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  1. delusional

    Ok, what the **** is wrong with my computer

    Do mean that the program just freezes while doing its thing or does it shut down? Since some viruses will disable antivirus programs. And it becomes much harder to remove the virus since you have to do some of it yourself. It's probably best if you just did a clean install if that's the case.
  2. delusional

    Ok, what the **** is wrong with my computer

    I think I had a similar virus not that long ago. Was a bitch to get off my computer. Try this first though.
  3. delusional

    Electromagnetic Black Hole Created!

    Couldn't this be used as radiation shielding for space and stuff if you manage to extend the types of radiation it could absorb?
  4. delusional

    Stargate Universe - Promo

    ^ I thought the guy had some cool mustache at 8 secs, but it was just the poor quality. Too bad I guess :( Show also needs more aliens, spinning sand doesn't cut it for me.
  5. delusional

    one of the many reasons why FOX/News is shit

    I don't know, Fox news should be more like this. :dork:
  6. delusional

    Some serious ****ing shit

    What am I looking at here?
  7. delusional

    The New and Improved Syringe Gun vs Blutsauger

    I still use the blutsauger since I am a proud battle medic, I just miss the 3hp/sec heal rate when healing people, that has saved me many times when I was on fire.
  8. delusional

    Kirk Cameron to give away 50,000 copies of edited ver of Darwin's OoS to universities

    Started reading the introduction and at first I thought it wasn't that bad, since it was just a short biography. But, very suddenly it devolved into retardation. Twas almost tricked ;(
  9. delusional

    How is this a sport, it's so stupid.

    I was thinking more on the lines of throwing the chute out by itself, but this is still crazy.
  10. delusional

    More anti-"Obamacare" right-wing protests

    Instead of shortening Patent lifespans, patents should be replaced with royalties so that anyone can produce the drug, but the inventing company gets a certain percentage of every pill produced or sold.
  11. delusional

    This just in! Important news! Must read! ???
  12. delusional

    RIP Reading Rainbow

    Thread reminded me of Rainbow Brite. Looks kind of gay now.
  13. delusional

    More TF2 Beta info

    Did you mean to say retardant?
  14. delusional

    Make up a joke

    made this up when i was 7 or something. Why did the icecream man cross the road?
  15. delusional

    Looking for an easy way to convert measurements...

    Use Wolfram Alpha so you can know the blackbody energy influx with your answer, and tons of other stuff you don't know what means.
  16. delusional

    Subterranean Astronaut Terrorism

    I drank a two monster energy drinks before I took the SAT and I did alright, not that I really needed to do very well since my GPA was good enough for the school I applied for. But the jittering wasn't very helpful.
  17. delusional

    RIP Reading Rainbow

    Never heard of it.
  18. delusional

    2560x1600 screens

  19. delusional

    Rat eating plant discovered in the Phillipines

    I so want to grow one myself and feed until it becomes ginormous. Then I could feed it people. :frog: