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  1. L


    So, for a few months all I've played is the HL/CS:S series... And today I downloaded and played the Battlefield 2 demo, and it's a great game, I enjoyed it... But... There seems something... wrong... with the first person animations. Too slow, they almost seem inhuman. Is it just me? Or maybe...
  2. L

    Where the...?

    Ah... Nevermind.... Well, I dunno, I don't think Valve really intended anyone to actually try and find it, or else they definitly would have given it it's own area.. I'm going to play through the levels again, keeping an eye on the distant coastlines. Who know? Might see something new.
  3. L

    Where the...?

    If I remember correctly... In that area, where Lost Coast is... That's the tunnel with all the zombies? So maybe Valve outsmarted us and we went UNDER Lost Coast.
  4. L

    Where the...?

    Got it. That's a no-clip screenshot i took in LC of a bird eye view, I had to (poorley) photoshop the water but the coast and roads perfectly match.
  5. L

    Where the...?

    No, i think that the Lost Coast town would have fit perfectly in the little cove by the huge bridge by 2... In the demo, it's a town set on a cliffy shore with a combine base in a monastary with lots of islands around.. That cove is the right shape, size, number of islands, and has an island the...
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    Nissan and Microsoft Create Video Game Car

    I'd laugh if you play racing games in the car and the car itself is like a .3 liter 4 banger that can't top 75
  7. L

    HEV suit/Gman theory...

    One thing I've always wondered... Why exactly did the US government respond so quickly and with such great force to the Black Mesa incident? Along with the fact that weapons where being developed at Black Mesa, such as the gluon gun, leads me to think... Maybe the US government had contracted...
  8. L

    New Black Mesa: Source picsss

    I dunno.. Waaaay back when when i first bought Steam and saw "Half Life: Source" I got really excited because I thought they re-did Half Life like they redid CS into CSS... I think it'd be pimp, probibly better than HL2
  9. L

    Lamarr, the troublemaker... and storybuilder? :>

    If Lamarr hadn't screwed things up, and Gordon did arrive at BME and worked as a scientist, when Mossman called the Combine.. He probibly wouldn't be in the HEV suit, and would be defenselessly shot as a mere scientist.
  10. L

    Bug found in cs:s...

    I've seen this before, I THINK when that happens it's a Valve or Valve-associate playtesting for glitches.
  11. L

    Where the...?

    Sorry for the double post... This is the mysterious red X.
  12. L

    Where the...?

    I'm going to play through it now in Gmod and see if i can at least figure out the red X on the road
  13. L

    Gordon in Gmod?

    It is except it says to edit a file "garry_prop" and add a line of code, but that file doesn't exist anywhere in the Gmod directory or anywhere.
  14. L

    Weird spray logo

    That's for anouther topic I made, but look, the Lighthouse point has the more stylistic lambda and the others have the blocky one... Maybe the stylistic one represents a high-level leader on site?
  15. L

    Where the...?

    I just noticed something, there is a thread about the stylic lambda logo and a blocky one, look at the lighthouse point lambda and the others, they're different...
  16. L

    Where the...?

    Look at this map that I've circled some locations on. 1. What is that? Possible resistance movement? Or maybe they are planning to move Lighthouse point? 2. Is this possibly the bridge you jump by the shipyards with the huge magnet (which is a shitload of fun :D) 3. What is...
  17. L

    Gordon in Gmod?

    It's suppost to be for HL2 DM but I found instructions for how to put it in Gmod 7, but it doesn;t apply to Gmod 9... any help?
  18. L

    Gordon in Gmod?

    I got the good model... I'm just clueless as to where to put the textures, models, ect, and how to get it ingame.
  19. L

    Gordon in Gmod?

    Anyone know how to get Gordon as a ragdoll/even better, NPC in GMOD 9?
  20. L

    Weird spray logo

    OR... When Valve made the game, two artists both made a lambda decal, and 1/2 through the game the mappers realized they'd been using one the entire game and switched for awhile.