia's invitation to people of all races and creeds since the 1970s, when a policy of only allowing white immigrants was abandoned.

'Australia is now seeing what the policies of the last 30 years are reaping,' Moffitt said.

Other commentators said that the weekend bedlam was what former right-wing firebrand and member of parliament Pauline Hanson warned would happen if immigration rates were not cut. Hanson, leader of the now disbanded One Nation, was elected as the party's sole representative in 1996 but lost office three years later.

Australians were cautioned against tit-for-tat attacks that police said were likely to come over a long, hot summer Down Under.

Stepan Kerkyasharian, president of the Anti-Discrimination Board, said: 'What we have now is the worst possible development in any society - people taking the law into their own hands, contributing directly to the breakdown of law and order'.

Perhaps I should change my mind about going there.....
We should be fine in a couple of days. It's just that, as with any nation, we've got our smart people... and our idiots.
Ken Maroney said:
'It's a hate that I don't understand.'

QFT to the mother****ing max. o_O

'Australia is now seeing what the policies of the last 30 years are reaping,' Moffitt said.

What an utter ****er.
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