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  1. delusional

    June 6th 1944.

    Japan was just behind the US in building their own nuclear bomb.
  2. delusional

    It would be so cool if Mossman would be Gordon's sidekick this time!

    It would be cool if she was talking sciencey stuff, then the combine come in and start shooting stuff up, then Mossman pulls out a shotgun and maniacally kills every combine. But, to have that crazy bitch as a sidekick? I think not.
  3. delusional

    June 6th 1944.

    Germany had the capability to build warplanes that could reach the US. And they also had advanced rocket technology. So it was possible, just not plausible. But, yes they were pretty much defeated before D-Day since they didn't capture England. (jerk)
  4. delusional

    June 6th 1944.

    Did the Atlantic Ocean keep the US from kicking Germany's ass? Not so smart now are ya :p
  5. delusional

    Abortionist shot dead

    Scientifically speaking you are full of shit. What you meant to say is philosophically speaking.
  6. delusional

    Now you can drink your own Recycled Piss, In space.

    Now all we need to do is recycle the moisture from our shit! :thumbs:
  7. delusional

    Cheeseburger In A Can

    Why put bread in there? Anyway I vomited.
  8. delusional

    Day 7: Sniper Unlock - Jarate

    Um, a jar of piss has some resemblance to being a sniper. I don't think any other class can be linked to shitting in cups and jizzing on dead bodies. :afro:
  9. delusional

    Day 6: Spy Unlock - The Ambassador

    Am I the only one who uses the revolver outside of retreating? The revolver is perfect for destroying sentries that are too heavily defended to be sapped. For example, on Badwater Basin I'll sneak near the enemy spawn and shoot at the sentries from a distance. A sniper would never be able to...
  10. delusional

    Where do you get your world news from?

  11. delusional

    Lost: Season 5

    Isn't that exactly what Esau wanted?
  12. delusional

    Where do you get your world news from?
  13. delusional

    Lost: Season 5

    That casting call had him named as Samuel, but Jacobs casting call was different too. So I guess we now know his name is not Samuel. Only a bajillion other names to go!
  14. delusional

    Obama Torture Photo Turnaround!

    Thing is, they already know we tortured. So releasing those photos won't have the level affect it had in the past. The best thing to do is just release the photos, and admit we made a mistake.
  15. delusional

    Lost: Season 5

    It could be that Esau is Anubis who summons Smokey, from the picture under the temple in Dead is Dead. Smokey doesn't actually assume the form of Dead people, Esau does. I'm not sure where Locke was when Sun was talking to Christian though, I'll have to look that up again. And what the hell...
  16. delusional

    Lost: Season 5

    Why is Locke's dead body still there? Every time Esau/smokey took control of somebodies body, the original body disappeared. Christian Shepherd and Yemi disappeared and presumably Alex. So why do we still see Locke's body? And I'm thinking Esau/smokey can't take control of bodies that have...
  17. delusional


    That can't end well.
  18. delusional

    Lost: Season 5

    It needs bunnies!
  19. delusional

    Chemistry Question

    That's perfect dfc05! Thank you very much. I might not understand it fully, but its what I was looking for. :D