Racism and you. How were you influenced, how are you now?

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I had to get it off my chest. I just had to speak out against sterns offensive posts
No I just recently saw an offensive post in the 'americans thick headed' thread, so I posted in there. And did a search because the post somehow made me remember that I saw you post something about white genocide a while ago. So I searched by your name with the term 'whitey'. I had to speak out against your BS. Im sick of it. It needs to stop. The racist posts, i cant take it anymore.
you cant take it anymore? I posted that 6 months ago. Seems to me you're just looking for an argument
Undead thread, wow.

I live in a pretty non-racist area. Actually, when I was a little kid I used to wish I was black. I don't know why, I just thought it would be cool.
Mechagodzilla said:
I would always get in fights with the white kids.

Maybe because there were more of them? Or was it race based?
Isnt Stern white himself :p? He must have been joking or messing around Zeus.

anyways, i've seen and experienced some racism in various nations. It always seems to pop up when there is a ethnic minority.
Whether they are black or white doesnt matter. Seems to be a part of humanity :S
rofl, Mecha :D

Zeus: if you think it's okay for black people to call other black people n1ggers then it's okay for white people to call other white people crackers.

In any case, there's no reason for dragging up old threads just because you can't take someone messing around. :dozey:

Hell, if you even look at his post in context he's talking about calling people the wrong names. I knew a guy named Ping-Pong (no lie) who used to call everyone n1gga whatever their race was. He also used to stroke peoples legs alot, so...meh.
Zeus said:
Hey...stfu. I don't want to read/hear your anti white bullshit. Those names are just as offensive as all the other racial slurs...(yes including the dreaded 'N-bomb')

How would you be offended by a white person makung white racial slurs....

And lol, wtf mate... old thread.
Oh no! Stern's ground shattering racial prejudices have come to light! Now you one of those self-hatin' crackas now ain'tcha stern?

How would you be offended by a white person makung white racial slurs....

And lol, wtf mate... old thread.

Isn't stern from latin descent? Just asking here.
or white people or brown people or yellowish people or mocha coloured people etc :E
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