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  1. delusional

    Huuuuge glitch today for engineer due to today's update

    Engineer got mad at me because I destroyed 20 of his dispensers :3
  2. delusional

    Team Fortress 2 Update Released

    Apparently Valve f*cked up since engineers are now able to build unlimited amounts of sentries and dispensers. Good for engineers but also good for spies! Although its ruined a few games already.
  3. delusional


    That's because it is. Images come back in black and white, then they color it where each color represents a different element.
  4. delusional

    The Magnussen Device doesn't make sense.

    /related Somali made helicopter made from a van. And using a helicopter to fight Striders is retarded anyway. They would be easily shot down by striders and would stand no chance against combine flying bugs and helicopters. The effort to make...
  5. delusional

    What if humans gave birth to tadpole-like creatures in swamps

    Meh, that's not good enough. I'd rather be like Duncan Idaho and be cloned throughout the generations so I can make babies with all my descendents over thousands of years.
  6. delusional

    6.9 Earthquake in Baja California

    Honestly, we get so many damn earthquakes I don't even stop what I'm doing when earthquakes happen. I'll be screwed when a big one finally happens, but whatever.
  7. delusional


    Something about his chest hair makes me giggle. :bounce:
  8. delusional

    Breaking Bad Season 3

    I enjoyed the episode, but it seems like it still is setting everything up until the shtf. Next weeks episode looks promising.
  9. delusional

    Where do you get your News?

    Daily Show and Colbert Report, but mcClatchydc for serious stuff.
  10. delusional

    Healthcare Poll

    Insurance companies are exempt from antitrust laws.
  11. delusional

    LOST: Destiny Found

    Why does Alex have a confederate flag on her backpacK?
  12. delusional

    Portal 2 Officially Announced hehe pretty music
  13. delusional

    Portal 2 Officially Announced The underlined letters spell, drattmannh0nee I don't get it.
  14. delusional

    I've had it with these mother****ing quakes on this mother****ing planet!

    Silly end of the world christians there isn't any more earthquakes since Jesus walked the earth you just never heard of them till we had global communications.
  15. delusional

    The future of gaming.

    All the points stuff sounds kind of stupid to me. Except maybe for health insurance, who wouldn't want to pay less for excersizing/eating healthy. May actually make fat people lose some weight.
  16. delusional

    Bicycle Helmets

    Why wear a helmet when you can crash your bike doing a dirt jump and have your bike flip over and land on top of your head, cutting a gash down to the skull. If I was wearing a helmet I wouldn't have a cool battle scar. Oh and I voted that helmets are good, but that young children should wear...
  17. delusional

    No Mom, just one more turn... (Civ V)

    *Orgasms* And you can trade land this time!
  18. delusional

    Any resident dentists? (Picture of tooth inside)

    But that would be gay. :upstare: